“Teresa! Come out! NOW!” He yells.

“No! You’ll shout at me.”

“Of course I will. You told me wouldn’t meet him and you went to have dinner with him? And top of that, you even lied to me!” He shouts.

“I lied because I knew you’d freak out... And you told me to stay away from him because he wants to use me against you but he clearly told me it’s not that and he genuinely....” I trail off remembering his confession. What the hell? I need to reject him properly, but before that I’ve got a demon outside for me to face.

“He genuinely what Teresa?” He asks in a threatening tone.

“He is just investing on my dad’s company.”

“Get out NOW! OR I’ll break this damn door!” He bangs on. I need to do something before he actually breaks it.

“Okay but first promise me you won’t lecture me.” I shout.



“Okay fine, get out now.” I hear him sigh.

“You’ll not shout at me?” I try to confirm.

“I won’t.”

“Okay, then let me have a bath first, then I’ll come out.”


Last night I just stood under the shower and I still smell a little so I need to have a nice and warm bath. Hehe, it’s almost like before, me taking the bathroom first and he banging on the door. I grin. After rinsing my self clean I look around, OH Damn! My clothes?! I slowly peak outside popping my head out of the door and see the devil smirking at me with bag of clothes on his right hand.Now I know why he stopped banging the door.

“Ryouma please can you pass me my clothes?” I flash my teeth at him.

“No. Take it yourself.” He smirks.

“You know I can’t.”

“Then that’s your problem not mine.”

“please.” I plead.

“Oh don’t give me that look sweetheart. It’s not going to work.” He narrows his eyes at me.

“It won’t?” He shakes his head. “Fine, what do I have to do?” I sigh.

“I wasn’t going to shout at you if you quietly came out when I asked you to but now I’ve got few hours to lecture you.” He glares at me.

“No, you promised...”

“You want your clothes or not?” He threatens.

“Argh! Fine, fine I’ll let you lecture me to your heart’s content. Now please?” I extend by hand out.

“Hurry up, the more you delay more I’ll lecture you.” He says as he places the bag on my hand.

I quickly take the bag and start to dress.

“I’ll count to ten.” I hear him through the door.


“Hey that’s cheating where’s 3 and 5?” I shout to complain.

“You’re getting yourself delayed Teresa, 7....” He continues to count turning deaf to my complaints.

“Argh!” I hurriedly put on the pant and the shirt and spring out of the door. “I’m out, I’m out.” I shout.

“Good, now....” He glares at me and walks to me as a tiger walks to a goat or deer or whatever it’s prey is. I gulp as he takes every step closer to me. I’m an idiot! I close my eyes preparing for the long lectures.


I slowly peak at his face as he drives the car. He literally lectured more like shouted at me for hours. Mental note: Never provoke/test his jealousy. God!

“Are you still mad at me?” I ask.

He glares at me.

“Wrong question, of course you are.” I look at the road and sigh.

“I’m sorry.” I turn to him and look at him with puppy dog’s eyes.

He halts the car with a jerk as we reach home.

“Get out.” He says coldly.

“I’m saying I’m sorry.”

“Get the hell out of my car Teresa. Do not make me repeat.” He glares at me gritting his teeth.

“You’re really going to break your teeth and by the way what are you getting so angry at?” I snap at him.

“I think I’ve lectured you enough on that! You got drunk with a guy and not just any other guy but the guy I hate the most. Now get the hell out.” He shouts.

I get out off the car, “I’m sorry.” I mutter placing my hands on the window but he glares at me and draws the glass up. “Ouch.” I immediately pull my hands back and he drives off. déjà vu . I sigh and turn back to go inside my house where I’m greeted by my best friend crossing her arms and giving me what’s-going-on-explain look. I run to her and squeeze her into a hug.

“Why wasn’t I informed about that guy being her? and what the hell were you doing with him?” Rina paced back and forth across the room while I was on my knees holding my ears.

“I’m sorry Rina.” I look at her making puppy dog’s eyes.

Rina narrowed her eyes at me.

’Argh! I’ve alreagy been lectured by mr. monkey today so please spare me the torture.” I whine. “I’ve already gotten him mad at me, so please best friend at least you listen me out.”

