Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University)
Vile Boys: Chapter 19

I have her right where I want her.


I cut through the bands that keep her outfit together, and her tits spill out. She desperately tries to keep the soaked fabric together, but I push the knife underneath her wrists and force her arms to spread so we can take a look.

“Fuck …” Caleb groans at the sight of her perky tits.

Finally, I can look at this beautiful prickly rose, her nipples peaking from the cold rain, and my eyes can’t stop ravishing every inch of her pale body, those pink buds practically begging me to suck on them.

But there will be plenty of time to enjoy her body later.

First, I want to see what has gotten him so riled up about her.

I tuck my knife away and step away as I say, “Caleb. You do the honors.”

“My pleasure.” Caleb grips her by the hair, tilting her head back. “Now say a fucking prayer, slut, because you won’t have anyone to save you from us devils while we drag you to hell.”

He pushes her chin until her lips part. “Open your fucking mouth.”

When they’re wide open, he spits inside and shuts them again. “Now swallow.”

God, I love it when he gets all riled up. It’s not often he lets himself go like this.

It definitely makes me hard and ready to fuck.

“Fuck you,” she spits.

He tilts her head back even farther, forcing her to look at him. “Show me how far you’re willing to go to save your precious mother.”

With a keen eye, I watch him, waiting for him to go down those steps to hell. I’ll be right there with him, enjoying the sight of her quivering wet body until she finally utters the words I’ve wanted to hear since I first saw her here on campus.

I want her in complete and utter subjugation, whimpering with fear.

And then I’ll take her to my fucking domain.

But first, I’ll let him have his way with her.

“As long as you don’t touch my mother,” she grits, droplets of rain still tumbling down her lips.

“Open your mouth, Crystal,” he commands.

“Did you hear me?”

He parts her lips with his thumb and presses the blade against her lip. “Whether or not I touch her is entirely up to your skills … to satisfy me.”

He pushes the blade inside just far enough for her to feel it on her tongue, and watching her fight the feeling is making my hard-on twitch.

“Now keep that mouth open wide,” he says.

A smirk forms on my face.

Oh yes, I will definitely enjoy watching him ruin her.

Caleb pulls out the knife only to unzip his pants and take out his hard-on, and her face contorts at the size of him. Or maybe it’s his ample jewelry, I can’t tell which.

She might have a heart attack once she sees mine.

“What’s the matter, little rose? Were you hoping we’d go easy on you?” I muse, zipping down too.

“No,” she replies. “I’m just annoyed I have to see this asshole’s dick again.”

I pause halfway through the zipper.


My eyes immediately jerk up to Caleb, who throws a glance at me.

“Oh, you didn’t tell him you fucked me in the bathroom of my mother’s home?” she says, snorting. “Guess the cat’s out of the bag now.”

That girl …

“Shut up,” Caleb growls at her, clamping his fingers around her throat to keep her quiet.

But all she does is smile. “Too late to keep it a secret now, Caleb.”

My grin grows wider.

I’m impressed.

“When?” I ask Caleb.

“When our parents first had dinner together. I couldn’t help myself. She was taunting me.”

“Bullshit. I said I wouldn’t break them up, and you couldn’t take it,” she retorts.

“Interesting,” I reply.

“So … guess your secret’s out there now,” she muses, eyeing me. “Your buddy here went behind your back to get to me.”

I tilt my head at Caleb, who looks at me now, his fingers deeply entrenched in her neck. The same throat his dick slid down mere days ago. He’s already gotten to her before I did. Twice now.

“He even tied me up to the bathtub,” she adds.

I should be mad. Punish him like we’re punishing her now.

Yet the idea of his cum slipping down her throat makes me wild with lust.

“All right then … show me how you fucked her,” I say.

Her eyes widen. She made a mistake thinking I would step in out of pure spite.

I would love to know why he’d go that far for a girl he barely even knows.

Especially one he clearly knows I’ve set my eyes on.

Caleb licks his lip and the piercing, and it almost makes me want to smash my lips onto his and bite them too just to taste his blood.

Instead, I lean away and watch him from a little farther, stroking my hard-on right through the fabric of my pants so he gets the picture.

He rips off his mask and chucks it onto the ground too, a deliciously wicked smile forming on his face before he brings the tip of his dick to her mouth and says, “You asked for it, so let me fucking give it to you.”

He slowly enters her mouth, taking ample time to feel her tongue as her eyes begin to water the deeper he goes. By the time he hits her throat, she struggles to move.

“Regretting your choice?” he asks as he goes even deeper.

She shakes her head even though she’s clearly struggling.

Hmm … maybe I underestimated her tenacity.

“Caleb. Go to the base,” I tell him, my eyes glinting with desire as I watch her struggle not to panic. “Now.”

“I’m only halfway in,” he says.

“Now,” I tell him. “One. Thrust.”

He does what I say and buries himself inside her to the hilt, the sight of her pupils dilating while her face turns red from the sheer force he applies is magnificent to watch.

“Do you feel the fear yet, little rose?” I ask. “Settling deep within that chest?” I lean over to whisper into her ear. “Do you wonder how long it will last before you can take another breath?” Caleb squeezes her throat. “If we’ll even let you?”

When he finally pulls out, she sucks in a breath, wheezing.

“Don’t stop,” I tell him as I rub myself.

