Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 139

Chapter 139

Damien’s POV

Zane and Xena played around in the woods for a while, playing hide and seek

with each other. Then they would chase each other around and tackle each other,

at one point they just laid down and cuddled together, Zane wrapping his larger

body around Xena’s. After a while of cuddling together, the wolves heard a couple

of others talking, and coming towards them through the woods.

“Who do you think it is?” Alora asked me through mind link.

“I believe it is some busy bodies trying to find out what we have gotten up to.” was

my amused reply.

Enter title…

“Shall we play a prank?” she asked, a playful note now in her voice.

I was curious and intrigued at the same time “Alright, what do you want to do?” I

asked her.

“Lets shift to our Lycan forms and then hide up in the trees, when their under us

we’ll jump down on top of them.” she said.

I could feel how excited she was so I could not deny her this bit of fun. “Okay my

darling Starlight, lets do that.” I tell her.

We shift, I felt Zane’s excitement at the prank our mate had thought of. He also

felt any Werewolf that fell pray to their prank, deserved it, for not being observant

enough to look in the trees. We jump up high and climb up into the large tree we

had been curled up under.

Getting into secure spots we wait for the group to arrive. It was Xander and

Beatrice with Darien and Serenity, behind them came Kian with Ka ss and Bella

with Galen. The guys were talking back and fourth, looking around, but not up.

Surprisingly, it was the females of the group who looked up. I felt more than saw

my mates movement, using the barest of movement I glance at her, and she has

one claw up to her muzzle in a shushing gesture. I look back at the females of the

group and they each wore an amused smile.

The females all started to fall back, till they were in their own group separate from

the males. We chose our targets, Alora would get Xander and Darien, I would get

Kian and Galen. The guys didn’t seem to notice that the females had drawn back

and separated themselves from them, they were to busy arguing over whether or

not Alora and I had been there.

“I smell them, I know I smell them.” Darien is saying.

“Well they’re obviously not here as you can see.” Xander said.

“Their sent is strongest over by that tree.” Kian said. 2

“There’s a depression in the grass.” remarked Galen.

They walk under the tree and look at the spot Xena and Zane had been laying

before we transformed

and jumped into the tree. Darien was sniffing, and he had and annoyed look on

his face. O

“I swear I’m smelling them like they’re still here.” Darien says.

“They must have stayed here awhile, that’s why there scent is so strong.” Xander


Galen was kneeling on the ground, and he was touching the spot. “There is still

heat here, they had to have just been here,” he said. 2

“Then where are they, they couldn’t have just vanished into thin air.” Darien said


“I have to agree with you there.” Xander said

“This reminds me of something.” Kian said

“Reminds you of what?” Darien asked.

“Remember that one time Serenity got mad at us and hid in the woods around our

parents place?” Kian asked Galen

“Yeah, why?” Galen asked him.

Kian never got the chance to answer that question, because at that moment my

mate whisper shouted through our mind link “Now!” And we jumped down on top

of our targets.

Kian and Galen let out matching “omphs” as the air is knocked out of them when I

land on them slamming them into the ground. Darien and Xander had made their

own “omphs” when Alora landed on them. 2

Galen groans and says in a strained voice “Never mind…I know what you were

getting at now.” then he coughs and gets up to his hands and knees.

Kian also groaning is looking at the group of females off to the side giggling and

laughing at the males expense “Serenity did the same thing….only….this hurts

worse.” he groans then coughs and manages to get into a sitting position.

Galen shifting till he was also sitting said “It’s our own fault….should of known to

check the trees.” 2

Transforming back I laugh at his words. “Has your sister played many such

pranks on you two?” I ask them, highly amused. O

They both look at me and answer in unison “Yes.”

The giggles and laughter to the side got worse at this response, earning glares

from both males. I look over at my brother and my Beta, they both look

disgruntled at having been tackled to the ground by my mate. Of course it didn’t

help that a human Alora was rolling around on the ground and laughing at them.


Darien picked up a pile of leaves and tossed them in Alora’s direction, the leaves

fell to the ground before reaching her “Oh shut up, you got me, hardy har har.” he

said in a dry tone, a sulky look on his


Xander looks up at me and he tries for a pitiful expression “My Alpha, as both

your Beta, your best friend with a mate of my own, I can understand the urge to

indulge her every whim…..but do you have to let your mate abuse me for her own

amusement?” he asks the last with a whine in his voice.

His mate, Beatrice had come over while he had been talking, after he finished his

question she smacked him in the back of the head, getting an “Ow” out of him.

“Any wolf that unobservant deserves to be taken down a notch.” Beatrice told him

in a no nonsense


“But mate…” he started, but she held up one finger, stopping him.

“But mate nothing, be more observant, I’m not burning you because you were

careless.” she tells him, her tone fierce.

Werewolves didn’t bury their dead, they burned them. This was to release their

soul and spirit back into the Moon Goddesses possession.

Xander pulls Beatrice down into his lap and gives her a kiss “I’m sorry mate, I

promise to be more observant in the future….forgive me?” he asked her.

Beatrice smiled at him “You’re forgiven.” she tells him, giving him a kiss.

I walk over to my own mate and offer her my hand, she’s smiling up a me, she

was happy, and I loved that look on her face. She takes my offered hand and I

help her stand up, pulling her to my side, holding her close. The other females

had gone to their mates as well, I could see amusement on the females faces,

they had enjoyed our prank. 2

“How did you know they were in the tree?” Darien asked Serenity.

Serenity laughs “I was thinking about my own prank on my brother’s and just

happened to look in the tree.” she said.

“It was also really hard to miss Xena’s white fur.” Beatrice chimes in.

My mate laughed at her comment, my brother looked irritated with himself, I

couldn’t help the laugh I let out at his expression. Kian and Galen were groaning,

lamenting having missed a literal beacon to where we had been hiding. This

made me laugh with my mate and the females.

“So mate, how many pranks of yours have you told my sister in law and best

friend about?” Darien asks Serenity.

Serenity blushed when we all look at her “Well I didn’t expect her to use them on

you….well….maybe not all of them.” she said.

He looks at her with surprise “You set me up!” he said loudly in a dramatic


His actions getting laughs and giggles from everyone. “I did not.” she denied, she

paused a moment

then said quickly “Alora did.”

Alora is laughing so hard by this point tears were coming out of her eyes, she was

holding on to me while trying to gasp for breath in between laughing.

“Why are all of you out here anyway?” I asked them.

“Mom wanted to make sure you guys made it back to the Mansion in time for

dinner, so she sent me out to look for you two.” Darien said.

“I came because as your Beta I’m supposed to know where my Alpha is.” Xander


“We came because Beta Jaxon and Ga mma Victor have been detained to help

with prepping the dinner.” said Kian.

“Victor said that if neither he or Jaxon could look for our Alpha it was the

responsibility of her Enforcers to ensure her safety.” Galen added.

“Hay bro.” Darien said, I look at him. “I know your proud of your body and all, but

why are you two still naked?” he asked

Alora squeaked then transformed into her wolf Xena, and Serenity smacked

Darien in the back of the head, reprimanding him. I had completely forgotten that

we had gone out in our wolf forms, we hadn’t brought any clothes with us.

Now that I was attracting unwanted attention I called fourth Zane and

transformed. My brother was now laughing at our expense, until Xena tackled him

to the ground and sat on his face. 10

She got up after a moment and managed to slap Darien in the face with her tail

before walking over to me, we nuzzled a moment. I looked at everyone and

barked once, they all got the message, and we

started back to the Mansion.

Tomorrow we would begin our travel to the Bloodmoon Castle.3

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