Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University)
Vile Boys: Chapter 33

The way she whimpers on my lap as I sink deeper and deeper into that filthy wet pussy of hers, the more I want to claim her.

“Yes, I am your fucking god,” I say through gritted teeth. “Now beg, little rose. Beg because you will never feel anything closer to paradise than coming all over this cock.”

She moans out loud.


Filling her to the base is nothing short of pure ecstasy, and I revel in the way my cock fits so neatly into her tight little pussy. I wonder how many have come before me. Because her apprehension and complete shock over how I’d feel inside her tells me she doesn’t have much experience.

But I’ll teach her to be a good little slut for me.

We have all the time in the world now that she’s finally found her way to me.

I pull out to allow her a few seconds without me, while she drips over my shaft. But within seconds, I push right back in, much less slowly, but still allowing her time to adjust to my ample size.

“You may have had sex before, but you have never been properly fucked by a cock like mine,” I growl. “Now sit on your god’s lap and show me how badly you want to come, and maybe I’ll give it to you.”

When I’m fully inside her, she lets out a little whimper, her cheeks and lips all puffed up and rosy. “P-please …”


“That’s it, little rose. Beg for my mercy now that you’ve felt what it’s like to be owned by a goddamn god.”

“Please … I already came twice. I can’t do it again.”

“You will come for me as many times as I damn well demand, slut,” I growl, pulling out of her, only to thrust back in so hard she sees stars.

And I grip her chin and smash my lips onto hers, the kiss greedy, possessive to the point she actually holds her breath, afraid I might steal that too if she lets go.

My little rose may pretend she was never afraid of me, but I know the truth.

I know she feared one thing …

Not to be killed … but to fall.

And I will be there to fucking catch her when she does.

“You belong to me now,” I murmur against her mouth. “And it’s about time they fucking know that too.”

I lift her off my lap, only to twist her around with my hard-on still inside her. Facing the room, she can now see all the guests to my party and all the people staring at us with flushed cheeks and hard dicks in their pants.

They all came to experience ecstatic pleasure and complete and utter debased debauchery. What kind of host would I be if I didn’t give them the most captivating show they could ever see?

I smirk as I watch Blaine’s and Caleb’s gazes turn into sheer regret.

My fingers find their way to her nipples, and I squeeze them until they’re deliciously taut, and her pussy begins to throb from the sizzling pain.

“Look at them. Look at how much they yearn for what I have, for what I own,” I whisper into her ear as I slowly sink her down on my shaft again. She gasps, her mouth falling wide open as she struggles to keep the moans at bay. “Show Caleb and Blaine just how much you crave to be impaled by the cock of a god. Show them how wet you became for them … and how easily you gave it all up to me.”

I hook my arms underneath her thighs and lift them up until her knees hit her shoulders and her pussy is on full display.

And in front of everyone in this room, I spear her onto my cock.

Caleb and Blaine are helpless as she’s lowered onto my shaft farther and farther until she hits the base, and her eyes roll into the back of her head.

She can’t even gasp.

Can’t even utter a single syllable.

All that tumbles from her mouth is a stifled, needy moan.

“Look at her,” I tell Caleb and Blaine, whose dicks keep bouncing up and down from watching me fuck her. “Look at the girl you thought belonged to you. Does it feel good to watch her be railed by me?”

Caleb swallows and nods, while Blaine just bites his lip, but his bobbing hard-on reveals the truth.

I thrust in and out of her, not giving a shit that everyone’s watching her wet pussy fit neatly around my pulsating hard-on.

“Is this what you want?” I ask Caleb, looking him directly in the eyes. “Her?”

He sucks in a breath and nods.

“Even when you know what she’s going to be?”

He nods again.

“Show me then how much you’d do for it,” I challenge him. “Come here.”

He steps up onto the plateau.

“On your knees.”

He sinks to his knees in front of me while I bury myself to the hilt inside her wetness.

When I pull out again, she moans, and I know he can hear it too. I can see it from the way he looks up at her with those needy eyes. The same kind of needy eyes he gives me. “Lick her while I give her the greatest orgasm she could ever feel.”

