Here I am again having dinner with Mr. Drew. But this time it’s a business dinner, yes a pure business dinner.

“I guess no wine for you today, Miss Scarlet.” Mr. Drew teases me pulling the wine bottle away from my side.

“Umm... I’m sorry for that night... I created trouble for you and umm... said some rude things to you.” I smile nervously at him.

“Oh no, that’s fine.” He smiles.

“And also about what you said that day..”

“No please take some time, I don’t want you to answer immediately.”


“You’re going to reject me aren’t you? Not today please.” He sighs.

“Look Mr. Drew--”

“Call me Marcus.”

“Well Marcus, what’s the difference between today or later when the answer is going to be the same?”

“The answer could change Miss scarlet, you never know.” He winks at me.

“My answer will be the same, now and forever.” I replied with a sigh.

He suddenly clenches his fist to his chest and makes a pained expression. “Are you okay?” I ask panicking.

“Ouch, that hurts.” He pats his heart and winks at me. I can’t help but laugh at his action. “I guess we can at least be friends?” He extends his hand forward.

“Why not? I like to have friends with good sense of humor.” I wink at him and we shake hands.

“Why thank you, Miss Scarlet.” He grins.

“Call me Teresa, it doesn’t sound fair when only I call you by your name and plus we’re friends now. ” I smile at him.

“But I remember when I called you by your name, you kind of threatened me, ‘It’s Miss Scarlet for you!’” He enacts my exact words.

“Please Marcus, I said I’m sorry for being rude. Spare me the torture now.”

“Just kidding, Teresa.”

“Oh so having fun are you?” Suddenly I hear someone shout behind me. I know who! I bit my lips and slowly turn my head back to see Ryouma throwing ice-cold glares at me.

“What are you doing here?” I ask him holding my head.

“Oh am I disturbing your lovey dovey talk?” He smiles but that just sends chills to my spine. Lovey dovey what? He’s gone crazy!

“Ryouma, better not create a scene here.” I stand up from my chair and shake my head.

“You’re coming with me.” He pulls me by my arm but I’m stopped by Marcus who pulls me back holding my other arm, “She’s with me, Carlton.” Both start glaring at each other and I start to pity myself! What am I? A rope? That they’re playing tug of war with? Both won’t let of my arm at all!

“Guys! Do I seem like a rope to you?” I finally speak and they both look at me with a puzzled expression on their handsome face.

I lift my arms to their attention and shrug.

Marcus immediately lets go and apologizes but my dear ex-husband pulls me along with him. “Ryouma!” I jerk my arm off his grip. “If you don’t want to create a scene here, you’re coming with me.” He glares at me.

“I’m sorry but I gotta go.” I yell to Marcus as I’m being dragged out.

“What’s your problem?” I shout at Ryouma as soon as we’re out of the hotel.

“You don’t know?” He shoots his eyebrows up.

“We were just-”

“After knowing what he feels about you, you were still happily chatting with him over your dinner!” He shouts pushing me inside the car.

“I--” He shuts the door at my face.

“And you’re asking me what’s my problem?” He takes his seat and shuts his door with a bang. I flinch.

“I’ve rejected him.” I shout out aloud closing my ears and then glare at him.

His eyes softens. “You’ve--”

“Yes! Now stop being jealous. And how did you find me there? Are you stalking me again?” I narrow my eyes at him.

“I thought you said you love me stalking you.”

“My god Ryouma! I was drunk!”

“People speak truth when they’re drunk.”

“I’m a rare case! I can’t believe you actually stalked me?!” I face forward and pout crossing my arms.

“I didn’t, I just happened to be there.”

“You think I believe that?”

“That’s the truth!”

“Look it was only a business dinner okay? I don’t come and create a scene when you’re having dinner with your client?”

“Why were you having business dinner with him?”

“Because duh dad isn’t here. If only dad was here I wouldn’t have to be dragged out by you like this!” I sigh.

“Your dad will be here by tomorrow so just stay away from him!”

“What?” I blink at his words. “Ryouma, you couldn’t have---” I’m stopped between my sentence as the car halts. I look out and we’re already home. “You need to stop doing this.” I sigh.


“Interfering in everything. I’m not your thing Ryouma. You can’t do this every time.”

“Whatever get out!”

“Listen to when people are talking to you!” I yell.


“Forget it! I’m just banging my head on a wall.” I roll my eyes and get out of the car. I run straight to my room without turning back.

“Argh! What do I do with this guy?” I shout banging the door behind me.

“Oh My! You scared me!” Rina shouts jumping out of the bed. “What happened?”

“Don’t even ask!” I throw the file on the floor. “Oh damn! I didn’t even get his signature on this! Damn this Ryouma! Can he not create a storm in my life just for a single day? I never interfered with his damn work! Why does he have to interfere with mine?” I whine punching my pillow.

“If only dad was here!” I shout. I hope Ryouma doesn’t have anything to do with dad’s sudden business trip. He couldn’t possibly have... I hope not! I pull my hair in frustration.

“You look horrible!” Rina comments making a weird face.

“My life is horribly messed up right now!” I sigh. “Enough drama! I just want to sleep for today.” I roll on my bed and hug Mr. Hulala (bunny the soft toy) and slowly drift into a deep sleep.

I don’t know if it was my good sleep or the morning itself but I feel a lot better now. I smile sipping my morning coffee. I’m yanked back into the real world by my phone, I sigh and answer the call.


