Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University)
Vile Boys: Chapter 32

Blaine’s lips land on my skin, and I close my eyes and drift away into their madness.

Caleb grips my breast and pinches my nipple, groaning into my ear before kissing my neck with greed. All while Blaine’s kissing my shoulder and arm and fondling my other nipple, making it hard to concentrate.

But everyone’s watching us as these boys ravage me.

“Don’t look at them,” Blaine whispers. “Focus on me.”

“On us,” Caleb interjects, whispering into my other ear. “Or do you honestly think you can choose?”

His hand slowly dives down between my breasts, all the way to my slit, where he dips a finger inside. I gasp as he adds another one in me in front of all these people.

“Not once have I stopped thinking about you,” Caleb murmurs. “Not since that fucking night in my car.”

“But you almost killed us,” I say, my voice fluctuating in tone as I try to resist, but I still glance his way. “Why?”

He narrows his eyes and glares up to where Ares is seated. “Him.”

I swallow as he leans in from the side, tipping up my chin. “Now give him what he wants before it ruins us both.”

He plants his lips right onto mine, and I don’t fight him off. Not this time. Despite the fact that his ravenous, coarse lips are like a starving animal devouring its prey.

“F-fuck,” he murmurs when our lips briefly unlatch before he dives right back in, his fingers still swirling around inside me.

“I want you,” Blaine whispers into my ear on the other side, and he steals me away from Caleb mid-kiss, only to smash his mouth onto mine, mixing their tastes into one.

And my God, I didn’t think I could get any wetter than I already was.

Blaine’s fingers toy with my nipples while his other hand dives between my legs too.

“What’s the point in having fun if we can’t share?” Blaine says as he dips a finger inside me.

Two different hands play with me, driving me insane with lust, and I can barely keep my eyes open, but Ares’s demanding gaze forces me to keep them homed in on him.

It’s like he wants me to know he’s watching.

Ever yearning.

“Fuck, she’s so tight,” Caleb groans, pulling out only to flick my clit instead, making me all hot and bothered.

All the people around us gaze at us with hungry eyes, some toying with their partners, others licking their lips like they’re waiting for the feast to begin.

But the meal is me.

I gulp, glancing at the man who calls himself a god, sitting on his throne like a king almighty, his eyes fixated on me.

Waiting for me to crack and beg.

“Show me, then. Show me what you did to her up in those rooms,” Ares says.

Blaine goes down on his knees in front of me and pulls me down with him, dragging me over his face. “Sit on my face and let me spoil this pretty pussy with my tongue,” he groans.

His hands splay against my ass as he holds me down, but the second his tongue spears me, I gasp and slap my hand in front of my mouth to prevent the moan from spilling out.

Caleb immediately grips my throat and tilts me back to press an upside-down kiss on top of my lips. And I’m smothered by their uncontrollable need for me.

A need that ends with my damnation … and my body being given to the devil himself.


Not once tonight have I stopped thinking about kissing those lips. So I kiss them as hard as I can, wishing I could claim this mouth and make it mine forever. Her taste is fucking divine, and it makes me rock-hard from the mere seconds her tongue rolls around mine.

But I know why we’re doing this.

Ares’s greed looms over my shoulder, forcing me to obey.

The only reason Ares allows us to do this is to make us bend to his will and his will alone.

And this girl … this girl is getting in his way.

He’ll kill her.

I tear my lips away and gaze at her, wondering how I’ll save her from his wrath.

It’s too late.

He knows how much I want her … how much we both need her.

And it makes him want to ruin her.

I smash my mouth back onto hers, tasting sweet oblivion on her lips, desperate to forget about all the implications.

“Fuck,” I groan, squeezing that throat even harder as I kiss her, wondering if I should kill her myself out of mercy. But the more I press my thumbs down on her veins, the harder it becomes to kiss her, knowing I’m the one stealing her breath away.

I can’t. I fucking can’t.

My fingers untighten a little, and she lets out a stifled moan from both the lack of oxygen and Blaine’s tongue spearing her.

