Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 140

Chapter 140

Alora’s POV

Even though we had everything planned out, it felt like it took an eternity to finally

get on the road that afternoon. We were a caravan of several Jeep’s and SUV’s.

Attached to the Jeeps were trailers we were using to haul everyone’s bikes, so we

could get around after we arrived.

Ka ss and Bella wanted to take us sight seeing once we got there. Darien and

Serenity had made sure to pack their camera equipment into Serenity’s Jeep, I

only packed my favorite Nokia to take pictures with, my phone’s camera was my

back up.

Enter title…

Dad and mom were in an SUV with Cathel, Bryce and Daniel. Bulma, Tobias and

Alex were in Tobi a s’s Jeep. Kian and Galen were in Galen’s Jeep with K a ss and

Bella. Jaxon and Victor were in Jaxon’s Jeep with Xander and Beatrice. Damien

and I were in his seep with Asher and Nathen. Damien was in the drivers seat

with me in the passenger next to him, the wind blowing in through the open

windows and the top off, the air smelled fresh and sweet.

We had music going of course, the song we were currently listening to was ‘A

Good Song Never Dies’ By Saint Model. I couldn’t help but thinking the lyrics had

it right on the money, as did the name. With the sun shining and the wind in my

face, I couldn’t help but smile, I was so happy at the moment. We’d met up with

my fathers escorts on the way out of our Pack Territory, they were in two big black

Suburbans. 2

I was absolutely convinced the SUV’s were modified, they could not be normal.

They looked reinforced, probably had bullet proof glass and protection wards

imbedded in their construction, just like my father’s SUV. It made me think that

they were just a little paranoid in my father’s protection. But with the Black Magic

Coven gathering their power again…..maybe those upgrades were not such a

paranoid idea. 2

I didn’t realize I had started to frown until Damien said something about it. “You

were smiling so brightly just a moment ago, what has taken your smile and turned

it into a frown mate?” he asked me.

I turn my head away from the window and look at him, he was facing forward,

watching the road as he drove. He glanced at me for a second before his eyes

returned to the road. I knew he would wait patiently for my answer. “I was thinking

about all the modifications to my dad’s SUV and the ones done to his protection

detail.” I told him.

He frowns, he stays silent as he thinks a moment. “Your wondering if we shouldn’t

be adding those modifications to our vehicles?” his question was more of a


I nod my head “Yes.” I say.

“Is it because of the Black Magic Coven.” Asher asks, he had been listening

having looked up from the book he had been reading. It was the tome that had

requested to go with him from the Willow Tree Library.

I nod again “Yes.”

“They have you worried?” Nathen asked.

I seemed to have been read so easily by everyone in this Jeep, this time I don’t

nod, I just simply said again “Yes.”

Damien takes one hand off the wheel and reaches over to lace his fingers through

mine, the comfort from his touch was instant. “I’ll be right here by your side

through whatever comes our way.” he said, his voice firm, his love for me coming

through our bond to wrap me in it’s warmth. “If you want to add reinforcements

and modifications to our vehicles, I will help you have it done.”

I’m smiling again, grateful to have such a caring and understanding male as my

mate. “Thank you my love.” I tell him, my voice a little husky with my emotions. O

His smile is soft and his eyes warm as he says, “I love you my Starlight.” in a

husky voice.

I could feel my smile go soft and loving, I could feel my eyes fill with the warmth of

my love. “I love you too my darling mate.” my voice husker with these words.

“I’m suddenly reminded of mom and dad.” Asher says dryly.

“Same.” Nathen replied in a tone just as dry as Asher’s. O

I look at them with narrowed eyes “And is that such a bad thing?” I asked them,

my tone daring them to say it was.

Asher looks amused and gives me a half smile. “When I was younger I used to be

embarrassed by their blatant affection for each other.” he says.

My look turned curious.”Now?” I asked.

He draws in a deep breath and lets it out on a sigh, when he meets my gaze his

face has a serious look on it. “Now….I hope I have a mate that looks at me the

way you do Damien….the way mom looks at dad.” he falls silent, but I wait for him

to speak again. I had a feeling he wasn’t done with his explanation. “More…. I

want to be a mate that deserves to have that look given to me.” 2

was as I

I smile at him, my brother didn’t realize it, but he was as much a romantic as our

father was. “You’ll make a great mate to your fated mate.” I tell him, my tone firm

with that belief.

“Mates.” Damien said.

I look at him curiously, “Mates?” I asked.

“Asher is fated to have two mates.” he says, surprising us all.”

“How do you know that?” I asked him.

“When you awoke our primal powers, one of mine became the ability to see a

beings red string of fate, the one that binds fated mates together.” he says.

My mouth drops open. “You’re kidding?!” I asked, my voice filled with shocked


He chuckles. “No I’m not joking.” he says with an amused smile “Asher has two

red strings, just as Bulma had two strings attaching her to her two mates.”

Asher looks a little shocked, “So I am to have two mate?” he askes, his voice was

deliberately calm. Asher was trying to control his emotions.

Damien looks serious as he answers “Yes, you are fated to be apart of a triad, I

don’t know with who, or what their genders are,” he says.

Asher nod’s then looks out the window and seems to fall deep into his thoughts.

Nathen is looking at him, then he turns to me. “We won’t hear anything more out

of him till he’s done thinking.” he tells me, then he looks towards Damien “For the

record, I don’t want to know about my red string, or strings just yet.” Q

Damien nods “Fair enough, I promise to answer should you ever come to me

when your ready to ask that question.” he says.

“Thank you.” Nathen says. Damien just nods in response.

“Where are we stopping for the night?” Nathen asks me.

Never having been this far from the Pack I was excited to see everything. “We are

going to be stopping in a mostly human occupied city.” I gushed “There’s an

Amusement Park in the city and Damien promised to take me when we stopped

for the night.” my excitement was in my words.

Damien chuckles at my excitement, and Nathen smiles. Asher looks over at us,

momentarily distracted from his thoughts, and smiles too. “I think we should all

go, you’ve never been to one right?” Nathen askes me. I

I was nearly jumping in my seat, even happier. “That would be awesome!” I nearly

shouted. “I’ve never been to one, so going with my mate and my family would be

so much fun.” I tell him.

Asher has his phone out and is texting, I was sure he was sending a message to

all our other siblings. Not even two minutes later, Damien’s phone starts to ring,

he answers it with the Bluetooth in the Jeep.

“Alpha, what’s this about going to an Amusement Park?” Xander’s voice asked

through the speakers.

I giggle at his annoyed tone “I’m taking my mate, and now her siblings to the

Amusement Park in the city where we’re camping out for the night.” Damien says,

amusement in his tone. “You’re more then welcome to take your own mate.” he


“Well as your Beta and Ga mma we should be there with you as well.” he says.

We hear someone talking in the background on Xander’s side. “And Alora’s Beta

and Gam ma will be coming along too.” Xander added.

Damien chuckles as the call is disconnected. “Looks like we will be taking

everyone with us to the

Amusement Park my mate.” he says to me.

I smile brightly “I don’t mind, we’ll just have more fun with everyone.” was my


“We’ll have to remember to tell our pups about your first trip to an Amusement

Park.” he says with a smile.

“I’ll make sure to take plenty of pictures.” I tell him.

“I’ll make sure my brother gets plenty of us together, so you can put them in an

album for our pups.” he says.

I rub my abdomen as I go back to looking out the window, enjoying the scenery

and thinking about our pups and the future I wanted to provide them. 2

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