Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University)
Vile Boys: Chapter 21

My body feels icy cold as I lie on the bench and breathe.

Just breathe.

In and out.

Over and over.

It’s all I can do. All I’ll ever do until it’s time.

Time for them to meet their fate.

I don’t know how much time has passed since they found me or since they have left, but I don’t care either. All I want to do now is lay my head down and rest on this hard bench for however long I need.

I pause and listen to the sound of my heartbeat while slick saliva and cum slowly run down my face and neck, covering my already wet clothes and body.

The rain starts again, but I welcome the downpour, washing away my sin.

I sold my soul to devils.

But I will gladly pay the price.

A single tear rolls down my cheek.

Not from fear or sadness or regret … but a tear filled with rage.

I stare at the knife lying in the bushes, glinting in the dark, beckoning me to get up and move.

You can do this.

You made your choice.

Now stick with it.

I sit up straight even though I can still feel the pounding in my own pussy that betrayed me and came from all the reckless thrusting on both ends. I was practically begging for it, pleading for them to let me come.

I never imagined I would willingly give myself to killers like them. And that I’d be left in such a lusty mess.

But I did it for all the right reasons, and someday, they will know my wrath.

I stand, a slow but vicious smile spilling onto my face as the rain destroys what was left of the mask I put on before I went outside.

A world oblivious is a world asleep, but I am wide awake to the horrors of this world.

Even fucking gods can bleed.

I bend over and pick up my knife from the bushes, the rose emblem flickering in the only light inside this maze. A slow, drawn-out laughter emanates from deep within my chest as I push away whatever I felt while they fucked me.

Even if I wanted to beg for them to fuck me, even if I craved nothing more than their fingers on my pussy while being denied over and over, even when I came so hard I could feel myself ascending into fucking heaven … hatred is the only thing I’ll carry with me.

To the end.

Wherever it may lead me.

I’ve already taken the first step. And I intend to finish the stairs all the way down to fucking hell just so I can make those devils disguised as gods pay.


I lather my body with soap and rinse it all off before I throw a quick glance at the mirror and smile at myself. These long locks really shine well with a little sprinkle of water. Maybe I should carry a spritzer around in my pocket to keep them moist and pretty.

God, I look fucking amazing today.

It’s probably not the weather, just me.

My hand slides down my body as I feel myself up, my mind drifting to previous encounters with my lovers. There are so many; I can just pick whichever I like to fantasize about. There’s no limit to my mind nor to my body, as I can never get enough of all the delicious men and women this world has to offer.

I admit I’m a slut, but I don’t care in the slightest bit. What use is a world if we can’t fuck around in it? And in my fantasies, oh boy, am I the fucking center of multiple people.

I groan as I wrap my hand around my ample size and stroke it like it’s nobody’s business. And it isn’t because I’m all alone with no one to look inside my brain and see that a blond girl slowly begins to push her way through the crowd. Her petite, curvy body dances to the rhythm of the music in a skimpy, see-through dress, her eyes settling on mine, pulling me closer.

And I rub myself harder and harder as she begins to undress in the middle of the dance, rubbing herself, smearing wetness all over, and I can almost picture myself coming all over that beautiful body.

She stops and wags her finger, then kisses two other boys right in front of me. And the smile on my face widens even more.

“Oh, Crystal … you naughty girl,” I mutter, jerking off faster.


I stop abruptly as the door to my bathroom is opened.

“Can you not?” I mutter, disappointed. “I’m busy.”

“I can see that,” Caleb says as he marches inside.

I raise a brow as his eyes travel down my majestic body to my cock. “Oh …” My smirk deepens. “Well, if you’d like to, I’m sure there’s more than enough water for the two of us.”

He snorts and washes his hands in the sink. “I don’t think that’s going to work, Blaine. My dick’s already spent. Twice actually. But thanks for the offer.”

Twice? What has he been up to?

“Then why did you come into my bathroom? You have your own.”

“I just wanted to let you know that Ares and I went after her.”

His eyes meet mine in the mirror, and the water suddenly feels too hot under my feet.

“What do you mean?”

“Her mom came onto my dad, and she refuses to break them up,” he explains.