She doesn’t just belong to me. She belongs to all of us, and that includes Ares. And I know he’ll claim her, no matter what. No matter if it ends me.

“I need you,” I grit. “I need you to do exactly what he wants. Do you understand?”

She nods, and I slowly release my grip on her throat further so she can breathe.

“Be a slut,” I whisper. “Be his good girl, and maybe you’ll survive.”

“Don’t listen to him,” Blaine murmurs from underneath him. “I’ll protect you and give you everything you need at the same time.”

I pinch her nipples so hard she’s forced to tilt her head forward and look at Ares. “He can’t protect you from him.”

“But you can, right?” she mutters.

“Wrong,” I growl, and I move to her side so I can take one of her nipples into my mouth and suck hard.

She’s so goddamn beautiful. Even with that mask on, it’s hard not to want to take every inch of her.

But I have to control myself because he’s watching, and I know it’s a goddamn test of loyalty. He’s letting us feel what we could have before he takes it away again.

But dammit, I’m growing rock-hard just from licking these taut nipples.

She moans, suffocating on the need to let go as Blaine rolls his tongue around her needy little clit.

Despite the fact that I could kill Blaine too for even daring to swipe his tongue across her wetness, a part of me is obsessed with watching her come undone for him.

“I’m so goddamn hard for you,” I groan against her mouth. “Are you ready?”

She nods as I step over Blaine and unzip to release my hard hard-on from its confined space. Her mouth begins to salivate when I tip up her chin and say, “Open wide, my little slut.”

She does what I say, and I push in, sliding my length across that delicious little tongue. The feel of her swallowing me down compares to virtually nothing, and I moan with impatience as I sink in deeper and deeper, watching her struggle.

“Ticktock, boys,” Ares says, gloating from the chair. “Make her come, or I will.”

When Blaine moans and swirls his tongue around, she moans along too, and it makes me thrust inside to the base so she’ll think of me instead of him.

He shouldn’t have taken her to those rooms, should’ve kept his fingers and tongue out of her, but it’s too late. She knows what it feels like now … what it feels like to be owned by us.

I pull out and say, “Good girl. Now roll your tongue around my cock. Show me how he’s licking you.”

Her tongue flicks around my shaft, and I groan as my head tilts back and the sensations take over. My hard-on begins to throb inside her throat, but then she suddenly stops.

“Don’t get too greedy there, Caleb,” Blaine muses.

“Goddammit, lick her like you own that fucking clit,” I growl at him.

He chuckles, but I know exactly when he proceeds because she does too, and the feeling is insane.

Maybe I should let him lick me sometime.


“Enough,” Ares growls.

I pull out, still hard, and look at Ares, annoyed he’d intervene.

He snaps his fingers. “Switch.”

I frown and look at him. “What?”

The annoyance on his face is far worse than mine despite the fact he’s clutching his rigid hard-on that he pulled out of his pants somewhere along the way. “Do you really want me to repeat myself?”

I swallow and step away even though I was dying to claim that throat as mine and fill it to the brim with my cum.

Blaine crawls out from underneath her. “I could eat you all day and still not have enough.”

She blushes, so I drag him up to his feet. “Enough, slimeball. Move.”

He narrows his eyes at me as I sink to my knees in front of her and kiss her thighs. But she’s still looking at him instead of me.

“Can you handle it?” he asks, tipping up her chin. “All these eyes watching you come undone.”

She nods. “I’m okay.”

“I’ll kill them all for you if you want, darling,” he adds with a wink.

She blushes. “I don’t want that on my conscience.”

I’m done with them talking, so I bury my face between her thighs and taste her, instantly shutting both of them up as soon as she begins to moan.

“Oh fuck,” she groans, grasping for my hair as I dive in and lick her raw.

And I drag her down on top of me and lap her up like there’s no tomorrow because there might not be one for either of us.

But at least I’ll die knowing I was the last to taste this pussy and make it come.


