Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University)
Vile Boys: Chapter 20

I’ve never gotten a kiss this consuming, this overpowering.

His lips roam mine, piercing through them with his tongue to claim that too. I’m helpless to stop him, weak against his rough lips that leave scorching kisses on my mouth. His tongue rolls around mine as he moans against my lips, and my whole body vibrates with a need I never knew I could have.

But this man … is a monster.

I shouldn’t let him kiss me.

Not like this.

Not ever.

I bite down on his tongue, and he pulls out. “You bit me.”

He licks up the blood like he’s reveling in the fact that I did. But his eyes immediately flicker back up to Caleb with intensity, almost as if he wants to tell him something with his eyes alone.

A word even I can discern just from the look on his face.


“Get on the bench,” he tells me. “All fours.”

My eyes narrow, settling on his pocket where I know he keeps that damn knife.

Steal it. Gut him.

Make him bleed.

But no matter how hard the knife in his pocket is luring me to act out on the vicious thoughts swirling through my mind, I can’t get myself to actually do it. If I tried … they’d kill my mother.

I have no choice.

Crawling back to the bench, I slowly lift myself while both their eyes gorge on my naked breasts like ravenous animals.

I feel humiliated as I kneel on this wooden bench, shivering from the cold rain clattering down. But when Ares stands before me, I don’t feel nearly as cold anymore because of those icy gray eyes staring me down.

“Unzip me.”

I don’t know why, but his voice alone can command my body, and I move my hand to his zipper. He grabs my wrist. “Slowly.”

Only when I nod does he release me.

I zip him down slowly as he demands, my eyes briefly flicking to the knife in his pocket.

Don’t do it. Not now. Not yet.

Do it when he least expects it.

But my eyes instantly flick back toward the giant cock that immediately pops out. Not just because it’s much larger than Caleb’s was, but also because of the numerous piercings in the head. Four metal buds all aligned in a cross all inside the glans, and then another one underneath the tip.

My God. It has to be at least ten inches, if not more.

That thing will never fit inside me.

“Are you surprised at my piercings, little rose?” he murmurs, and he tips up my chin with a single finger so I look at his eyes instead. “Or my size?”

“Probably both,” Caleb murmurs, but Ares ignores him.

He smirks. “Say my name.”


He sucks in a breath through his teeth, his lip quivering with delight as his length bobs up and down in my face.

“And what am I?”

I know what he wants me to say.

“A man who thinks too highly of himself.”

I couldn’t help myself. I just had to say it.

A filthy, decrepit smirk spreads on his face. “Just as you will, once you’ve felt these King’s Crown piercings go down your throat.”

He grips my wet hair, tilts my head back, and plunges in.

No remorse.

Not an ounce of hesitation.

I gurgle and choke on his size, feeling each of his barbells deep within my throat, his length throbbing with both pleasure and pain as he consumes my very throat like it was made for him and him alone.

“You are not the only one with thorns, little rose,” he grits, pulling out, only to thrust right back in again. “Can you feel them scraping your precious throat?”

Not a second for a breath, nothing except the plunging of his pierced hardness into my mouth over and over again while my eyes almost roll into the back of my head just from the sheer amount of throbbing between my legs.

He left me on the edge of an orgasm on purpose, to make me want this, to make me want to plead and beg for mercy.

Fuck. I never thought I could feel hatred as badly as I do now, but I hate this man with every fiber of my being.

“That’s it. Give me all your loathing and turn it into despair,” he groans, thrusting in faster each time. “Because you will never, ever be freed of this chain you’ve put around your own goddamn neck, of which the only tether is in my merciful hands. You belong to me now.”

He drives in and out, coating my tongue with both Caleb’s cum and his own pre-cum, the two salty tastes mixing into one.

He’s even more of a savage than Caleb was.

“More,” he groans, pushing even farther, far beyond my uvula and down my actual throat, and tears spring to my eyes.

“You thought I couldn’t go any deeper?” he says, sounding amused. “More.”

He goes so far down my throat I can no longer breathe, all while keeping my eyes up to meet his gaze, as though he wants to instill in me the knowledge that I no longer belong to myself.

My entire being … is theirs.

From the corner of my eye, I watch Caleb jerk off, his semi-hard-on still making me anxious.

“Caleb.” There’s a glimmer in Ares’s eyes. “Take her pussy.”

Ares pulls out of me, and I mutter, “What?

Two of them at the same time?

Ares grips my chin and forces me to focus on him. “He will take your pussy, and you will enjoy every inch of him inside you while I plow into your throat.”


“Oh God,” she mutters.

“No,” I grit, burying myself inside her balls deep. “You have a new lord and savior now. Me. And you will bend to my fucking will.”

It’s too late for takebacks. Her body belongs to us now, and we will use it however we see fit.

Caleb positions himself behind her on the bench, and her legs quake when he pushes them apart. She tries to turn her head to look, but my dick is stuck in her throat, making it impossible.

Slowly, he pushes in, and her loud moans vibrate against my shaft, sending delicious shocks up and down my body.

She will make a fine toy indeed.

“Every inch, Caleb,” I groan, pulling out to allow her to breathe as he forces his way in.

“Oh fuck,” she mewls.

I know she can feel every inch of him inside her. The same piercings that were in her throat before now push into her pussy, making her feel all the things she never wanted to feel.

Lust. Betrayal. Hunger.

I move along with Caleb, matching his rhythm, piercing her on both ends, creating an intoxicating blend of pain and bliss.

I pull out for a second and watch the raindrops enter her mouth instead. “That’s it, little rose, take it like a good girl,” I say. “One breath and your mouth is mine again.”

She sucks in a breath right before I dive back into her while Caleb does the same, and lust almost bursts from my very fucking veins. A guttural groan emanates from deep within my chest.