“Yeah, I know about all that.” I wave it away, bored that this is the reason he got my dick to go flaccid after all that effort. “Get to the point.”

“She actually fucking traded us her body to keep her mom safe,” he says, licking his lips.

I narrow my eyes. “Did she now?”

“What? You don’t approve?” He turns around and folds his arms.

“I would’ve used different means to get what I wanted,” I reply, folding my arms too.

He smiles smugly. “I’m not you, though.”

“Good,” I retort, running my fingers through my hair. “Wouldn’t want those filthy hands touching my perfect body.”

He rolls his eyes. “Whatever.”

“You don’t sound at all sure of what you did with her,” I say.

“It’s too late. She’s already made her choice,” he says. “And we made good on our promise to give her everything she asked for.”

My hard-on bobs up and down from just that sentence alone.

“Please elaborate.”

He shrugs. “We just fucked her. That’s it. We didn’t hurt her.”

I sigh out loud. “It’s fine. I don’t need the details.”

“You’re just mad we didn’t invite you,” he says.

I scoff. “You wish. I don’t involve myself in petty squabble.”

“Petty squabble?” he barks. “I’m pretty fucking sure she set her mom up with my dad on purpose.”

“How are you so sure?” I ask, turning off the shower.

“Stop with the cryptic shit,” he retorts. “Can’t you just …”

“What?” I grab a towel and wrap it around myself. “Absolve you of your sin?”

He sucks in a breath, refusing to let it go until he can no longer hold it forcefully. “Look, forget it.” He walks off.

“Why did you come in here, Caleb?” I ask. “Just to make me feel jealous? Or to revel in your devious ways?”

“I just came here to…” He halts near the door, hand lingering near the handle. “She’s in the maze. Your favorite spot.” He swallows, eyes finding mine through the fog.


Feeling guilty already?

A decrepit smile forms on my face. “Run to your master, doggy. I’ll take care of your mess.”

His lip twitches, and he gives me the middle finger. “Fuck you, Blaine.”

“Aw, I love you too,” I say, throwing him an air-kiss.

He marches out and throws the door shut behind him so I can focus on getting my dick to go back down.

God, if only I could just finish what I started, but alas, it’ll have to wait.

I have a blond-haired goddess to find among the roses.


Rustling noises in the back of the maze make me turn around abruptly, knife clutched tightly in my hand.

A tall figure emerges from the route through which Ares and Caleb disappeared, a simple bathrobe all that separates his naked skin from my eyeballs. But even that fails to hide thick slabs of muscle on his pecs and calves as he steps forward.


I swallow and step back, holding the knife out in front of me. “Don’t.”

He holds up his hands. “I’m not here to harm you.”

“Sure, just like your friends weren’t,” I retort.

He runs his fingers over his robe. “Does it look like I’m carrying weapons to you?”

I take another good look, gulping because of all the effort it takes not to gawk at the muscles that flex with each of his movements. “Maybe you’re hiding them.”

“Do you wish to look underneath?” He starts peeling away the robe.

I swiftly cover my eyes and look away. “No, no, it’s fine. I believe you.”

“I’ll be happy to show you all I have with me, which is not more—or less—than the well-endowed body I’ve been gifted with.”

His smooth voice makes it so damn hard not to. But I’ve seen enough dicks for today, so I keep my eyes closed.

“All right, suit yourself.”

“Is the robe on?” I ask when I hear shuffling.

He chuckles. “The robe is on.”

When I slowly open my eyes again, he’s right in front of me. He grabs my hand and peels it away from my face. How did he move so quickly? I was blindsided so swiftly I didn’t realize he’d already made his way over to me.

And now he’s holding my hand, and I’m too mesmerized by how he looks at me to even pull away.

His free hand rises to meet my face, but I flinch the second he tries to touch me. He pauses, studies me, before his knuckles softly caress my cheek, dulling my senses and lulling me into submission.

“Are you all right, darling?”

He talks so … affected.

Yet it doesn’t feel at all unnatural with him.

I don’t even know how to respond because he’s looking at me so intently, so up close, it almost feels like he’s peering straight into my soul.

He smiles. “You can speak.”

My face heats. “Oh, right, yeah … I guess.”

He pulls his hand away and looks at it, the back of his hand covered in saliva and … cum.