“Teresa, it’s me Marcus.”

“Oh Marcus, I’m sorry for the last night..”

“Nothing for you to be sorry about. By the way I called you for the file.”

“Yeah, it’s with me. I’m really sorry about that, I know it’s just wasting your time.”

“As I said, there’s nothing for you to be sorry about, we can discuss the work at lunch and the time you enjoy wasting is not wasting is it?” I hear him smile.

“Of course.” I laugh. “So see you then.” I end the call and smile. Why is Ryouma so stuck up on this guy? He’s good in fact. I sigh.

I glance at watch. Oh God! It’s already time for lunch. Of course Teresa, only you wake up at noon. I roll my eyes at myself and run to the washroom. My phone rings again. Oh my god! Am I late? I don’t want to make him wait for my work, already wasted enough of his time. I answer without looking. “Yes, I’m just on my way.” I answer hurriedly.

“Teresa, it’s me, Rihito.”

“Oh Rihito? Yes?”

“Can you hurry up over here? Actually Ryouma.....”

“What about him? What’s wrong?” I panic.

“Just hurry up here. I’ll text you the address.” He cuts the call.

What the hell happened? I run out of the house and drive off to the address. Oh god! Let him be okay.

As soon as I reached the hotel room, I look around panicking but there’s no one. “Ryouma!” I shout but no one responds “Rihito?“, I check my phone again if I misread the address but I’m not mistaken this is the correct address. Suddenly I feel someone hug me from behind. “You’re here.” He whispers into my ear. I turn back immediately to find Ryouma, safe in front of me. “Oh thank god!” I drop on to the ground as my legs give up on me. “Hey!” He cups my face as tears pools my eyes. “I thought.... are you stupid?” I yell at him.

“I’m sorry, please don’t cry.” He kisses my tears away.


“I shouldn’t have listened to Rihito, I’m sorry Teresa please.” He pulls me into a hug. I cry hugging him back.

My phone rings. Oh I totally forgot about my meeting. I look at the screen but it’s from Rina. Hmm?

“Yes Rina?” I answer.

“Where are you right now?”

“I’m.. I’m with Ryouma... what’s wrong?”

“Is there a TV around you?”

Her voice tells me I'm not going to like this. “umm... Yes.”

“Turn on the news.”

“Okay, hang on a second.” I reply and gesture at Ryouma to turn on the news.

“But that’s where dad....” I trail off as the news sweeps the ground off my feet.

As soon as I reached home, Rina pulled me into a tight hug. “It’ll be alright.” she whispers in my ear, rubbing my back. I hug her and cry out. “Got any news?” She asks Ryouma who is pacing around the room shouting at his phone. He shakes his head. I curl up on the couch and continue crying burring my face into the cushion.

I didn’t even realize I cried myself to sleep, after few fours I wake up to find Ryouma sleeping beside me hugging me tightly. I smile. I hurriedly run downstairs to find Rina, to ask her if we got any news on dad? Rina smiles sadly at me and I drop on the stairs and hug my knees. Suddenly the door bell rings and we run out to the door.

“Dad!” My voice quiver as I find my dad right in front of me. I cry vigorously hugging my dad. My dad’s home safe and sound. “Oh my poor girl.” Dad hugs me back. “I’m okay.” He whispers kissing my hair. ” I was so sacred.” I break down. “Hush! I’m absolutely fine. Dad is sorry to have you worried.” He pats my back trying to calm me down.

“Thank god, uncle.” Rina hugs us both. “Oh my, let me enter first.” Dad laughs trying to lift up the atmosphere. “My heart almost stopped when I saw on the news that there was a bomb blast at the hotel you stayed in. Why didn’t you call us? You’re phone was unreachable too.” After few minutes, I calm down and I shout at him. “I’m so sorry. I was to return by noon but my flight got delayed. I only got the news of the bomb blast after I landed here, I called you but you didn’t pick up and just then I got a call from Marcus and he drove me here immediately.”

I finally notice Marcus in the room, now that dad mentioned him. “I’m so glad you’re here.” I hug my dad. “I’m too.” He kisses my forehead.

“Teresa?” I hear Ryouma shout from upstairs. When he finally see me downstairs with my dad he sighs with relief.

“What the hell is he doing here?” I hear dad roar with anger.

“Dad! he’s here because he was worried. Please don’t be angry.” I plea.

Dad storms through the room and punches him on the face.

“Dad!” I shout.

“Well I wouldn’t have to go there on the first place. He was the one who sent me there.” Dad shouts looking at me.

“But it was a business trip.” I frown.

“He manipulated my trip. He was the one pulling strings all along.” Dad yells.

“You’re dad will be here by tomorrow.” I’m reminded of these words. So, he was involved!

“Uncle En, I-”

“Shut up! Get out of my house. Now!” Dad shouts and suddenly starts to breathe heavily.

“Dad! Calm down, please.” I try to calm him down as I worry about his health. “Ryouma get out!” I turn to Ryouma and shout.

“But Teresa..”

“I said get the hell out of here and I strictly told you not not to interfere. Not to use any of you methods that would make me reconsider.” I yell at him.

“Even in the morning you pulled a prank on me, You never learn do you? you already made me go through a lot for the day. I don’t want to hear anything from you just get out and do not show me your face ever again.” I drag him out of the house and shut the door.


2 more chapters!! Finally coming to an end!! :D :D

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