The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 467

In reality, Mila's pregnancy was already over five months, yet due to her advanced age, her belly didn't protrude noticeably.

During the early stages of her pregnancy, Mila battled severe morning sickness, which greatly affected her nutrient intake and left her feeling weak.

Phoebe took hold of Mila's luggage and linked her arm with Milas, stepping out of the airport with a spring in her step.

Once outside, Phoebe lifted the luggage and stowed it in the car.

As Mila tilted her head, her gaze fixed on the northern skyline, where snowflakes drifted down gently. A sudden wave of longing washed over her, reminding her of how much she missed Loretta.

After finishing loading the luggage, Phoebe walked over to Mila and said, "Let's hop into the car, Mila."

Snapping out of her reverie, Mila finally climbed into the car.

Phoebe started the engine and pulled away. "Mila, I've rented a small house in the suburbs. It's quiet, peaceful, and has a great environment.”

Mila's mood shifted, and she spoke softly, "Phoebe, I want to go see Grandma."

"Sure," Phoebe responded, adjusting her course at the next intersection.

Mila bowed her head, her hand gently resting on her belly as she thought to herself, "Sweetie, Mommy is taking you to visit your great- grandmother.”

"By the way, Phoebe, how's Nate doing?" Mila asked, her emotions stirring as Nathan's name came up.

Phoebe's expression darkened, and she responded coldly, “Cole informed me that since you left, Nate went to the frontiers and hasn't returned.”

“It's been almost six months. Hasn't he come back to visit his family?" Phoebe replied nonchalantly, “Cole mentioned that even before Nate married you, he hardly ever returned to Phoenicia."

Upon hearing Phoebe's words, Mila's heart glowed with a sweet warmth. It seemed that Nathan's frequent trips to Phoenicia after their marriage were because of her.

Mila smiled and said, “You and Cole seem to be quite close.”

Phoebe blushed, her smile shy as she confessed, "We're just really good friends.”

Mila playfully teased, "Can you help me ask your “good friend" if Nathan is doing alright?"

Phoebe's expression soured at the mention of Nathan. "Mila, I think all men are the same. Giving up your career for a man isn't worth it."

“I didn't give up my career for anyone. I chose to return to my homeland and contribute to its scientific research,” Mila clarified earnestly, her gaze on Phoebe tinged with suspicion.

“It seems like you have quite strong opinions about Nathan, don't you?" Phoebe hesitated, uncertain whether to speak further.

Noticing Phoebe's unusual reaction, Mila couldn't shake off a creeping sense of fear. Anxiously, she asked, "Did he... get married?"

Keeping her focus on the road, Phoebe quickly replied, “It hasn't reached that point yet, but he's with Fenna now."

Phoebe's words hit Mila like a bolt from the blue, leaving her shattered and overwhelmed by a sudden wave of pain.

Despite her efforts to appear composed, Mila's faint smile couldn't hide the tremor in her voice. “Are you sure about Nathan... He and Fenna are just good friends."

Phoebe scoffed disdainfully, “Is there even such a thing as genuine friendship between men and women these days?"

Mila couldn't help but agree with Phoebe's sentiment, feeling a slight pang in her heart.

She rolled down the car window, allowing the cold air to rush in. "Phoebe, I'm feeling a bit stuffy. Would you mind if I open the window for some fresh air?"

Sensing Mila's melancholy, Phoebe rushed to reassure her, "Mila, please don't be upset.”

With a bitter smile, Mila concealed her inner turmoil. Despite the pain gripping her heart and making it hard to breathe, she kept a composed demeanor.

“I'm not upset; considering we're neither married nor in a romantic relationship, Nathan has every right to choose someone who is more compatible with him."

Phoebe continued, "According to Cole, Fenna left her job at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and willingly accepted a demotion.

"She transitioned to the military to work as Nathan's assistant, essentially stepping into Lucas’ former position.

"After spending so much time together, it's only natural that they might develop feelings for each other.

"Not to mention, there's a lot of buzz among the people at the military base. Many speculate that Fenna will become the future general's wife. "According to Cole's remarks, it's clear that he also sees Fenna as a great fit for Nathan.

"He commended her gentle nature, virtuous character, confidence, competence at work, and various other qualities. It's apparent that he holds her in high regard.

"Nathan also—"

Mila couldn't bear to hear more. She quickly interjected, "Phoebe, please, let's not discuss him anymore, okay?"

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