The Rejected Mate
chapter 13 : the wedding

Matthew, what happen-, why are you-?" I'm immediately cut off when his wolf growls and grits out "He killed my mate” and this time it's me who is shocked with this new piece of information. "And what the hell do you mean by he's your father, I thought your and Alex had the same parents” he asks, I sigh and reply in a tone which says that I'm not ready to talk about it now "No, I'm adopted” now it's my time to be confused. "Wait, wasn't your mate and pack killed by rogues?" I ask him confused because as far as I know, his pack was attacked by a group of rogues, maybe even a pack of them. "Yeah, but they were led by your father"he grits out and I sigh. I really don't know my father like I think I do. "Hurry up, we've to inform Damien and the others” Matthew exclaims after a few moments of silence and I panick. "No, I-I mean not today-" I see the look on his face which clearly shows that he disapproves my idea but I continue speaking "look it's only for a day or two,it's Alex and Courtney's wedding tomorrow and I don't want to ruin it for them". "Think about the number of people's lives that's on the line, Serenity. People will most probably lose their lives of we don't do anything" Matthew replies with a worried look on his face. I move towards him and place my hands over his shoulders effectively calming him down "We'll inform Damien the first thing after the wedding, is that okay?" I ask him and he nods reluctantly after a few moments. At the wedding... "I think I'm second guessing this, Ohmygod Ohmygod. I think I'm going to be the next runaway bride." Courtney says I've been watching her pace back and forth for the last five minutes and mumbling about how she's going to runaway from her own wedding. Oh hell no. She's wearing a white gown which flairs out in a perfect manner which makes her waist look smaller than usuall, her hair is in loose curls. To say that she looks beautiful would be an understatement. "Court, you know that I love you right? But of you leave my brother alone on the altar, I'll make sure that I find you and kill you myself" I tell her in a semi-playful way. Courtney sighs "I'm nervous”. "Hey, look everything is going to be alright, you don't have to worry and plus my brother loves you to death” I try to comfort her and she relaxes visibly as if me telling her my brother loved her was what she wanted to hear all along. I feel arms wrapping around my waist and hear a voice say "Hey there Beautiful" and I blush. I turn around to find Matthew looking like the handsome guy he is in his white tuxedo. I'm currently wearing the dress which Courtney picked out for me. It was a beautiful white lace dress with intricate designs and rhinestones attatched to it with ruffles around the waist and the middle of the dress in a straight line. The dress complimented my figure greatly and I'm thankful that Courtney picked this dress. My hair is in a messy updo while my eyes have a light smokey effect on them finished of with a nude lip. "You don't look bad yourself" I tell him. "Well why, thankyou milady. I'm honoured." He replies while bowing like a old fashioned gentlemanly manner and I laugh. The joyful moment is cut short when my eyes find a certain grey eyed Alpha. He looks drop dead gorgeous in his black tuxedo, it enhances his model like body and the tux is fit snugly around his biceps, tightening whenever he flexes his arms to do anything. But what caught my attention was the baby in his arms, who is wearing the same as his father, excluding the jacket. My heart melts seeing Elijah, he looked so cute in his little black vest and bow. My eyes meet Damien's from across the room and I look away from his intense stare. Thousand years by Christina Perry comes on and I see The Former Beta walking Courtney down the aisle towards her future husband. I smile while seeing them say their I do's and kiss each other all the while Matthew is by my side with an arm around my waist. I feel a stare piercing into me the whole time, and I know who it is, but I don't dare meet his eyes. "Serenity, would you like to dance?" My head snaps towards Matthew, he knows I don't dance but I couldn't say no to those big puppy dog eyes, oh he knows what he's doing, okay. "Yes" I sigh in defeat. Matthew leads us towards the dance floor, and I can see many other couples dancing. Matthew places his right hand on my waist and holds my right hand with his left one. We spin, waltz and twirl around the room and it's safe to say I actually enjoyed it and I'm laughing the whole time. I lay my head on his shoulders and just sway from side to side when a slow song comes on, feeling at peace. DAMIEN's POV

XXXXXHXXXK XX When I saw her wearing that white dress which made her look like a goddess, I couldn't stop staring at her. She was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I'm aware of the fact that she can feel my stare but she choose not to acknowledge it and instead she is laughing and chatting with her boyfriend. Which makes my blood boil, sometimes I've to remind myself that I'm the one who rejected her and not the other way around. I watch them dancing from the corner of the room while sipping on wine, she places her head on his shoulder and sway from side to side when a slow song comes on and I grit my teeth. The wolf side of me is begging to come out so bad but I reign the urge. My grip on the glass tightening to a point where I might just break it. You know what, fuck it. I think to myself I place the wine glass on a nearby table and take steady strides towards the dancing pair. "May I have a her" I say effectively bring them back from their bubble and catching their attention. They break apart seeing me, it was more of a demand than a question. Matthew looks at Serenity, who has a tensed look on her face and he nods and places her hand which he was holding onto mine.


XXX XXX XXX KX XX My body immediately tenses when he holds my hands in his, tingles shoot up my arms and to my whole body at the contact. It still amazes and confuses me greatly, how can I still feel the bond when he had marked another female? He places his other hand on my back and pulls me closer towards him, that we're almost pressed up against each other, leaving no space between us And I gasp in surprise. He looks at me with those piercing eyes and I can't look away from some absurb reason. He brings his face closer to mine and I try to move back but fail to get out of his tight hold. When I think he's going to kiss me, he moves his head towards my ear and whispers in a deep but sensuous voice "Relax" and goosebumps appear on my skin. My body is leaning towards his as if we were craving his touch all along, betraying my thoughts of staying away from him as much as possible. He sways us form side to side all the while staring at me with those piercing grey eyes of his, he brings up his hand which were on my waist to trace circles on my exposed back, making shivers to run down my spine. My wolf purrs inside my head and my cheeks fills with red at her desire. I relax after a few moments and decide to place my head on his shoulder, we continue to dance for a while. It's as if a switch had gone off, when I suddenly jerk away from his hold and he looks at me puzzled, I shake my head in reply. What was I thinking let him touch me like that? I can't do this if I want to keep myself sane, I'll end up hurting myself when he leaves me for some other female again. I turn away from his hold and run towards the exit. I run and stop when I have reached the forest, I remove my dress and place it on the forest grounds. I need to run so that I can clear my mind. I run for a while in my wolf form and I relax, as I dwell in the calmness the forest provides me. I'm currently lapping up on water from the stream. I don't feel any presence here other than mine and it's to quiet in here, which worries me. I catch the same scent I did as yesterday and my wolf tenses, ready to fight. We're too late when I feel myself being hit on the back of my head with a powerful force. My vision blurs as dots appear my vision. Darkness fills my mind and I collapse on to the forest ground naked in my human form.

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