“God what has this world become” Lucce frowned looking at Tanya and Theresa’s heavily wounded bodies

“It went to hell my God” commented xxx kneeling next to Theresa “Sarge she looks about 15”

Lucce frowned while looking around. He sighed then gave orders

“Alright while we were dealing with those other bastards these people took out one of the big dogs. We owe it to them to finish this”

“You heard the man boys, patch these up and take them back to camp” instructed Blessed the other guy

Two men each went to the people on the ground. They covered Nikita and carried her body to the trucks parked just outside the woods.

“I hope she lives through this” said a man reaching for Theresa when a gun clicked

The sound attracted everyone and they turned only to see Tanya who was barely hanging on to her consciousness aiming it at the guy.

“Don’t t t arg” she gasped for air “fucken touch her”

The guy put his hands up in surrender and slowly stepped away. The gun was shaking, her mind and body were no longer in sync.

“Ma’am we are sorry to intrude” said Lucce in a calm voice

She shifted her gaze to him.

“Y y y you” she remembered his face and pointed the gun at him

The men pulled out theirs but Lucce signaled for them to withdraw.

“I promise we are on your side, we want Ceaser dead too. I’m sorry we didn’t arrive in time” he said

“Gus Gustavo” she gasped for air

“You won look” he said getting out of the way to reveal Gustavo’s massive body face down

“We are here to help, I promise” he said

“T T T” she struggled to speak

“They are all alive we checked their vitals. But we have to rush them back to the camp where its safe. Can we?” he said in the most polite way he could find

Oh God, she’s just a child Sanchez’s eyes teared up

She slowly lowered her gun and once it was down she passed out. The people at the scene were struck hard by what they watched. Most of them had tears in their eyes.

“Those fucken animals” Lucce yelled stomping the ground “men tonight slay Ceaser”

The men roared with agreement. They were all carried back to the camp.

“How are they?” asked Lucce standing by the tent where they were kept

“Its unbelievable how they managed to survive such fatal wounds” said the lady

“They are true soldiers”

“El, the wee girl and the asian are okay. I managed to stabilize them however ‘I’m not so sure about those two. Too many bones were broken in their bodies and too much loss of blood. We are going to need a blood transfusion.” explained Sanchez

“Take mine sarge, I’ve got plenty to spare” said a man who overheard them while passing by

“And mine too, take all you need” said the other man with him “hey guys our heroes need blood!” he called out

Everyone rushed to the tent all willing to their own blood.

So even though we have lost everything we hold dear, it seems we didn’t lose our humanity a tear escaped Lucce’s eye as he watched the men lined up at the tent


Sitting alone in his meeting room. Ceaser watched for the door awaiting the return of his dear friend and brother. Nomatter what Gustavo had never needed backup. He executed all his tasks flawlessly and would return in time.

Even though his heart would not accept it his mind knew, Gustavo was no more. He could feel his body heat up. So many emotions he had not felt in a long time came crushing. One moment he was okay with it and content that his brother had found the fight he sought all his life. The next moment he feel a weight on his chest and that his whole world had come crumbling. For once in a long Ceaser felt fear, the fear he had last felt before he met Gustavo.

His eyes slowly watered and redden. His breathing became irregular, coming to stop like that of someone fighting back crying.

A man ran in through the entrance and when he met eyes with Ceaser, his body froze. It was impossible, of all the monsters fairytale to legend Ceaser was the worst. To his underlings he was viewed as the devil himself.

I’m going to die today the thought flashed his mind as he saw tears flow down Ceaser’s cheeks God help me

He fell to his knees and looked down. With trembling lips he greeted Ceaser

“G g g Good eve”

“Do you have a brother?” Ceaser cut him off with a question

His voice different from that terrifying deep beast like bass. This time it had gentle tone similar to that of Gustavo.

“Ye ye yes” he replied trembling and sweating

“Take your brother and go” said Ceaser

The man paused, he could not believe his ears. Ceaser would never say such things. He had killed children in front of their mothers and wives in front of their husbands. Why would he care about him now?

“Si si sir I I I don’t understand” he said

“Take you brother and leave this place” Ceaser said standing up

The guy’s feet went cold and he lost his breath. He could see his life flash before his eyes. Ceaser began walking towards him. The closer he got the more numb the man’s body went but Ceaser just passed him and stood at the entrance facing outside.

“Did you bury him?” he asked

“Ye yes sir”

“Whats your name?” Ceaser asked startling the man

He pinched himself to check whether he was dreaming or not because this was completely out of character.

“Samuel Grey”

“Thank you Samuel” said Ceaser and he left

Samuel remained glued to where he was. This day he learnt that nomatter how much we change or how much power we attain at the end of the day we will always be human and we will always feel pain.

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