Oh God.

For a second, I almost forgot what Ares and Caleb did and that I was still drenched with all the evidence.

I try to run off, but he grips my wrist. “Don’t go. Please.”

The softness in his voice makes me stop in my tracks, and I let him step closer.

“You look like you could use some help with cleaning up,” he says, smiling gently before he tugs me along. “Come.

Before I know it, I’m dragged away, barely able to hold my ragged clothes together as well as the knife in my hand while we zigzag through the maze. I can’t keep track of our route, but within a minute, we end up right at the same spot I first saw the Tartarus boys at during the party they threw.

The paved area in front of their backyard door along with that same balcony they once stood at.

It all seems like such a distant memory.

“C’mon.” Blaine drags me forward.

“Wait, isn’t that the Tartarus House?” I yelp.

“Yes, it’s fine,” he replies, opening the door and pulling me in.

“What do you mean fine? That’s enemy territory.”

“Enemy?” he parrots, pausing as the door closes behind me.


I’m already inside.

My hand tightens around the knife as I hold it out in front of me, ready to strike whoever tries to come at me.

Blaine turns around, his chiseled face so strikingly different from the gloominess of this building’s interior that it catches me off guard when he looks me dead in the eyes. “Is that how you see me?” he asks, his hair cascading down his shoulder as he tilts his head.

“I …”

I don’t even know what to say.

Is he my enemy? Or is it just because he’s friends with them?

Blaine leans over, still towering over me with that huge frame of his, and he taps my cheeks. “Made you blush.”

The mischievous grin that follows makes me blush even harder.

I swallow away the lump in my throat and tuck my knife into my pocket. “I don’t know what you want from me.”

“Darling, my intentions have always been very clear.” He tips up my chin. “I came because you needed help.”

Now, I’m even more confused.

Why would someone from the Tartarus House want to help me?

And especially someone so close to Ares and Caleb?

“C’mon.” He grabs my wrist and drags me through the gloomy, purple-painted hallway. Everywhere I look are erotic paintings and statues, tongues, nipples, dicks, everything together all at once. Music blasts upstairs, but it reverberates through the entire house. Every light is gloomy like they intentionally want to cast shadows inside their own home, and everywhere I look are bottles of liquor, books, drugs, and sex toys littering the cabinets. Nothing’s hidden. Everything’s out in the open, and when I blink once, I swear I spot a couple having sex in the back of the kitchen.

We go up the double stairs that lead around the building in a square, the loud music near us making me search.

“Pay no attention to the noise. People love to throw lewd parties here,” Blaine says as he pulls me into a hallway down the left. “In here.”

He swoops me into a room completely covered in royal green from head to toe. The walls, the ceiling, even the rug on the hardwood floor, as well as the expensive furniture and the bedding all look like it cost as much as my mom’s house. “Holy shit …” I mutter, looking around at all the expensive decorations. There’s even an Adonis statue in the back next to a floor-to-ceiling gold mirror.

“Like my room? I did the decorating myself,” he says all proudly, and he throws off his bathrobe, catching me off guard with those impeccable glutes. “Be right back, darling.”

I’m frozen to the floor, staring ahead while wondering what the fuck is going on, and if I’m really losing my mind right now.

I probably am.

What am I even doing here?

Why did I let him lure me into this devil’s den?

“There.” He returns wearing a dark red robe covered in jewels and a thick gold rope around his waist. “Much better. And comfortable.”

“You just switched bathrobes.”

“Darling, that one was for outside strolls, not inside,” he replies, spraying himself with a bottle of aftershave before he walks over to me and grabs my face.

He inspects me up close, and I’m almost inclined to swat him away.

“Turn around.” He spins me on my heels with ease, his finger dipping underneath my dress.

I tense up and try to reach for my knife, but his hand gripping my wrist stops me.


His calm voice makes me unwind, and I let go.

He slowly lifts my dress until my ass is visible, and I suck in a breath when his hands slide over the red marks Caleb left behind.

“Handprints,” he mutters. “Who did this to you?”

“Caleb,” I say.

His hand lowers my dress again, and he grips my hand. “Come with me.”

