Teresa’s P.O.V

“Mm...” I stir up from my sleep as I feel bright light on my face. I turn to the other side and hug my blanket. Absentmindedly opening my eyes to see a room I don’t recognize, I immediately wake up, In a panic, I sit up in bed and look around to see an unfamiliar, opulent room. I blink thrice and try to process my mind but I’m all blank. I slowly stand up only to find myself in a shirt, what the hell!! I immediately jump back into the bed, covering myself with the blanket.

Panic seizes me and I freeze on the spot. What the hell happened?!!

“Good morning miss drunkard, slept well?”

I immediately turn my head to the direction of the voice and saw HIM, my ex-husband leaning against the door, holding a glass of water with a smirk plastered on his face. Seeing him I felt heavy burden lift away from my heart, but tears filled my eyes. “You jerk! You did this on purpose!” I yell at him and throw the pillow at him.”

He saw me panicking, when I felt like dying he was enjoying with a smirk. He caught the pillow in midair, before it hit his face and narrowed his eyes at me.

DAMN! He’s mad at me again! I lowered my eyes. “But what are you doing here?” I ask him.

“Oh would you rather have Mr. Drew here? Sorry for disappointing you.” He answers coldly.

“I didn’t mean that...” I raise my voice but seeing him glare at me, I got quiet.

“Here, have it. And I trust your brain, I know you’ll remember.” He holds out a glass in front of me.

I slowly take it and have a sip. I slowly look at him and see him glaring at me; I gulp and immediately look down at the glass of water in my hands. I look around at the room and god! It’s a mess. Did I do all this? I try to remember.

“You’re angry?” I slowly look at him. “Anger is a very small word for what I’m feeling right now.” He gives a wicked smile.

I try to change the subject, “Where are we?”


“Why a hotel?”

“Figure it out yourself.” He hisses.

“At least give me some hints.” I lower my gaze and pout.

“Fine, my car’s company is having a tough time because of the stunts you pulled last night.” I can feel his cold glare piercing me.

I gasp.


Third person’s P.O.V

“Miss Scarlet, our car is this way.” Marcus Drew tries to hold Teresa in a place but she shrug his hands off and walks to the road.

“Ahhh!!!” She shout as a car screeches in front of her. She shuts her eyes but nothing hits her, She slowly opens one eye then the other and smiles seeing the car stop just few centimeters away from her.

“What the hell??” The driver shout at her. She look at the driver seat closely only to find her ex-husband widening his eyes with surprise. “Oh ex-husband! hello!” She waves at him.

“What the hell are you doing here?” He gets off from his car and raises his brows in confusion.

“Miss Scarlet!” Mr. Drew comes running towards us. “Are you okay?” He holds her arm.

“Do not touch her!” Ryouma pulls her toward him and glares at his business rival now turned love rival. “Why are you here?”

“That’s none of your business, Carlton.” Mr. drew narrows his eyes at him. “Miss Scarlet, let’s get you home.” He holds out his hand to Teresa.

“She isn’t going anywhere with you.” Ryouma slaps his hands away. “You don’t decide that.” He retorts.

Teresa manages to slip away while they both glare at each other.

“You stay away from her.” Ryouma glares at Marcus Drew.

“You don’t tell me what I do.” He retorts.

“Drew I’m telling you not to mess with me, especially her.” Ryouma glares at him.

“Well Carlton, I’m not messing with anyone and if it’s Miss Scarlet we’re talking about then I’ve already told her and I’ll make it clear to you too, I am serious about her and I’m not giving up on her at least not for you. I heard from her just now, how much you’ve made her cry so I don’t think you have any right to fight over her. You had your chance Carlton, and you miserably lost and let her go. Now it’s my turn and I’m not stupid like you to let her walk away from me. I promise I’ll treasure her more than you could or would ever have.” Marcus declares a war.

“So excuse me.” Marcus tries to go but Ryouma blocks his way. “Oh no, you’re not!”

“Teresa isn’t going anywhere with you and it’s not you who decides who deserves her and who doesn’t. It’s her decision, I know I was a jerk and my stupidity made me lose her. But, she’s mine and mine alone. And if you’re going to stick your nose between us then I’ll make sure to break that lovely nose of yours.” Ryouma threatens him.

