The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 469

Donald led Mila around, introducing her to everyone one by one. Everyone present had heard of the researcher, Mila, but they didn't expect her to be the granddaughter of Norvania's richest man, looking so young and beautiful.

Mila politely shook hands and greeted each national leader.

When they approached Nathan, Donald's smile was particularly bright. His eyes twinkled as he teased, "I don't think I need to introduce her, you should be quite familiar.”

Mila didn't reach her hand to Nathan, and her gentle gaze was devoid of any affection toward him. She remained calm as she said, "Quite familiar. General Morrison, it's been a while."

Nathan's burning heart was completely extinguished the moment she called him "General Morrison”.

He composed himself and then slipped his phone into his pocket. He cleared his throat, and gently asked, "Weren't you leaving for good?" Mila replied casually, "My citizenship has been transferred back." Nathan looked Mila up and down. His gaze finally settled on her stomach.

It had been over five months since Mila left. If she were pregnant, she should have a protruding belly by now, right?

But there was no sign of a round belly. She was dressed elegantly, with refined makeup and high heels. She was even more beautiful and delicate than before.

Nathan asked curiously, "How did you come back?"

Mila smirked, “I betrayed Sunterland and fled back.”

Nathan's heart clenched and his gaze darkened instantly.

Before, no matter how much he pleaded, Mila refused to betray Sunterland.

It wasn't that she couldn't, it was just that his importance in Mila's heart wasn't enough to make her betray Sunterland.

Nathan continued to ask with a slightly heavy tone, "Why did you change your mind all of a sudden?"

Mila smiled gracefully and said, "General Morrison, it's not suitable to talk about these matters here."

Donald quickly interrupted, “Yes, you'll have plenty of time to talk. From now on, Mila will join the research team at the military base, and you will be in charge of arranging her work."

Mila smiled as she reached out her hand. She greeted him politely, "Please take care of me in the future, leader.”

Nathan's expression became gloomy as he looked at the woman in front of him. She smiled at him so politely, and called him "General Morrison" and “leader”, intending to keep their relationship completely clean and clear.

He suddenly felt like a fool.

The moment he saw her, he was inexplicably excited as he thought she would keep her promise. Was she going to marry him now that she had returned to Norvania?

The prettier a woman, the more she lied.

After a while, Nathan reached out his hand. He gently grasped her soft and fair hand.

Her hand was very cold. As he touched it, Nathan worried for her. He was afraid that she was cold with her scanty clothing.

Mila quickly withdrew her hand after two seconds of contact. She was no longer forcing a smile.

Nathan was slightly startled as his hand hung in place without moving. After a few seconds, he slowly clenched his fingers into a fist before releasing it.

Mila dared not to look at Nathan again. She was afraid that she couldn't keep up the pretense any longer, so she turned to talk to Donald.

The moment she touched Nathan's warm hand, she could feel her act crumbling.

She realized she wasn't as strong as she thought she was.

All the pretending not to care was simply because she cared too much. She didn't even dare to think that Nathan and Fenna were already together. Her heart ached at the thought of it.

She didn't blame Nathan. After all, no man would keep waiting for a woman who wouldn't commit to a relationship and give him a future.

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