Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 138

Chapter 1 38

Alora’s POV

After Augustus had finished telling my mom everything he was supposed to, he

said goodbye, and left to give my mother’s message to her mother. I guess I

should call her Grandmother now, she did send Augustus with her acceptance of

my adoption. Then there was the fact that, like, Matt, Agatha, Lauren, Beatrice

and I, she was just as much a victim of The Black Magic Coven as we were. I was

sitting on the bench in front of the pond thinking about it all.

Enter title…

Damien sat next to me, holding me close to his side. “So mate….what is it that

had your mind running at million miles a second?” he askes me, his voice gentle

and teasing.

“The Black Magic Coven cannot be aloud to continue to gain power….We also

need to find out how many more beings are their victims…..and how many beings

are willing participants in their plans.” I tell him.

‘If this Coven comes back to full power, our pups and our family would suffer

greatly’ Xena said.

‘The things that Coven would do to all the people we love….. Selena’s words

trailed off.

I felt myself go still, a cold fury ran through my blood, the wind around me that

was once warm, was now icy cold. The sky that had been bright and clear a

moment ago was now dark, almost black with clouds. Lightening started to cr ack

and flash within the clouds. We transformed into our Kitsune form, our minds and

body becoming one.

Placing a hand on our abdomen “They will never touch our pups, I will destroy

them first.” our voice was powerful as we said these words. The willingness to

destroy all those who would ever harm them all encompassing. O

Damien tightened his arm around my waist, he used his other hand to grab our

chin in a gentle but firm grip, tilting our head to the side and up till our eyes met

his. His gaze was intense, his eyes glowed crimson with his wolf, letting us know

they were of the same mind. “We will decimate any who come for you or our

pups.” He said with a growl in his deep voice.

Letting go of our chin he grabs the back of our head, and crushes his mouth to

ours in a fierce and ravenous kiss that set us on fire. He lifts us up and drags us

onto his lap, our legs straddle him, our hot core pressing against his hardness.

We let out a needy moan when he grabs our tail and squeezes, sending fiery

sparks of pleasure through our body, making us melt against him as we shiver

from the extreme pleasure that brought us so close to the edge of an o rga sm.

In this form, our tail was a weakness our mate exploited whenever he got the

chance, knowing what it did to us. The pleasure was almost paralyzing, but I was

also sure the only reason it felt this way when he grabbed my tail, was because

he was my mate. If anyone else were to grab it, I’d eviscerate them for daring to

touch it. With his hold on our tail, he ground our core against his hardness, and

growled into our mouth.

After a moment he lifts both his hands to our face and breaks the kiss, out of

breath we were panting. “We need to find a private place before this goes any

further.” He growls.

I could only nod my agreement. He stands up and lifts me into his arms bridle

style, then he’s running. Using his wolf’s speed and agility we reach the bottom

balcony of the west wing. Damien didn’t even bother with the stairs, he jumped on

the railing, and using his incredible strength jumped up to the balcony rail above

that, and again and again he did this till we reached the balcony outside our own

bedroom. ..

The doors were open seeing as we almost never closed them, I loved the fresh

air. Once through the doors Damien tossed me on the bed, We had only had the

time to bounce up once with a squeak before he was coming down on top of us.

We wrapped our arms around his neck as his mouth met ours again, his kiss

deep, driving our passion up, making our blood burn hot.

Not being able to take it any more we started to claw at his clothes, making

desperate and needy noises as we tried to get his clothes off of him. He broke the

kiss and lifted up on his knees. He ripped his shirt up and over his head, then he

got off the bed to remove his pants before coming back and grabbing our panties

and taking them off. We got up on our knees and pulled off the sundress, it had a

built in bra, so once off, we were naked.

Damien growls and gets back on the bed coming down on top of us, his groin

pressed to ours, his hardness was laying against our hot and wet core, sliding

against us, making our core throb and weep at being empty. He grabbed one

breast and squeezed till we let out a cry of pleasure, he took our other breast into

his mouth, sucking firmly on our nipple, sending shocks of electric pleasure to our

already swollen and throbbing cl it.