I want him on the edge, just like I had her, and then I’ll intervene.

“Keep fucking that eager throat until nothing is left of her but a whimpering mess,” I tell him, egging him on.

He goes faster and faster, the look on his face growing more menacing with every passing second, while she looks like she struggles to take him whole.

When he pulls out again, she yelps, “God, I can’t take it.”

“Yes, you can,” he groans, thrusting right back in again. “You’ll take me and then some, and you’ll do so without complaining because that’s what you asked and begged us for.”

I love this new raw side of him. Very dominating.

I wonder where he learned it.

A smug grin spreads on my face.

“Fuck, your throat feels so good,” Caleb groans. “You wanted it, so now, take it. Take my cock deep, slut.”

He fucks her face like he wants to own it while she slowly averts her eyes to meet my gaze.

But then he grips her chin and says, “Eyes on me. I’m the one fucking you, not him.

“Don’t worry, little rose. You’ll get the chance to feel my cock on the tip of your tongue soon enough.”

Caleb pushes in to the hilt, his balls squeezing, and I know what’s coming.

A vicious smile tips up the side of my lips as he hardens inside her mouth, but when he begins to moan, I grasp his shoulders and tear him away from her.

“What the f—” He groans wildly as he’s unable to stop the impending orgasm from taking over, and he spurts his juices all over her face, but without a throat to milk it out of him. When he attempts to rub it out, I swat his hand away.

“Let it fucking spray,” I growl. “A ruined orgasm is all you deserve now.”

He mewls as the orgasm slowly subsides, and I push him farther away from her. “Fuck, that wasn’t enough. I need mo—”

“Later,” I retort, throwing him a glare that shuts him up. “You will get another turn when you learn not to play with what’s mine.” I grip her chin and look at the mess he’s made. “He stole your throat before I had a chance … so now he will watch while I take this throat back and make it mine.”

“Stole my throat?” she gasps.

But my fingers are already curled around her neck.

She wants to taunt the devils? Well, she’s summoned us now.

“Open your legs,” I growl.

When she doesn’t do it fast enough, I spread them open with a single hand.


A mewl escapes her lips when I rip the remaining fabric of her outfit out of my way. I push my fingers right up against her slit. “Remember these fingers, little rose?”

“Like I want to—”

I push two fingers against her mound, circling around. “Hmm … His cock made you wet already.” I chuckle.

I swivel my fingers, and I can feel her struggling not to writhe on this goddamn bench.

I warned her, told her what I would do if I ever got my hands on her. Now that she’s here in my grasp, I’m not fucking letting go until she’s covered in cum, wasted on lust, and completely overcome by exhaustion.

My fingers roll around her needy little clit, as she grows wetter and wetter under my command. Her thighs try to push together, so I squeeze her neck even harder until she stops.

“That’s it. Try to fight me, and I’ll only give you more. Pain. Pleasure. An intricate, intoxicating mix, don’t you think?” I murmur, swirling around until her clit begins to thump with need. “Getting close already?” I twist and turn my fingers and spread her wetness all over her slit. A devilish smirk forms on my face. “Then fucking beg for it.”

I release the tension around her neck enough so she can speak, and her whimpers tell me enough.

“Please …”

“Such a willing little slut,” Caleb murmurs, his shaft bobbing up and down again at the thought of a second turn.

She’s on the edge of another orgasm, so I retract my hand, and the whimpers that follow make my dick so hard it can barely be contained. I bring my fingers to my lips and taste her on my tongue.

Such a delicious taste. Who could pass on that?

No wonder Caleb was so desperate to try her out.

“You want to save your mother?” I ask her. “Then you will be at our beck and call. Any time, any day, anywhere …” I swipe my free hand across her face, picking up all of Caleb’s cum along the way with two fingers. “No limits. Complete submission. Just like a good little fucking whore.”


I can’t breathe while Ares’s fingers are around my neck, squeezing tighter and tighter as he rubs all the cum across my face and picks it up with his fingers like it’s something to play with.

Still, I manage to utter two words of defiance. “Fuck … you.”

His eyes burn with passion as he brings his fingers up to his lips and opens his mouth. His tongue rolls around his cum-covered fingers, and he actually swirls it around in his mouth.

I’m too stunned to even say a word.

What the hell?

The following groan sets my whole body on fire despite the rain drenching my clothes.

His hand moves up my chin, and he pushes down. “Open your mouth.”

When I do, he dribbles Caleb’s cum right back into my mouth straight from his tongue, then pushes my chin so it closes. I can taste him on my tongue just like before in the shower, only with Ares’s added saliva, mixing salty and sweet together.

“Now swallow,” he growls.

I’m almost contemplating spitting it right back in his face. But what good would that do me when he’s the one holding the knife? Ares will definitely punish me, and I’ve already seen what Caleb’s punishments look like … I can’t even begin to imagine what Ares would do.

Slowly I swallow back the cum, the saltiness still inside my mouth after, like an everlasting reminder of their domination over my body that no longer belongs to me … but to them.

“Good girl.”

His gravelly voice makes my whole body erupt into goose bumps.

His eyes briefly rise to meet Caleb’s gaze. “Are you watching?”

Caleb nods.


Suddenly, Ares grabs my cheeks and smashes his rough lips on mine.

I’m too stunned to even speak, let alone bite back, as he devours my mouth like it always belonged to him.

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