I step over Caleb and look at her eyes hidden behind that damn mask. I would give anything to see her rosy cheeks right now, but I know it would reveal her identity to the crowd. Her identity is the last thing she has left. The last semblance of humanity as it’s slowly stripped away from her inch by inch by the Tartarus devils.

I tip up her chin to make her look at me. “I’ll be gentle with my goddess if it pleases her.”

She swallows, her whole body exploding into goose bumps as I plant a soft kiss beneath her ear.

“But I need you to take my cock like a good girl now. Can you do that for me?”

She nods, a hampered moan leaving her mouth as I suckle on her skin and create a mark on her neck.

Even if she belongs to all of us, this one part … it belongs to me.

I push down my zipper and pull out my hard-on as her hungry eyes lay eyes on me for the very first time, another swallow following.

“J-Jesus …” she stutters at my tattooed thickness.

I don’t have many tattoos because I don’t want to taint my flawless skin, but this rose on my shaft I’m very proud of.

“All of it will fit inside that beautiful mouth of yours,” I say, slowly parting her lips. “You’ll make it fit, won’t you?” I push the tip across her. “I’ll be gentle with you.”

The way she looks up at me with those doe-like eyes makes me weak in the knees as I slowly push inside her mouth. The feel of her tongue wrapping around me is heavenly, and I let out a long and heavy moan.

“Oh God, why does it feel like you know exactly what you’re doing?” I mewl, pulling out to allow her to answer.

She eyes Ares and moans when Caleb flicks her clit with his tongue. “They made me swallow them.”

“You’re so good at it,” I murmur as I slowly drive back in again. “It almost makes me want to thrust into your throat, good God.” My eyes almost roll into the back of my head. That’s how good it feels.

I’ve had men and women suck me off before, but it never mattered who it was … until now.

This girl has captured my attention and refuses to let it go.

I can’t stop gripping her face and pushing in deeper and deeper until my balls hit her chin and my hard-on begins to throb.

I admit, I’m a bastard for even wanting this, for enjoying it as much as I am, but fuck me, has she gotten me wrapped tightly around her finger … or should I say tongue?

“F-fuck yes, keep licking just like that. You make me want to worship this tongue.”


His filthy words make me throb with need, and I find it so hard to contain my moans.

Especially with Caleb thrusting his tongue into me … all while Ares watches us.

My tongue rolls around Blaine’s thick shaft while I struggle not to choke on his size. He’s not as long as the others but definitely much thicker, so he barely fits in my mouth.

“Time’s running out,” Ares groans. “Yet you still haven’t made her come. Pathetic.”

Caleb sucks even harder, and my knees begin to quake against his body, but his firm palms around my thighs keep me steady.

“Oh God, yes, take me deep,” Blaine moans, pushing in so deep tears stain my eyes. “You undo me, darling. I want so badly to come inside that pretty mouth of yours.” He tips up my chin and makes me look at him while he’s still inside me. “May I?”

How could I possibly say no to those deep, dark eyes begging me to let him use me?

So I nod when he pulls out and rolls his tip around my mouth.

“Her first,” Caleb growls from beneath me, and he swirls his tongue around so well that I can’t even think straight.

I’m getting so close I can almost taste the high.

Even with all these people watching us, I’m heading for that cliff, and I won’t even mind that everyone will see me fall.

“Come with his dick inside your mouth,” Caleb groans, suckling and nibbling at me, driving me insane with lust to the point that I begin to gyrate on top of his face. “That’s it, slut, rub this pussy all over my face and come for me.”

His filthy words push me over the edge, and my eyes roll into the back of my head as the biggest orgasm washes over me.

Blaine arches his back, grips my face, and spurts his hot seed out onto my tongue before shoving himself deep inside me, coating the back of my throat.

“Oh, fuck me, yes,” he groans, the sound setting my body ablaze.

I actually moan as I gulp it all down, desperate for more of whatever kind of fucked-up drug this is they’ve injected me with. Their cocks and tongues are like spears coated in delicious venom, poisoning my soul with lust and greed. And for a second, I was almost ready to beg them to do it.


