The Rotting Flesh Book 2: Deadman’s Wonderland
Chapter 28: All things fall apart

Letting out the only three shots she had left but they all missed. Her hands were shaking

Shit she turned and began running


Gustavo came for her with intense blood lust. Tanya used the trees as cover, whenever she felt he was closer she’d go between close trees and slow him down.

I can’t run forever damnit she thought as she slowly tired

Circling back to where she was she hopped whoever took that shot would save her because only a miracle is gonna save her. The closer she got the lesser trees, Gustavo began catching up to her. He roared and jumped towards her. As she ran she could see the trajectory he was coming at that he was going to definitely land on her. Nomatter how hard she tried to run, it was hopeless. She felt like a mouse about to be scooped up by a hawk. Looking ahead her eyes widened


As soon as she reached the spot where the other lay she jumped towards Xin and hand reaching for his sword. Spinning and facing back up Gustavo was already inches from her


There was a deafening explosion and the next thing Gustavo was crushing into a tree. Tanya darted her eyes from Gustavo to where she thought the shot came from.

“Well well well that was a close one” a voice said followed by slow footsteps

Someone slowly appeared from the darkness between the trees

It was Theresa, covered in so much blood and wounds it was hard to believe she was still able to stand and walk. Tanya’s heart skipped a beat when she saw her, tears filled her eyes. For a moment she felt so much relief she forgot about all that was happening around her.

“Eyes on the price Missy” Theresa said crouching down next to Tom

Tanya looked back at Gustavo and saw him slowly get up

“Thats why I always tell you the sword finishes the job” commented Takashi appearing from behind her

“If thats the case why is our samurai lying half dead there and our sniper still on her two” said Theresa

“She was lucky”

“Im sorry I’m late” she stroked his hair “meet Tom and Tanya” she pointed at Tanya

“He still grips his bat, the body failed but his will was still alive” commented Takashi

“Theresa” Tanya said not believing her eyes

“I’m glad you are okay” she gently pulled Tom’s bat from his hand

Takashi threw a duffle bag at Theresa “all the ammo you will need”

She opened the bag and stared back at Theresa who seemed so calm and composed in such a terrifying situation.

Gripping onto Tom’s bat she stood erect “shall we begin” she said emotionless

What happened to you? Tanya knew Theresa had always been brave but not this much

Takashi pulled out his katana and inhaled. Breathing heavily and growling like a mad animal was Gustavo, or what remained of him.

Grabbing the duffle bag she picked up her sniper, this was not the time for day dreaming. She loaded the sniper and turned to their enemy. Corking the gun she took her shot. The moment Gustavo dodged Takashi and Theresa charged, each on one side. Swinging for his face, Takashi for his neck. Left him no choice but to dodge the sharper weapon which made Theresa’s hit land. Before falling he back slapped Theresa sending her tumbling next to Tanya.

“You okay” Tanya bent towards her

“Focus on the fight!” yelled Theresa as she quickly got up

As Gustavo lay down Takashi swung his sword for his throat but missed, the beast rolled and quickly got to his feet. He charged for Takashi and lawed at him. It took all of his skills to dodge those attacks. He tried to swing but was too slow the monster got the best of him and landed a few hits which toppled him over. Just as he hit the ground a punch followed knocking him out instantly.

“Takashi!!!! shit take aim” she charged at him

Tanya took aim and prepared for an opening. Gustavo and Theresa clashed. Swinging with all her might she tried by all means to aim for the vital points trying by all means to not give him time to counter.

Damnit!!! my arms her biceps were on fire

She swung for his face and he held the bat and kicked her so hard she flew crushing a distance away. Without giving her a chance to recover he charged at her for the final kill. A bullet came destroying his gastrocnemius causing him to involuntarily. Tanya bent down to get more bullets when she realized Gustavo was already onto her, he gave her a kick from the side, it was so powerful it shattered her ribs upon impact making a crackling sound. Her body flew like a weightless object and rolled close to Theresa.

She coughed out blood and felt her whole body ring from pain. Her vision would momentarily blur but she could still see him. He turned and faced them. She crawled to a tree and leaned against it, with her gun in hand. He charged at her fingers pointed out.

Theresa’s eyes widened and she tried to move but her body wouldn’t.

“Tanya!!!! No no Tom!!!!!!! Toooooom!!!” Theresa screamed so much she passed out

With all that was left in her she lifted up her sniper and pulled the trigger and it missed. She dripped her gun and just watched as he came when something unexpected happened. Just as he was about to reach her someone jumped in as a shield and blood splashed in Tanya’s face. She slowly opened her eyes and what she saw tore her heart causing more pain than what she was feeling.

“I won’t let you turn off this young one’s flame” Nikita said coughing out blood

Gustavo’s hand had impaled her coming out the back.

“Nikkkglllll” Tanya couldn’t speak with the blood oozing out of her mouth

“You girls did well” she coughed even more blood “Tom will be proud” she added and her head slumped down

Nikita noooooo tears began flowing down Tanya’s cheeks

Gustavo began to get smaller and the veins on his skin vanish. Even though he was getting back to normal the wounds on his body did not change they still bled.

“You fought well but a true warrior knows when to withdraw” said Gustavo as he held Nikita’s lifeless body in the air

Everyone had been utterly defeated and lay on the ground. Tom and Xin who had pushed themselves way past their limits had lost consciousness. There was no one left with even a spec of strength to retaliate.

“Bury your friend and heal your wounds” he threw Nikita’s body next to Tom and began limping away

“I’m going to aaarrrggg to kill you” Tanya said coughing blood

Gustavo turned and looked at the almost lifeless girl. He smiled “I’m already dead”

“Fu………ccckk…….aaaahhh” she gasped for air “……you”

She watched him go, she wanted to reach for her sniper but her body felt detached from her head. Tears trickled down her eyes as she watched Gustavo leave.

I'm sorry Tom its all my fault

Her vision began to blur

I hope you can forgive me………Theresa

Everything went black. The last sound she heard was a loud thud of something heavy hitting the ground.

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