Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University)
Vile Boys: Chapter 34

I can feel her clit thump against my tongue, and judging from the loud moan that just rolled off her tongue, she enjoyed herself on his length tearing her goddamn soul from her body.

I lap up the wetness that flows out of her, casually licking Ares’s length too. I can’t help myself. I want them both so much it’s destroying me from the inside out.

How could I possibly fucking choose?

He’s forcing me to, but I can’t. I can’t fucking pick between these two delights.

I need both, alone, at the same time. I don’t care as long as I can have it all.

And he knows this more than anyone else in this room.

He knows I’m so fucking desperate for more that he’s using it against me.

She’s my nemesis, a vixen I can’t get rid of, and instead of pulling me away from her, he only drives me further into her grasp just to make me hate her even more, turning my needs against me by using Blaine as the instrument.

Fuck, he feels so goddamn thick inside me. It’s not as long as Ares but definitely more girthy, and I can barely handle it. All Blaine added was some spit, just to make it easier on me, but I doubt he cares as he thrusts in deep.

“Oh God, I can’t keep licking her like this,” I groan.

“If you remove your tongue from her clit, I’ll have it removed from your goddamn mouth,” Ares growls. “Now lick.”

God, I wish his threats didn’t turn me on, but they do.

Ares’s thrusts bounce her against his lap, making it difficult to concentrate. A part of me fantasizes about being the one to bounce on his lap like that … while another desperately wants to be the one in control of her pleasure.

Still, I eat her out like I haven’t had a meal in years. “Fuck, she tastes so good,” I murmur against her slit. “Almost makes me forget who’s fucking me right now.”

“Oh, don’t you fucking forget,” Blaine seethes, thrusting even harder.

Goddammit, I didn’t know he could fuck like that.

Ares laughs. “That’s it, boys. It’s time to bury those hatchets and fuck for the crowd. You don’t want to disappoint them, do you?”

I mewl as Blaine buries himself inside to the hilt while Ares does the same to her, and my mouth completely covers her clit as I’m forced into her.

“Are you imagining it’s her you’re fucking right now?” Ares asks Blaine as his fingers dig into her thighs. “Tell me the fucking truth.”

“Yes,” he groans.

Her clit thumps against my tongue.

“Fuck him so hard he has no choice but to lick her until she comes again,” Ares growls. THRUST. “And again.” THRUST. “And again.” THRUST.

“Oh God.” She’s moaning out loud now, her clit swollen and needy for more, so I keep licking despite being railed so hard I can barely focus.

“Yes, beg to your fucking God.”

I look up at both her and him, and I can see Ares straining for control.

But even he is no match for how good her pussy feels.

“Feel the heaven inside the hellscape we’ve created,” Ares whispers. “Do you need my cock so badly you can’t breathe?”

She’s not the only one who can’t breathe. Blaine’s hard-on rips through me relentlessly, and my whole body begins to quake while I continue licking her.

“I hate you,” she hisses, making him laugh.

“Keep saying that. It only makes me harder.”

“Oh fuck,” I groan as Blaine touches my prostate. “I’m about to—”

I can’t even finish my sentence as I look up into both their eyes with complete and utter lust, and I moan out loud as the cum spurts out of me and onto the floor.

I couldn’t contain myself.

Couldn’t keep myself from releasing all of that pent-up desire as I watched them fuck.

And fuck me, I would do it again if it meant I could see her come undone from him.


I fuck his ass hard and fast because I want him to suffer for interrupting me while I was spoiling her. For ruining her when she wasn’t his to take. I want to punish him for destroying whatever chance I had with her.

If that makes me just as devilish as Ares, then so be it.

If this is the only way I can be close to her, it’s worth it.

So I ram into his ass and keep my eyes fixated on the pretty girl languishing in Ares’s arms, her body limp from all the orgasms she’s already endured tonight.

One. Two. Three. Will it ever be enough for him?

I warned her not to get closer, but she couldn’t help herself, couldn’t stop wandering into their path, and look where it brought us now … to the brink of destruction.

He thrusts into her with no remorse at the same pace I am, watching me with keen intent, almost as if he savors the way I’m letting out all my anger on Caleb.

