“Kaaar not bad” said Gustavo coughing blood “for broken warriors I must commend you”

Barely able to breathe the trio stood gripping their weapons waiting for his next move. The fight had been intense. They had taken advantage of the short time he underestimated them and used it to inflict as much damage as they could but still it was’t enough.

Blood flowed from Xin’s mouth down his chin. His other sword was lying on the ground behind Gustavo he only had one left. On the other hand Nikita was too weak to even hold a stance she was just standing for the sake of standing. Using his bat for support Tom knelt on one knee, he lifted his head and looked at Xin smiling.

“I’m beginning to think Tanya was right ey” Xin commented

"I aaarrrrgg know right” he groaned as he got to his feet

Smiling he took a deep breath “but well it can’t be helloed now”

“I think I’m in love” Nikita commented looking at Tom

“Well we won’t know unless we survive this”

Seeing this Gustavo felt the blood rush through his body. These opponents were worthy.

“I must commend you three, no one has lasted this long against me except for Ceaser. Now shall we finish this” he said cracking his neck and taking stance. They charged at Gustavo and he did like wise. Looking at the battle ahead of him and seeing no hope for survival Xin did what every human would in these situations, he began to pray

“Through your blessing, grace, and guidance, through the power of the light that streams from you:

May all my negative karma, destructive emotions, obscurations, and blockages be purified and removed,”

Feeling his body begin to weaken and hear Xin's chanting it hit him he too had not talked to his own God in a long time, maybe now was the time

“Lord Jesus," Tom began to pray too

"this is my simple prayer to you. I know that I am a sinner and that I often fall short of the glory of God." he swung his bat but missed only to be countered by a back slap which sent him rolling

He forcibly got to his knees using his bat for support, still saying the prayer. So much blood covered his body it was hard to tell whether it was his or his victim's

“In the name of Jesus, Amen.” he finally concluded his prayer and slumped back to the ground powerless

“May I know myself forgiven for all the harm I may have thought and done," Xin also continued his own prayer as he and Nikita attacked with flawless synced movement

Nikita's body finally gave out and she was knocked out, only Xin remained concious on the battlefield.

"May I accomplish this profound practice of phowa, and die a good and peaceful death," Xin continued to pray and fight even seeing how everyone else was out cold

He pushed for a bit but was eventually overwhelmed. Standing toe to toe with the monster Xin once again tried to grip his sword but this time it was all in vain. It just fell out of his hands, his miscles had finally given up. Gustavo smiled as he saw how utterly defeated his fores were. Xin fell to his knees and just stared at the monster standing in front of him.

"You have my respect swordsman, out of that respect I shall give you a swift painless death" Gustavo said raising his hand fingers pointed outwards

"And through the triumph of my death, may I be able to benefit all other beings, living or dead.” Xin concluded his prayer and closed his eyes

Gustavo took the swing and blood splashed in the air. He let out a loud scream, holding onto his thigh he looked up behind Xin.

“Not yet” said a woman

Aiming a long black sniper at his forehead was Tanya. She pulled the trigger but he was quick to react and it missed him by a strand of hair. He retreated a few meters from where he was. Blood was gushing out of the bullet wound he got on his calf. He could barely stand on that foot so he out most of the pressure on the other.

I did not count on her returning he thought as he watched her closely

She began taking steps forward and he adjusted his stance prepared to dodge and counter but she did the unexpected. She set down her gun and knelt next to Xin. Gently grabbing him she lay him down and whispered

"Thank you you've done enough its my turn now"

Reaching for her gun once more she stood erect.

"Right your move" she said confidently

Gustavo found this suspicious and began darting his eyes from one point to the other trying to check if she came with someone but couldn't see anyone.

"You shouldn't have returned" he snapped and took off towards her

She lifted her gun, as though his body prepared for it, his speed increased. Taking the first shot she missed, he dodged it. As he got closer he realized something wasn't right, she wasn't flinching nomatter how many times she missed. Just as he got within armlenght of her he saw something twinkle with the side of his left eye.

Shit and it was at this moment he knew he had fucked up

With very little time to react he jumped back but couldn't dodge this bullet. Tearing apart his left cheek and exiting on the right. Blood spalshed into the air like an explosion causing him to stumble and fall on his back. Instictively he quickly jumped up with a chinese wake up and immedietly covered his mouth. There was so much blood it was sipping through the closed gaps in the fingers. He was now breathing heavily, that type of breathing a person in serious pain does.

Tanya frowned and raised her eyebrows “mmmmm stings doesn’t it” she chuckled

He slowly uncovered his mouth. He had a gap spanning from one cheek to the other, seemed the bullet had taken some teeth along with it. As he stood he swallowed something and Tanya’s eyes widened


Silence befell the battlegrounds and a faint heartbeat became louder with each passing second. Gustavo’s eyes turned from the normal kind to a cloudy white similar to those of a blind person. His skin crawled with veins already but now they turned black. Something about his size changed and even his presence smelled of pure despair.

“You shouldn’t have come back” he spoke with a deep guttural voice

Tanya felt a chill go down her spine but swallowed the lump on her throat.

Its too late for that

“Fuck………….you” she corked her gun

Gustavo gritted his teeth so hard they bled.

“I am going to kill you” he spoke with such passion in his voice

Without warning he charged for her.

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