Ares’s commanding voice makes them both stop, and the hedonistic pleasure we experienced comes to a grinding halt.

“Come here. Now.”

Blaine pulls out of me and steps away, still hard, still needy, while I’m dripping with cum, saliva, and wetness. Caleb crawls out from underneath me and lifts me from the floor, but I can barely stay put without leaning against him.

When they try to walk with me up to the stage, Ares growls, “Her alone.”

Caleb releases me, and I walk up farther under the invasive stares from the crowd around us. Though the music still blasts through the room, and some people continue to dance, most have fixated their gazes on us. The only thing protecting me right now is this flimsy mask on my face, shielding my identity.

Ares sits on his throne-like chair, his hand gripping his sizable shaft, which still makes my eyes bulge when I look at it, wondering how it ever fit inside my throat, especially with those piercings glistening from his precum.

I swallow away the lump in my throat and walk toward him. When I stop, he arches his finger, beckoning me until I’m right in front of him.

“You thought you could come into my domain and subdue my men?” he asks, stroking his own hard-on right in front of me.

I gulp when he reaches the tip and spreads the precum all over.

“Answer me.”

“You invited me to come here,” I reply.

“I commanded you to come here,” he retorts. “Or have you forgotten the deal you made?”

I shake my head, but my hand still balls into a fist.

“You belong to us.”

I hate the way he continuously wants to remind me that my body is his to barter now … to use and gift as he sees fit.

“But I don’t appreciate you going behind my back to indulge my men in their fantasies.”

He swipes a single finger up and down my slit, coaxing out the wetness, dipping his finger in before he brings it to his mouth and licks. And I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me aroused.

“They made you so wet … I wonder how often they’ve been thinking of fucking you … of sticking their tongues inside that sweet, aching pussy of yours.” He licks his lips as he looks up at me from underneath those dark eyelashes. “Well, they got their wish.” His eyes darken. “And now I will make them fucking wish they never even looked at you.”

The wicked glimmer in his eyes makes me wish I never relinquished my knife to that guard out front. Dammit.

“Do you remember what I told you the first time I thrust my fingers into your pussy?” he says, and he grips my arm and pulls me toward him. “Tell me.”

Oh, I remember all right.

The warning was seared into my mind.

“The next time you penetrate me…”

“It will be the cock of a god thrusting into your wet, aching pussy,” he finishes, making me blush.

Suddenly, he grips my waist and pulls me right on top of him, then sinks me down onto the tip of his dripping, hard cock. I gasp as one by one, each piercing enters me, the metal cold and hard against my softness, while the stare behind his mask is even colder and harsher.

“One,” he says, and he pushes me down.

I can feel each of his piercings scraping against my insides, coaxing out more delicious shock waves.


Digging his nails into my waist, he pushes me down farther.


Is he … counting the inches?!


I groan from how good it feels. “Fu—”

“We’re not even halfway there.”

“What?” I gasp as he forces me down onto his ample length.


He forces me to sink even deeper, and I can barely hold on tight as I sit down on his lap slowly. My entire body shivers from the mere size of him.


I can feel him go even deeper, stretching me to the limit, my nub already thumping from the sheer feel of him inside me.


The piercings add so many sensations deep inside that my pussy begins to contract.


I can barely take it. It’s that huge and that filling, as though my pussy is finally filled with the one thing it has always wanted but never received.


“It’s so full,” I mutter, trying to adjust.

“No. You will take all of me.” His fingers dig into my skin as he holds on tight while sinking even deeper into me.

My eyes nearly roll into the back of my head from how full it feels and how blissfully unaware I was before of just how much I craved this. I’ve never felt anything like this before. It’s as if my pussy is being completed, like a sheath perfectly fitting around a sword.

“Oh God,” I mutter.

The farther he gets to the base, the less I actually care about people watching … and the more I begin to realize I didn’t just sell my body … I sold my goddamn soul.

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