He wants to punish us both for even daring to touch her, but he doesn’t realize this only makes me that much more determined to have her. And if I have to fuck my way through this guy to get to her, then I will do it.

“Fuck, not so fast,” Caleb groans. “I already spilled all my fucking juice.”

“And you will do it again,” Ares groans at him. “You wanted to come so badly? You have your wish.”

I bore into him while my eyes bore into her instead, and I lick my lips when Ares momentarily pulls out only to thrust right back in again, the sight of her face as she’s speared on top of him a sight to behold.

Lust courses through my veins as wildly as I can see it ripple on her flushed face, and it makes me so goddamn hard that my balls squeeze together.

Caleb gasps. “Holy shit, you’d better not—”

Too fucking late.

I arch my back and yield to the orgasm, unloading myself inside him, cum spilling out on the edges.

I didn’t think I could come again after that last one was inside her delicious mouth, but I guess I was wrong.

“God!” Caleb groans as more cum spurts out of him uncontrollably while his mouth is still on her wetness.

“Yes, beg to me and me alone,” Ares says. “All of you.”

When it’s over, I pull out of him and tuck my dick back into my pants so I can watch the scene in front of me.

“I can’t … I can’t take it anymore,” Crystal whimpers while Caleb’s tongue rolls around her swollen clit.

“Yes, you can. Another,” Ares commands. “Come. Now.”

She mewls, shaking in his arms as he lifts her from his shaft and plows back in right at the peak, and I can literally see her eyes roll into the back of her head.

And that alone makes my flaccid dick almost spring back to life again.

This girl is going to be the death of me.


“Good girl,” Ares whispers into my ear, and I can hear him bite his lip behind me before his balls tighten and release, filling me with warm cum.

Oh God. It’s happening.

He strains and thrusts in a few more times, filling me to the brim.

When he finally lifts me, we’re both covered in his juices. His tip slowly sinks out of me, releasing a tsunami of wetness and cum, and Caleb is there to catch it all.

“Now fucking lick it all off like a good slut,” Ares tells Caleb, whose tongue slides across Ares’s length and dips into my wetness, sucking it all out.

And I have honestly never felt anything better than all of this. It almost makes me want to grab his hair and shove him in farther.

What is wrong with me?

Have these boys corrupted me so badly?

Ares plants a sultry kiss beneath my ear, creating goose bumps all over my skin. “You wanted to dance with the devil, little rose … and I’ve granted your goddamn wish.”

He lowers my legs, which feel like limp noodles as he puts me back on his lap. But I can’t maintain my own posture, let alone keep my body from flopping down.

Blaine immediately rushes toward me, shoving Caleb out of the way to catch me.

My head and hand land on his muscular chest while he picks up my legs and lifts me from the floor.

“I’ve got you, goddess.”

I look up into his starstruck eyes, wondering what he was thinking while he was fucking Caleb. If he wished it would’ve been me instead.

“Goddess …” Ares parrots.

My head turns at his indignation, but his thunderous eyes strike me the most.

His teeth grind together. “Take her to the guest room.”

“What?” I frown. “But I did what you asked.”

He leans forward and tips up my chin to meet his gaze. “And you will continue doing what I demand from you … in a prison of your own making.”

My breath hitches in my throat.

“Because that is the deal you made with us … little rose.” The wicked smile that follows makes my blood boil. “Regret won’t save you now.”

He flicks his other fingers, and Blaine stands, sighing deeply. “Yes, Sir.”

“Caleb. Go with him.”

Caleb gets up too and tucks his dick back into his pants before he follows us through the crowd that parts for us.

But my gaze still lands on the king of these devils of Tartarus, perpetually sitting on his throne with his smug grin, never wavering, never showing even an inkling of emotion except the one that has poisoned his heart—hate.

The same poison he injected into my veins the moment he said those words.

A prison of your own making.

A prisoner to his every whim.

And I begged him for it.

Hate doesn’t even begin to describe what I feel for this man, this self-proclaimed god who wants me to worship the ground he walks on out of fear.

But even if his cock was godlike …

I will never, ever give him what he wants.

And as Blaine waltzes out the door with me in his arms, I leave Ares with that same smile I gave him when we first met.

Let the hatred fucking flow.

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