I narrated everything to her.

“Argh! Why am I so stupid? Everything was going so perfect. He was here, I was making him run after me, it felt so good but I messed up everything now he’s the one who’s angry!” I whine rolling on my bed. “It’s all that Mr. Rival’s fault, why is he always creating problems between us?”

“Teresa, you were the one who lied to Ryouma and went for a dinner with this Mr. Rival. Stop blaming others for your own mistakes.” Rina shakes her head.

“Wait a minute Rina. Did you just take his side?” I blinked at her. “Are you okay with me meeting him?”

“If he can make you go back to yourself, who am I to hate him when my best friend loves him?” She sighs sitting down on the bed.

“I love you.” I squeeze her into a hug.

“But why is it always me? Why does everything back fires at me? Why can’t things just go the way I want? Does this mean now I should be the one to go after Ryouma saying sorry? Why? It was supposed to be the other way around.”

I open the first drawer of my dressing table and take out a small hand mirror and walk to the window. “What the hell? Even the nature is on his side.” I pout looking at his room’s window.

“Well I’ve still got torch.” I switch on my phone’s flashlight and shine the reflection of the light on his window. “Come on, Mr. ex-husband!” I mutter.

“What do I do Rina? He’s really mad at me.” I cry sitting on the bed.

“Wow, you can literally go up with whining, blaming, smiling to crying in a minute huh?” Rina laughs at me.

My phone rings. I look at the screen and frown. “What the hell does he want? You’re the last person I want to talk to right now.” I shout at the screen displaying Mr. Drew’s call.

“Teresa, calm down! Answer it, maybe he’s worried?” Rina shrugs.

Suddenly the door bell rings.

“Then you talk to him.” I throw the phone at her and run down the stairs and open the door.

“Get ready, you have 10 minutes.” Ryouma orders me pointing at his watch and enters the house.

“Weren’t you angry?” I follow after.

“I don’t have the luxury to get angry right now I only have a week. I can’t afford to lose a single minute.” He narrows his eyes at me.

“This is the first time I’m happy about you being a businessman.” Values time and can’t afford any loss. Thanks to that saves me the trouble to run after him saying sorry. “But where are we going?” I ask.

“You have a date with me today remember? Or did your Mr. Drew made you forget that too?” He mocks me.

“He’s not mine okay? He is yours you’re the one who’s obsessed with him. and of course I’ll get ready in 10 minutes.” I run upstairs.

“Wear some comfortable clothes and shoes.” He shouts.

After 30 minutes’ drive, he stops the car and changes his shoes. I look at him and wonder what is he up to? He walks ahead and points at the hill.

“Are we going to hike?” I widen my eyes in shock and shout.

He nods and walks ahead.

“Yeah, I should get used to it, your surprises are hell of shocks to me.” I roll my eyes and sigh but he is walking ahead leaving me behind.

“Hey! Don’t leave be behind!” I shout and run after him.

“No need to get your revenge like this.” I pant reaching up to him, he fakes a smile at me and goes ahead leaving me behind again. Is he planning to kill me or what? “Wait! You stupid ex-husband!” I run after him again.

Running, falling, panting I finally manage to reach the top, I look around but I can’t find him anywhere, the sun is also about to set down. Where the hell is he? He’s literally making me run after him! That jerk!

I finally see him at a distance, “Oi, ex-husband!′ I shout and run to him.

“Would you stop with this ex-husband?!” He yells.

“But that’s what you are.”

“I have a name.” He glares at me.

“Okay, relax! No need to be angry young man. Ryouma. Happy?” I sigh and finally notice the surrounding. A bonfire is placed in the middle and two bean bags on it’s left and a barbecue at the right.

“Oh!” I look at the arrangements and back at him. He finally gives me a big smile. Oh thank god! I didn’t think I would see his smile anytime soon. I sigh with relief.

He holds my hand and makes me sit on one of the bean bags. I stare at him in awe. “I don’t mind you staring at me but you’ll miss the view.” He turns my head ahead as the sun slowly sank low behind the hills. My eyes smile at the beautiful scenery, sky reflected beautiful shades of red and orange then turning dark blue and finally darkness took over the sky. I am brought back to reality by the sound of the shutter. I immediately turn my head to the direction of the sound and find him holding a camera in his hands and clicking my pictures.

