The Rejected Mate
chapter 15 : the saving

I don't what day or time it is anymore, it's as if I don't care to know about the number of days and nights that I've been in captivity.

Some people might think I'm abnormal if they could hear the thoughts inside my head --- I know I would.

I've been thinking about life and people in general. I've always wondered why the hell there is so much hate in the world, and I realised it's because we either hurt or say meanfull things just so we ourselves couldn't get hurt and to protect ourselves from the onslaught of pain it might bring. Some things could only be believed when seen with one's own two eyes, and that's how came to this realisation.

( Memory)

It was the time, I was sneaking into my room fearing the torture I'm might get if my father caught me, but I wasn't ready for the surprise that I got, when I saw my father, the Alpha crying in his room. Yes, it was the first time I've had seen him cry and to say I was stunned would be the under - fucking - statement of the century.

Guess he isn't as heartless as he claims to be.

He was clutching onto a framed picture and I caught a glimpse of it when he brought it upto look at it from its previous postion on his chest. I could make out the pretty face of a girl who looked young maybe in her early twenties with chocolate brown hair, brown hazel eyes and with a sweet smile on her face. I would recognise her from anywhere, because It was a face I never got to see in person, I looked a lot like her and maybe because I was her daughter.

I had heard stories about my father's childhood from many of the elders of the pack, and let me tell you, his childhood wasn't the best and I feel bad for what he had to go through such a young age. The elders had told me how his father, my grandfather, The Alpha Merrick had started training him at the mere age of 8, and how Merrick had become cruel after he lost his mate to a rogue attack. My father was put to fight with the pack warriors at the tender age of 10 by his Father, when I fact he should have been like a normal carefree 10 year old, but apparently according to Alpha Merrick it would make his son, my father ' Man enough and a Strong Alpha ".

The dress that they provided me was a thin shirt which did nothing to keep me warm, and has been torn up in places due to the torture I endure on a daily basis.

My mind wanders back to my pack, and how they have been dealing with my dissapearance, and if they have been searching for me. I miss my family, especially my parents as I couldn't properly talk with them due to the wedding preparations.

I miss Matthew and the stupid and goofy things he does to make me smile which he doesn't fail in doing so, and how can I not miss Elijah, the little bundle of joy with his precious eyes just like his fathers, I sigh when I think about him.

I hope Damien doesn't hurt Matthew as I'm sure he might tell the truth to save me, instead of saving himself.



I run a hand down by face and sigh tiredly. We've been trying to find Serenity for the past 2 weeks and whenever we come even close to finding her or the rogues it leads to a dead end. Damien has been going crazy, well at least his wolf.

I mean why wouldn't he? After all Serenity is his mate and I think his wolf has bonded and formed a connection with her wolves without them knowing.

My wolf has been agitated as well as my human side, there hasn't been a single day in the last 3 years that we've been apart, and these 2 weeks not knowing about her where abouts has been killing me.

I sniff and breath in the faint scent of wild flowers and rain, her scent.

It's fading away with the increase in time.

The door to my room opens and a teenage boy, probably 16 year old, "Alpha Damien has requested your Presence in his office” says with his head bowed as he can feel the power my wolf emits, we might have lost our pack but we're still an Alpha wolf, who demands respect.

I just nod my head in reply and he leaves my room quietly.

I leave my room and walk towards The Alpha office, knowing that Damien is going to be inside just like the past 2 weeks, he hasn't left his office since she had been kidnapped.

I knock on his wooden door and hear a faint "Come in" from the other side of the door and twist the door open.


"sit" he nods his head and points towards the seat across him.

I take a seat and look towards him expectantly "So, what's the matter?"

We have kept our differences to ourselves for the sake of it, but it is still a bit of tense at times seeing how both of us are Alphas and protective over Serenity.

He looks at me for a few moments in silence as if in deep thought "we found her, but we have to leave quickly at midnight".

My shoulders relax a little bit but still apprehensive of his decision.

My brows furrow "why in the middle of the night? and not just leave now" I ask.

He nods his head as if understanding my query "our warriors have been keeping an eye on them for the past 3 or 4 days and we've found that, their patrol guards during night time is quite lousy and it's the perfect chance to attack them when they let down their guard” he says.

I nod my head in approval, just in time for the door to the Office to open and both of our head snap towards the culprit and hear them say "Alpha, the warriors are ready for the attack at night" says the Beta and Serenity's Brother, Alexander with a hard but determined look on his face. SERENITY's POV


Its been a few hour since I've seen anybody and I'm sure it's almost the middle of the night.

I grunt in pain as I try to stand up, I place a palm on the wall beside me and Lena my left side onto it for support, I limp my way towards the gate of the cell I'm in.

I look outside to see if there is some one still guarding the premises of the dungeon but all I hear is dead silence and I fell my body relax involuntarily for the first time in days.

The relief is short lived when I hear what's sounds likes growls and scrapping outside the Door to the Dungeon

I feel fear coursing through my veins and I panic, thinking that they're coming back in here to beat me till fall unconscious.

I limp my way towards the dark corner of the cell as fast as my legs can take me, I hear the doors to the dungeon bang open with force and I flinch when I hear the approaching footsteps.

My body shakes with terror, and I close my eyes, my vision blurs and I'm almost at the verge of fainting with fear.

I can feel a powerful presence in front of my cell gate, but what makes me open my eyes before I faint is the smell of male musk and cinnamon.


Relief fills my feature before the Darkness fills my vision.

I see Matthew's concerned face before my droopy eyes close shut.

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