The Rotting Flesh Book 2: Deadman’s Wonderland
Chapter 26: Ultimate decision

“Damnit!!” yelled Tom as they limped through the long grass

“We can’t outrun him” said Tanya already losing breath

“I know but we won’t stand a chance on open ground he’ll see our every move” said Xin as he took numerous quick glances back

They ran as fast as they could fighting the urge to fall down and whine over their numerous wounds. Eyes bloodshot and bodies aching everywhere, this was beyond normal.

The warm air made it even harder to breathe, it was almost too dark to see. Each step they took was a leap of faith. Tanya’s heart raced not just from exhaustion but from fear too

Gustavo wasn’t even running but it felt like he was gaining on them. The next forest was just a few hundred meters from them but that distance was enough for him to get to them. Why wasn’t he chasing them, why was he just causally walking? These were the questions in everyone’s minds.

When they finally reached the trees and looked back he was no longer walking but just standing watching them.

“I think we just ran into a trap” suggested Tanya

“Unlikely, he’s trying to play mind tricks on us” said Xin


“Confused prey is easy prey” said Tom gasping for air

“Lets go while we have the chance then” Tanya advised

“No there is no way we can outrun him, this is his territory. He’s got us right where he wants us and we got him right where we want him” replied Xin

“We can barely, stand how can we take him down. You guys don’t know how powerful he is” she said clearly panicking

Tom stopped to wonder why she was so jumpy all of a sudden then it hit him.

Wait, before i passed out i remember seeing Tanya fly out of the cabin

“So it was him huh” he said

She paused for a moment then replied “yes”

“Him who?” asked Nikita

“It happened so fast….Before i could even scream or blink I felt my body already floating in the air” she gulped down the lump on her throat “trust me guys he..he he’s far too different from the ones we have fought so far” she said thinking back

“I see, so would you rather sit this one out. We completely understand” Xin asked in a calm voice

His words striking a nerve in her chest, she stared at him with awe. How can someone ask such a question. She looked at Tom and he nodded in approval. This was her chance to escape

“Don’t worry, he won’t come after you we’ll make sure of that” Tom said with a reassuring smile

She looked down “But Tom I” her lips quivered

“You two take care of each other alright, I’ll catch up when I’m done” he added

Knowing even if she left the three of them were willing fight to their last breath just so she got time to escape weighed heavy on her heart. She stood there frozen in place when she felt his warm hand gently push her. Her legs immediately let go and she ran. Xin looked at Tom. The look on his face was not that of a man who felt betrayed but rather of a proud man and a man with no worries. Xin looked at Nikita and she nodded with a smile. He knelt down with and placed his swords in front of Tom.

“Hey are you okay” Tom said bending down to help him but Nikita stopped him with a hand signal

“I believe this might not be the right time to ask but with the battle that faces us, there might be no other time. As a warrior dying alone is shameful. I ask Tom will you take my sword and make it yours. My sword is yours.” Xin spoke calmly

“I I I” Tom stammered not sure how to respond

He looked at Nikita once more who now had watery eyes. She smiled and gave a thumbs up.

Tom reached out to Xin and helped him up.

“I will only agree to this under one condition” he said


“You agree in our family we all stand on equal ground and no one is above the other.” said Tom

Xin nodded and Tom smiled.

“Shall we begin” asked Nikita unsheathing her twin swords

“Yes, cheers to all those we lost” Tom said extending his bat in front of him

Xin put his sword on and so did Nikita.

“And to more years on earth” she said and the separated their weapons

At that moment Gustavo also began to walk towards them. His pace increased slowly with each step until eventually he started running. They all gripped their weapons and breathed in.

Limping and staggering to the point of falling on trees for support, Tanya ran. Her back felt heavy like she had some huge weight on it. So many mixed emotions her mind, heart and soul was at war. After covering quite some distance she fell on her knees and began to sob. Tears trickling endlessly down her chicks.

“Damnit” she punched the ground “useless useless useless” she pulled her hair

Memories of the times she spent with Tom and Theresa came flooding in. The smiles they shared the good and the bad nights they shared. Now she just left him.

“Daddy why am I so weak” she whispered falling down on her side “maybe I deserve to be alone”

“Why Tanya why didn’t you help your sister!!”

“I I I I was scared mommy”

“Oh Goooooood nooooo my little girl”

“Daddy I I I’m sorry”

“Its okay Tanya, it is fear that makes us human. Come here mommy and daddy love you alright”

“Daddy I did it again, I let another person die because I’m useless” she sobbed silently and began closing her eyes

She heard a sound and opened them, in front of her was her father.

“Dad” she said standing up

“Hello pumpkin” he smiled the heart warming smile which always made her troubles disappear “why are you crying”

“Tom Daddy I I let him die, I’m useless” she fell back on her knees again

“I doubt he would agree to that”

“I just wanna go home, can we go?”

“Not yet pumpkin not yet” he smiled, tuned and began walking away

“Daddy! Daddy! Wait” she reached out to him

She stood up and chased after him but began to slowly lose breath. She staggered and leaned on a tree gasping for air. Her body weakened and she began to fall. The moment she hit the ground she woke up.

“Dad” she whispered

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