“What are you doing?”

“Capturing you.” He smiles at me.

We have our dinner in the moon light beside the fire. Come to think of it, when did he manage to arrange these stuff?

“Why am I the only one having pictures clicked? This isn’t fair, give me the camera.” I try to take it but he gets up “No.”

“That’s not fair.” I get up and try to take it from him but he holds the camera high. “My camera.”

“My pictures.” I narrow my eyes at him and jump to take it from his hands but he smoothly shifts the camera to his left hand and sticks his tongue out. “Mr. ex-husband!” I glare at him. “Now you’re not giving this at all.” He glares back. “Okay, Ryouma please.” I try to sweet talk him.

“Oh no you’re not.” He grins.

“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” I pout crossing my arms.

“Of course I love to bully you.” He clicks another picture of me, light flash on my face. “You look like a monkey, look.” He teases me showing my picture. “Fine, if you’re going to get your revenge on me like this I’m going back. ” I turn around to leave but he suddenly lifts me into his arms, I yelp and reflexively wrap my arms around his neck. “No, you’re not.”

“Put me down.” I narrow my eyes at him. “No.”

“Bully!” I pout and pull my arms back and turn to the other side.

“And you look so cute when I bully you.” I hear him laugh, my anger melts in a second, but now I’m angry at myself. He hits a stone, leading to be a little unsteady and I immediately wrap my arms back around his neck. “You think I’ll let you fall?” He arches his eyebrows. “Who knows? You’re a bully after all!”

“Well I guess I do love to annoy you and bully you.” He winks at me and drops me on the ground. “Ouch!” It didn’t really hurt because he dropped me on my bean bag but still he dropped me. “You jerk! You’re so dead!” I glare at him. “I was just kidding Teresa!” He runs into the forest. “You’re dead today.” I shout and run after him.

“Where the hell he ran off to?” I look around but I see nothing but trees. Thanks to the moon light it’s not that dark. I hear a rustle. “Ryouma is that you?” I walk to the direction of the sound but there’s no one. Now I’m starting to get scared. This idiot! Why did I have to run after him into this wild forest?! I walk ahead but I freeze on the spot and gape at the view in front of me. Numerous fireflies over a small lake. The water reflecting the lights. WOW! I hear the camera shutter beside me. I turn my head to see Ryouma holding the camera with a wide grin. I can’t help but smile at him. “You could have just brought me here instead of making me run after you.”

“I wouldn’t have got a perfect shot then.” He pouts. “You liked it?”

“I loved it. It’s amazing. How did you find this place?”

“Miss Teresa Scarlet, it’s my hometown too. I’ve lived here before and I came here when someone used to follow me around the whole day and used to annoy me as hell so much that I had to run from my own house, that was when I discovered this place.”

“You’re trying to get me angry again?” I glare at him knowing that the certain someone was me. Come on, I didn’t followed him around as much as he says.

“No, I just wanted to make you smile. Just like these fireflies and the moon light,” He points at the moon and walks towards me, “your smile lightens my world up.” He points at me. “And just like I’ve captured your smile on this camera I want to make you smile your whole life and cherish them forever in my heart.” He adds with a wide grin and holds out a flower to me.

“You sure know how to talk.” I take the flower and smile at him. “Wait, you as a kid came here? climbing up the hill? this late? Mom and dad let you?”

“Who said I climbed the hill?” He shrugs. “But that’s how we came here.” I blink at him in confusion. “Come now, let’s get you home, Rina has called me more than 10 times already.” He pulls me by my hand and walks ahead. “Hey, that’s the way we came from right? Why are we going opposite?” He doesn’t answer me and just moves ahead. As soon as we come out of the forest I see the road and halt pulling back my hand from his. He looks back at me and smiles sheepishly.

“You made me climb that hill when we could have just come here by the road?” I glare at him.

“I was angry and plus you would have see the lake if we came from here.” He shrugs.

“You really are THE number one jerk, no you’re number one evil jerk.” I roll my eyes at him.

“I love to bully you.” He winks at me.


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