The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 468

Phoebe immediately fell silent. She peeped at Mila, and said, "Mila, are you really okay?"

Mila wore a faint smile. She replied, "What troubles could I have?" Despite the heartbreak of witnessing her grandmother's tragic death, she managed to overcome it.

Her return to Norvania wasn't solely for Nathan. Nathan was just one of the reasons for her to return.

She had a family to find, and her grandmother's vendetta to carry out. She needed to fight for Hoffis' property and start a career in Norvania's research field.

But her priority was protecting her unborn child and ensuring the child's safe birth.

Every single thing here was more important than love.

Together with Phoebe, Mila made her way to the graveyard.

Mila gently touched her belly while standing in front of her grandmother's grave.

She murmured softly with tears in her eyes, "Grandma, I'm back. I won't leave Norvania again. I'll come to visit you whenever I'm free. "Grandma, I'm pregnant. The baby is healthy and is five months old.” Phoebe was dumbfounded. She stared wide-eyed at Mila's belly. She was momentarily speechless as she was shocked and bewildered. Mila turned to glance at Phoebe. She couldn't help but be amused by her reaction. She said, "It's true. Do you want to touch it?"

Phoebe walked toward Mila and cautiously touched her belly. Though her belly looked small, it felt firm when touched, it was a surprising sensation.

Phoebe was astonished, so she asked, "Whose child is this?"

Mila fell silent. She didn't have the courage to reveal the father of her child.

In Miston, Phoenicia.

A helicopter bound for Miston landed at the private helipad of Imperial Heights.

Subsequently, Nathan emerged, dressed sharply in black military uniforms, with Cole and Fenna accompanying him.

The three of them came striding toward Imperial Heights.

Fenna asked curiously, "Why did Mr. President call you back so urgently? Are there any important things for you to handle?"

Nathan replied calmly, "I don't know."

Cole continued, "I've inquired about it. We are welcoming an exceptionally important dignitary.

"It necessitates adhering to the highest protocol of hospitality in Norvania, with the mandatory attendance of all key national officials.” Fenna asked, "Are leaders from other countries planning to visit as well?"

Cole replied, "It's a confidential delegation duty. Photography or recording on-site is strictly prohibited, so I guess it's a very important individual requiring confidentiality.”

Fenna previously worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She had limited exposure to domestic affairs, so she wasn't familiar with these protocols.

She asked curiously, "Have we hosted such events before?"

Cole replied, "Yes, we've hosted the Father of the Atomic Bomb." Fenna continued, "Oh, I see! Hosting such a prominent figure indeed requires proper protocol.”

In the grand and spacious lobby, there was the national flag and emblem, with old photographs of various national leaders hanging on the wall.

A dozen of Norvania's top leaders stood in the center of the lobby. Nathan stood at the edge of the crowd. He lowered his head to take out his phone. Due to the rushed arrival, he forgot to hand his phone over to Cole. He pressed the power button to turn it off.

At that moment, Donald's voice came, "Good afternoon, everyone! I am pleased to introduce to you a researcher our country has long awaited. "She has finally achieved success in her studies and returned to serve her homeland. She is none other than Mila, renowned worldwide for her research on hydronium..."

Nathan's heart clenched suddenly, and he was frozen in place.

He thought he had misheard. He clutched his already powered-off phone and looked up excitedly.

At that moment, everything seemed to fade into the background. Nathan couldn't hear anything. He could only see the woman who had haunted his dreams.

Mila wore a long black coat with grace and elegance. She was very gorgeous and stunning. Her sweet smile was as radiant as blooming flowers.

If longing had a sound, it would likely be deafening by now.

He could feel his veins protruding with how hard he gripped his phone. His heart raced intensely, making him forget how to regulate his breath. He dared not believe this was real. His gaze was intense as he looked at her, but Mila seemed indifferent as if she couldn't see him.

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