He falls onto both his hands and begins circling her slit with his tongue while I plow into her, making her moans long and heavy.

“Oh God,” she murmurs between thrusts.

“That’s it. Make her come all over my cock,” I say.

He digs in like a madman, devouring her as though he hasn’t had a decent meal in years.

And a part of me is thoroughly pissed off he enjoys her as much as he does … but another is so vehemently turned on by it all that I don’t fucking know whether to love it or hate it.

But there is one thing I’m sure I hate … and that’s the fact that both of these fuckers decided to touch what belonged to me without my presence or permission.

I beckon Blaine with a nod. “You, come here.” When he steps up and approaches the chair, I hold up my hand. “That’s close enough. You haven’t deserved her yet. First, you will learn to fucking appreciate what you already have.”

I look at both of them as a wicked grin spreads on my face. “Take his ass.”


Did Ares just tell Blaine to … fuck Caleb?

“What?” Blaine rasps.

But all I can hear is the sloshing of my own wetness as Ares rips into me.

Caleb looks up at Ares. “But I hate him.”

“Good. Hate every inch of his hard-on as it bores through you, then, because then you might feel even an inkling of the hatred I’ve felt because you two fucked her without my approval.” I snap my fingers, and Blaine moves into position, kneeling behind Caleb.

“Do it. Punish him with a cock up his ass.”

Blaine lowers his eyes as he says, “As you wish.”


He tears Caleb’s pants open while Caleb looks back at him and grits, “Fine.”

Ares squeezes his legs until Caleb’s neck is choked out, and he’s forced to face us. “Keep your mouth on her.”

Caleb’s pierced tongue rolls around so deliciously, but my eyes still home in on Blaine who puts the tip of his shaft against Caleb’s ass, and …

Is he really going to do it?

Caleb’s mewl as Blaine thrusts into him makes goose bumps scatter on my skin.

Fuck, he really did it.

“Do you really have to go that hard on me?” Caleb growls at Blaine.

“It displeasures me greatly I have to taint my beautiful cock in your ass. But I will enjoy your cries as I fit myself inside you,” Blaine grits back.

“Fuck you,” Caleb growls.

Blaine smirks. “With pleasure.”

Blaine sinks deeper into Caleb’s ass, the look on his face anything but pleased. Still, Blaine grabs his thighs and plunges fully, eyes fixated on mine like he wants to tell me he’s imagining he’s fucking me instead.

And something about that makes me gulp.

“Fuck, it’s so goddamn thick,” Caleb groans.

“And you will take it all like a good fucking slut, just like her,” Ares groans, thrusting into me, no-holds-barred.

I’m shocked at how filthy he talks to Caleb, but I’m even more shocked at Caleb’s capitulation with his dominance, as though he’s used to it.

Caleb moans while being fucked, as though he enjoys being debased by Ares, and it confuses me.

He was never this submissive with me. What’s changed?

But I can’t even focus because of the way Ares spears me onto his length to dizzying depths. He’s making me wish I never stepped foot in this place … because his cock is incomparable to anything I’ve ever felt before. It’s like I’m floating in his arms, on my way to nirvana, and with Caleb’s pierced tongue rubbing my slit, I’m helpless to stop the inevitable drop into oblivion.

Why does it feel like my soul will be ripped apart by this looming orgasm?

“You feel it, don’t you?” Ares whispers into my ear. “The desire to let go as the orgasm slowly builds inside you.”

“Fuck … you,” I mutter between thrusts.

“So brazen …” He chuckles. THRUST. “Now whimper.”

I can’t even stop the sounds from leaving my mouth. That’s how much of a hold he has over me.

“That’s it, break for me,” Ares groans.

As I reach that cliff, he sinks his teeth into my shoulders, and I gasp with shock. Even though I hate him with every fiber of my being, I still fall apart. Not because I want to but because my body forces me to as it undulates on his lap. My pussy contracts around his giant hard-on so tightly I nearly faint from the ensuing orgasm.

But it’s Ares’s whisper after he lapped up my blood that truly pushes me over the edge, “Mine.”

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