“Oh Carlton, it’s not just my nose but my entire self with stand between you guys because I’m not giving up on her.” Drew smirks.

“Then I guess I’ll have to crush your entire self then.” Ryouma narrows his eyes at him.

“Are you throwing a challenge? Aww but don’t go crying when she chooses me.” Drew teases him clicking his tongue.


They are brought back to the real world as Teresa drums on Ryouma’s car’s horn. She sticks her head out of the window and calls out to her ex-husband. “Come, come let’s go home!” She shouts.

“I guess we know her decision. Want a tissue to wipe your tears?” Ryouma mocks his rival.

Ignoring him Drew lowers himself down at Teresa’s level, “Miss Scarlet, are you sure you’re going with him?”

“Who’re you?” She frowns.

Ryouma bursts into laughter. “Sorry... don’t mind me.” He tries to suppress his laugh.

“Oh yes yes I remember you, Mr. Drew! I was here to have a dinner with you! Ah I remember.” She nods and smiles proudly, proud that she remembers.

“Miss scarlet I think I should drop you home, I don’t trust this guy here. I have your dad to answer to.” Drew smiles at her.

“Oh! It’s okay. We live close. It’ll just be trouble for you to drop me, He’ll drop me. Bye Bye.” She waves at him and pulls the window over.

“I think you heard the lady, ouch did your ego just crumble down? Very sad, tsk, tsk.” Ryouma clicks his tongue.

Marcus ignores him and knocks Teresa’s window pane. She opens it and blinks. “Bye Miss Scarlet. Thank you for the dinner, I hope to see you again.” He smiles at her.

“Sure.” She nods and smiles back. Ryouma scowls. Marcus rolls his eyes and walks off.

“Teresa, shift to your seat.” He points at the passenger seat. She pouts.

“Wait, you’re drunk?” He glares at her. She smiles slyly. “Oh Damn!” He rubs his forehead. “okay, just go to your seat.” He sighs.

She shakes her head and crosses her arms. “Or we won’t be able to get home.” He nods sadly at her. She hurriedly shifts. “Let’s go home!” She grins.

“Mom must be waiting!” She smiles at him.

“Mom? She’s not here, Teresa.”

“Why? You’re not taking me home?” She asks innocently.

“I am but you’re going your home.” He replies.

“No! I want to go home. I miss mom. Take me home.” She pokes his arm.

“Teresa, we’re in different city right now.”

“So what? take me home!!!” She shouts.

“Okay stop shouting, I’ll take you tomorrow.” He tries to convince her but in vain.

“Nooooo!!! NOW!!” She shouts.

“We can’t get home today by this car. So let’s just get you your home today, hmm?” He looks at her hopefully. She glares at him and pulls the car keys out.

“Hey!!” He shouts as the car halts screeching. “Are you mad?” He glares at her.

“what’s the use of this car then, if it can’t get me home?” She gets off the car. Ryouma follows her out. “Teresa, do not mess with me. I’m already trying to control my anger do not test me.” He pulls her by her arms..

“Then get me home NOW!” She stomp her feet.

“We can’t.”

“Fine then.” She throws the car’s key. “YOU MAD WOMAN!” He yells.

“What’s the use of this stupid car if it can’t even get me home?” She pouts.

“Damn you, my car!” He holds his head worriedly.

“I hate your car! It’s another co-wife.” She hits him.


“First your work, second your car I’m third? And you’re scolding me because of this stupid car? which can’t even get me home.” She cries.

“Damn that Drew! Who told him to get you drunk?! I’m going to kill him the next time I see him.” He shouts pulling his hair in frustration.

He looks at his ex-wife, who was now sobbing sitting down on the road, he sighs. “No of course not, Teresa. You’re the one and only. Look I’ll beat this car for you.” He kicks the Tyre. “See? Stop crying now. I love only you, ’kay?”

“Okay!” She smiles. “Phew!” He sighs with relief. “Now let’s go home!!” She springs up.

How am I suppose to get you home after you threw my car keys? He mutters.

“Yay! Piggy back ride.” She shouts excitedly being carried on his back. “Why did you have to have dinner in a quite place like this? We can’t even get a cab!” He yells at her.

“He had a meeting there that’s why.” She answers kicking her legs, hanging by the side.

“But how did you know I’m here? Were you stalking me again?” She asks excitedly.