He drags me into a white and gold-marbled bathroom and shuts the door behind him. The place is so bright and spotless, it makes me blink. There are several rain showers in the back and a giant tub lined with gold in the middle. Everything in here, even the little table and candle, is made of gold, and it makes me wonder just how fucking rich this dude really is.

His big hands come down on my shoulders, and I jolt up and down.

“You don’t have to fear me like you fear them,” he murmurs.

“I don’t fear them. I’m not afraid of anyone,” I swiftly respond.

His breath tingles against my neck. “Good. Hold that feeling for as long as you can.”

“As long as I can?” I repeat.

“They’ll break you eventually.”

When his hands leave my shoulders, it feels like a ghost flying away, leaving me with shivers all over.

He grabs a bottle off his top shelf and sits down on the bench in front of the bathtub, patting his thigh. “Come here.”

I swallow and shake my head.

He raises his brow. “Are you afraid I’ll bite?” A smirk forms on his lips. “Oh right, I forgot … you’re not afraid of anything. So why don’t you come?”

Shit. He got me there.

He opens the jar and shows me the contents. “It’s just cooling gel. See? Nothing dangerous.”

I swallow and push back the apprehension to get closer.

He grabs me by my thighs and pulls me in, easily pushing me down onto his giant lap.

“Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

He fingers the jar with his index finger and middle finger, and I don’t know why I focus on it, but I can’t take my eyes off him as he brings them to my ass and rubs the gel into my skin. The cool glow it applies feels nice against the red marks Caleb left.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” he murmurs, and he blows cool breath into my ear, making goose bumps scatter on my skin.

What am I doing? Why am I letting him do this to me?

He swiftly turns me around so I’m looking at him instead of the door, my legs over his, and I can feel his package underneath my ass, twitching behind that robe.

But instead of poking me with it, he grabs a towel, dips it into the half-filled tub, and wipes it along my face, cleaning up the filth.

“There … much better,” he murmurs, gently dabbing my face with the towel.

And something about that softness in him breaks me.

Tears well up in my eyes, but only one manages to roll down before I push them away again. He picks up the one tear with his index finger to stop it from falling.

“If you want me to hurt them, all you need to do is ask,” he says. “And I will oblige.”

“They’re your friends,” I say. “Aren’t you supposed to defend them?”

“I am, and I can’t actually kill them, but sometimes they deserve an ass-whooping just as much as anyone else, which I am more than happy to provide,” he says, making me chuckle. “Well, I’m glad you can still laugh about it.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I love how you laugh,” he says.

God, why is it so warm in here all of a sudden?

“I don’t understand. Why are you so nice to me?” I ask.

He raises a brow. “Am I not allowed?”

“No, that’s not it,” I say. “I just … didn’t expect it.”

“Because they’re my friends,” he says. My eyes drift off, but he tips my chin back so I look into his eyes. “I may be part of the Tartarus House, but I will not stoop to their level.”

“Won’t they get mad that you’re doing this?” I ask.

A devilish glint in his eyes makes him look cocky as fuck. “Darling, I’m not afraid of their madness.” He grabs my hand and presses a kiss onto the top. “And I’m not afraid of what I want either.”

The kiss turns into a lavish one, leaving several heated marks on my skin near the wound on my arm from the rose bushes. And when his tongue dips out to lick the blood, the added groan sets my body on fire.

Oh God.

What am I doing?

I stumble off his lap as he licks off his lips like he savored my taste.

All of the boys who live here are devils in disguise.

They’re all so … sexual. And this guy is no different.

I can’t trust him.

“This was a mistake,” I mutter, turning around.

“Where are you going?” he asks, tilting his head. “Don’t you want a shower and clean clothes?”

I snatch a bathrobe off his rack and put it on.

“I have that at home, thanks,” I say, opening the door.

But I still can’t help but glance over my shoulder at that gorgeous tall body and those sensual eyes that are almost enough to lure me right back into his arms.

“You know, the offer still stands,” he says, with legs spread wide, his hands behind on the tub to support himself. “If you want to learn how to defend yourself against them, I can teach you.”

I swallow away the lump in my throat and open the door.

I have to leave. Now. Before I make a grave error in judgment.

But when I close the door behind me, his voice still haunts me all the way to the stairs that I bolt down.

“I’ll be waiting for you.”

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