Fucking him gives me life, but fucking her … feels like I’ve died and gone to heaven.

“She’s so fucking wet,” Caleb groans, fucking her like an animal in heat.

And I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me want to bury even deeper in this velvety throat.

Rarely have I felt anything so delicious as being able to taint something so pure, so fucking perfect.

“She likes this,” Caleb murmurs, slapping her ass. “With every stroke, she gets wetter and wetter.”

“You hear that, little rose?” I lift her head while I’m deep inside her, forcing her to swallow back those tears. “You’re a natural at being spit-roasted.”

She moans when we both drive in and out of her.

“Fuck, I can feel her tightening,” Caleb groans.

“You’re close, aren’t you?” I ask.

She nods, trying so desperately not to fall apart. But her body already belongs to me, and that orgasm she thinks she can withhold is mine for the taking. All I need to do is find her trigger … push the button … and watch the magic unfold.

And there will be no choice.

She’ll have to endure as many as I desire and as much cum as I wish for her to swallow.

Because that is what she is now …

A puppet to my every whim.


I’ve never in my life fucked any pussy this fucking good. And I fucking have had chicks by my side, occasionally. None as vexing as this girl right here, though.

I could never have imagined she’d fit this snugly around my hard-on.

Or that I’d be so fucking hard for a girl I hate.

I admit, I’m a bastard, but I don’t fucking care. She made her choice. Her body belongs to us now, and I won’t fucking stop until she’s paid for her mother’s mistake.

She wanted to take the fall, then so be it.

When Ares momentarily pulls out to allow her to breathe, she mutters, “Fuck … please.”

It almost sounds like she’s begging me to fill her up.

A grin spreads on my cheeks. “No worries, slut, I will give you what you so desperately want.”

I plow into her, every stroke harder than before, enjoying myself on her sweet pussy, which feels fucking divine around my shaft. She’s so goddamn tight and wet that it almost makes me want to pull out and stick my tongue inside instead.

But I don’t want to catch any more of Ares’s ire, so I’ll play along to his whims. As long as this fucking pussy is mine to use, I don’t care.

I flick my hair to the side in the pouring rain and watch the droplets roll down her perfect body. I grip her ass and slap it so she mewls out loud while he’s still inside her mouth.

“Fuck yeah, make that sound again,” I groan.

I slap her other ass cheek too so I can hear more of those noises she makes, the sound exhilarating.

My balls slap against her thighs as I thrust into her mercilessly while raising my eyes to meet Ares. I can see everything he’s doing to her from here, how he slides into her throat, how he makes her cough, choke, and whimper, how he grips her hair and tilts her head back, and fuck me, it makes me even harder while I’m inside her.

“You like watching me claim her mouth, don’t you?” Ares asks.

I bite my lip and nod, my fingers digging into her ass.

“Do you remember how her tongue felt as it wrapped around your shaft?” he asks.

I gulp, remembering those vivid images of her tied to her bathtub as she swallowed my seed. God, I fucking loved every second of my own depravity … until I remembered I was supposed to hate her.

“Fuck, yes,” I groan, burying myself inside her to the hilt right when he does the same to her mouth.

My dick throbs inside her, on the verge of bursting again.

But then Ares’s face tightens with rage. “Pull. Out.”

“What? But I’m about to—”

His lip twitches. “Now.”

I can’t hold it any longer, but I still do what he demands. My piercings slide across her slit, and I moan as I hit that edge.

I can’t put a stop to it. “Fuck, I’m coming.”

My cum spurts out onto her slit and ass from a distance, but the second I try to move my hands to my cock to ease the orgasm, Ares growls, “Stop. Don’t fucking touch it.

I pause, my shaft still bobbing up and down with pure need. But he won’t let me give in to it.

“But I’m coming,” I groan, desperate to touch myself.

“Good. Enjoy your second and last ruined fucking orgasm while I fill up this precious little throat,” he retorts, burying himself inside her once more.

Ares lowers his eyes to meet her gaze, her body quaking on the bench as he tips up her chin and says, “Now come while your mouth is full with my cum.”

Her whole body begins to shiver while his back arches and his balls squeeze together.

She moans out loud, and her legs squeeze together, hands desperate to hold something while she falls apart. They swiftly move to her pussy, but I grip her hands and keep them away.

“If I can’t, you won’t either,” I tell her.

Ares smirks as he groans with pleasure, pushing in again for good measure while he fills her to the brim with his seed.

When he pulls out, she coughs and heaves, splotches of cum dripping out of her and onto the ground.

“Filthy little rose,” Ares says as he goes to his knees in front of her. “Next time, you will drink up every …” He swipes up some of his own cum from her lips. “Last …” He pushes the dollop inside and rolls it around her tongue. “Drop.”

Then he gets back up and tucks in, zipping up while I’m still recovering from two ruined orgasms.

We fucked her so good, she’s still hanging over the bench like a rag doll.

“What now?” she mutters.

“We’re done here,” Ares barks, glaring at me.

I swallow and push away the need to come again as I tuck my shaft back inside.

I’ll get my turn again someday.

She lifts her head to look as we walk off. “Wait … you’re just going to leave me here?”

Ares halts and glances at her over his shoulder. “Your body belongs to us now. You will be ready for us whenever, wherever, however I see fit.” His fist balls. “Do you understand?”

She slowly nods, wiping away some of the cum off her face.

A slow but hot grin spreads on Ares’s lips. “Good girl.

Then he waltzes off back into the maze, and I follow suit, but I stop halfway across the area to pick up our masks. I can’t help but gaze at her over my shoulder, wondering if she even knows what she’s gotten herself into.

What kind of trade she really made.

When we leave, she’ll be all by herself, with all the time in the world to think about her fucking sin … And all the ways we’re going to make her repent.

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