“No, I just had a meeting near that restaurant.” He sighs thinking what has he gotten himself into.

“I’m disappointed.” She clicks her tongue and pouts.

“Why you want me to stalk you?” He asks her amusingly.

“Yes, you’re my cute stalker.” She giggles and tightens her arms around him.

“Looks like getting you drunk once in a while can be good.” He laughs at her words.

“Ugh...” “Stop... stop.” She hit his back.


“I’m going to puke...ugh....”

“wait.... wait...” He drops her immediately.

“Yuck Teresa!” He cringes his nose as she dirties his expensive suit as well as her dress.

“Oops sorry.” She mutters before losing her conciousness.

Hotel room

“Damn you, I take it back, anyone gets you drunk I’m going to kill that person.” “Get up, you can’t sleep with those clothes.” He tries to pull her up from the bed.

“Mmm... sleepy...”

“Yes, yes but you need to get changed first, get up sleepy head.“He carries her to the bathroom and opens the shower. “Here, after the bath wear this.” He hands her his shirt.

“What will you wear then?” She blinks.

“I’ll manage and I’m giving you just for a while until the hotel staffs arrange a pair of clothes for you. So for now, shower and wear this.“He orders and turns on the shower for her and stands outside the bathroom.

“Don’t you dare sleep there.” He threatens from the door.



“Done... what should I do now?”

“Wear the shirt idiot.”

“Ok done...Now?”

“Come out without hitting your head somewhere.”

“Okay.” After few seconds she comes out and grins. “What?” He glares at her.

She rolls her eyes and begins to look at everything in the room, turning them upside down.

“You’re not sleepy now?”

She doesn’t reply and continue to turn things upside down.

As she’s busy checking every item on the room, there is a knock on the door. As Ryouma opens the door the girl blushes seeing him shirtless, “Sir, clothes for...mam.” She says flustered.

Teresa opens the half opened door, “thank you, bye.” She glares at her. The girl ignores Teresa and smiles at Ryouma, “Should I take your eyes off? He’s mine!” She almost jumps at the girl scaring her.

Ryouma pulls her back and smiles nervously at the girl, “Sorry, my wife is too drunk.”

“You heard him, I'm his wife! Now get out!” She glares at the girl. “i’m sorry mam.” The girl bows quickly and runs off. Teresa shuts the door and glares at her ex-husband who raises his hands and shakes his head in horror.

“Teresa, go and get changed into these.“He hands over the clothes.

“Nope.” She shakes her head throwing the bag.

“I need my shirt back.” He sneezes.

“Nope, it’s my favorite.” She hugs herself and smiles. He freezes for a moment and blinks. “And I thought this night couldn’t get any tough than this.” He mutters and face palms himself. He shakes his head. “But I’m cold, Teresa.”

“Be that way, you were having fun showing off your hot body to that girl before. You’re hot enough I know you’ll manage and....” She glares at him.

“What..n-now?” He gulps.

She picks up the bed-lamp and throws at his direction, he dodges it with just a centimeter.

“How dare you divorce me?!!” She shouts.

“Teresa, calm down!”

“Do hell with calm! What’s that?” She throws a flower vase, he ducks his head and glares at her.

“I’m sorry!” He tries to approach her but she picks up another vase and throws at him.

“You jerk! How dare you divorce me and run away?” She throws one thing after another, barely managing to dodge all the things he runs around the room. “So this was why you were looking around the room a while ago?” He shouts.

“Ouch!” Finally the TV remote hits his head. “You made me cry! One week! ONE BLOODY WEEK! and you won’t even take me to mom.” She sits on the bed and starts crying. “I’m so lonely...” She mutters before falling asleep.

Flashback ends

“I won’t say sorry for this.” She pouts pointing at the broken things in the room. “If you didn’t go on a business trip I would have made you cry instead of crying by myself.” She glares at him.

“I know, you should have done just that and I shouldn’t have gone anywhere. I would have rather gotten myself beaten up than suffering now.” He sighs. “But you think I’m angry on this?” He glares at her. Teresa gulps and eyes the bathroom’s door. “YOU LIED TO ME!” He approaches her but she dashes to the bathroom and locks the door.

“Teresa! Get the hell out! NOW!” He yells.

“Oh boy!” She mutters biting her nails.

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