The Rejected Mate
chapter 14 : the torture


XXXXXXKXXKKX Its been two hours since Serenity took off, and I been looking around the reception area but I couldn't find her anywhere. My wolf has been nagging me as if trying to tell me something but I couldn't point out what. I spot Matthew talking with the former betas mate, also Serenity's Mother. I walk towards their direction and greet Lisa, Serenity's Mother with a nod of my head"Mrs. Martins" "Alpha" she greets and bows her head in respect. I look towards Matthew and ask "Can I talk to him personally, if you don't mind" my words pointed towards Lisa. She nods her head and leaves in search of her mate. "Matthew" I address him. Even though he is Serenity's boyfriend, I don't necessarily hate him. I believe he is far more better than me, and if the way I've seen them interacting with each other is an insight into their relationship, I wouldn't try to wreck havoc in their relationship, atleast for now. He atleast keeps her happy, which I couldn't do right even the first time I met her, instead I just rejected her like the heartless monster I am. "Where is Serenity? Have you seen her?, She just took off earlier and I haven't seen her since" I ask him. Creases appears on his face with worry "No, Last time I saw her,she was with you" he replies back and this makes me an my wolf go crazy. "What do you mean?-- wait leave it, I'll look for her myself" I tell him and hightail it out of there, I exit the venue and head towards the forest, I can feel him following me and I don't object. We walk for a few minutes and nothing feels out of ordinary. My feet makes a srcunching noise when I step on something, I bend down and see a piece of paper. I pick it up and read. "I've got her, Alpha " - Roman Ivanovic My eyes flash gold seeing the familiar name and all those haunting memories flash before my eyes,the gold in my eyes indicating that my wolf is in control. I low rumble leaves my chest and my claws comes out. I scrunch the paper with my claws in rage. "What is that?" Matthew stands before me with a confused look on his face, when I don't reply back he takes upon himself to pick up the scrunched paper on the ground. His face changes colour when he read it and I can practically feel anger radiating off of him. "Did you know about this?" I ask him with rage. He looks nervous for some reason but still angry. "Yes" he replies back and I lose it It happens so fast, that he had no time to react. I pick him up by his collar and smash his back into the nearest tree, it breaks due to the force of the impact. "Tell me what you know" it's the beast speaking now, it comes out way deeper than my voice, a voice of an animal more than a man. Matthew cuffs and takes huge gulps of breath in, he manages pries my hand off his collars and speaks. "We came out for a run yesterday, and Serenity smelled a rogue out in the woods and she came across an envelope stuck to a tree" he says and talks out a paper from the front pockets of his pants. My brow srunches together when I read the contents written inside. Daughter? Wait... So Roman is Serenity's father? That cannot be true can it? Alex is Serenity's brother so that can be happening?! I'm basically not sure what to think or say about this new piece of information. I would've never thought that Serenity was his daughter. Matthew speaks up as if knowing what I was thinking "He's her father" And my world stops. "We have to find her before he kills her" I tell him and mindlink all the pack warriors about the situation at hand.


XXX XX XXX XK XXX My throat feels sore, scratchy and dried up like a barren desert. My head is pounding like someone has been hammering a nail into the wall. I try to open my eyes but I can't but I keep trying, I succeed after a few moments. The sight infornt of me talks me back to where I came from, who I was before. I'm enclosed in these four walls. The cells, Just like I was used to before being rescued by the Martins, abused physically and emotionally, but what leaves a permanent scars are the memories. These feelings of loneliness and fear doens't stop when your own mind betrays you keeps feeding you these horrible memories which you tried so hard to forget, and even believed at a point that you did, oh but you don't know how wrong you were. The cells, the beatings, the whip, the torture. It keeps coming back to me in circles. I close my eyes wishing it would all stop. The silence is broken when the door to the cells opens and in comes the monster who I feared the most. I push myself into the farthest wall wishing that this was a horrible dream, but his scent and those dark eyes filled with malice says otherwise. "Oh if it isn't my favourite daughter” he says with a grin filled with hate and promise of death. He moves towards my position on the floor and places his hands on my cheeks and I flinch back, And his grin widens. He moves towards the table placed in the middle of the room with all type of tools used to inflict pain. He picks up a silver knife and trails a finger up its blade, it burns his skin but he shows no form of pain. He move towards me again with the knife tightly held in his hands. "Let the fun begin shall we?" He says and slashes my cheeks with it, blood trickles down the open wound, and I whimper in fear and think about the onslaught of pain about to be inflicted on me. I pray that I would be able to survive this torture and make it out alive of here.

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