He lapped and nipped and sucked on that breast while squeezing and massaging

the other for a while before he switched. The pleasure was becoming unbearable,

our hips were constantly bucking and we were gasping and mewling in pleasure.

“Damien!” we begged.

He lifts up and looks us in our eyes, then with a hard thrust he’s deep inside us,

and we cry out in our pleasure, coming immediately. Our core clamping down

around him, gushing with hot fluid as we came around him. He stays still for a

moment, letting us come down just bit, then he starts thrusting hard and fast,

driving deep. Our pleasure rose fast, and we were coming again after just a few

thrusts, but he didn’t stop, and he didn’t let go of our gaze, forcing us to keep eye

contact through it all.

The or ga sms kept coming, one after another, then finally on one last org asm we

felt him reach his peak and he was coming with us. He let out a roar that matched

our scream of pleasure, our core clamped down with every jet of his hot seed

inside us, drawing out our pleasure as our bodies shook from it. He collapsed

down beside us after pulling out, then he gathered us into his arms, holding us

tightly to his chest as we panted, trying to regain our breath.

Sated, Selena and Xena retreated back to our space, and I was once more in my

human form, covered. in sweat and my mate’s scent. I loved the sensations

running through my body, I was fully sated and happy. I cuddled in closer to

Damien’s chest and I felt his arms tighten around me, the rest of his body relaxed.

“Goddess I love you my Starlight.” he said, his mouth against my hair.

“I love you too Damien, my darling mate, so much.” I tell him. I knew he could feel

the truth of that through our bond, just as I felt his.

He must have felt how playful I was feeling because he said “We have dinner with

everyone in just a few hours.” his voice deep and husky.

I was tracing circles on the skin of his chest with my finger.” What will we do till

then?” I asked him.

He chuckled “Whatever my Starlight wants to do of course.” he says, the rumble

in his voice sending a few jolts of pleasure through me.

Deciding I wanted to be play, I pulled away, I giggled when he frowned down at

his empty arms. Standing next to the bed I lean over and put my hands on the

bed, his eyes are immediately drawn to my breasts and his gaze starts to burn

with want. That’s when I pulled Xena forward and we transformed. Xena, being

just as playful as me, leaned forward and licked his face from chin to forehead.

Damien rolls on his back and laughs loudly. “I take it you want to let our wolves

out to play?” he asks.

Excited, her tail wagging, Xena lets out a happy bark, then stares at him waiting.

Her mouth was open in a happy grin, her tong was hanging out and she was

panting in excitement.

Damien smiled brightly before leaning back over to pet our head and rub her ears,

getting a pleasured groan from Xena. “All right, I’ll let Zane out now.” he said in a

gentle tone that held his amusement, his gaze full of love. If only I could take a

picture in this form, I’d frame the picture and put it on my desk in my office and

make a lock screen and wallpaper on my phone out of it.

Sitting on the bed he lets Zane come forward. As soon as Zane was there he

bounded off the bed and onto the floor to come up next to Xena. He had an

excited wolfy grin on his face, almost a match to Xena’s. Zane let out a bark,

Xena remover her paws from the bed and nuzzled up under Zane’s chin, her nose

in his neck. Zane lifts a leg up and wraps it around Xena’s middle the best he can,

hugging her in a way.

After a moment of cuddling they back away from each other, and then their off

running out the balcony door. Their paws were loud and thunderous going down

the Balcony stairs to the bottom floor. We hear a shouted “Don’t forget about

dinner!” comment from Luna Ember from somewhere in the court yard as we run

out. Just a few moments later we are in the forest that surrounds our home and

off in the direction of the Volcano. O

To us, despite the moment of ugliness that came with the revelation of the Black

Magic Coven’s interference with my mothers life, this was still a beautiful and

happy day. I was now a daughter of a mother who actually wanted me, and my

real father loved me. I had siblings who I loved and adored and they loved me

back. I had a mate who thought of me as his world, and cherished me as such.

I had so much now, and I’d be da mned if anyone would take it from me, not even

Sarah…I’d kill her first. If I saw her again….I’d attack first and ask questions later,

there would be no mercy.


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