Teresa’s P.O.V

I’m surprised by how this demon is keeping his promise. Since morning he’s been taking me places and not even once did he complain or talked about his work! He paid heed to my every wish no matter how selfish they were and that too with a bright smile on his face, as if he himself is enjoying this. It’s not like I’m not having fun, it’s just that I’m having way too much of fun. I’m just wondering how? He even bought a stuffed toy for me by himself! So he can be a caring husband if he wants huh?

Well, as long as I’m having fun, nothing matters.

After going around places, I was so tired but I wanted to go and play on the beach because it’s not like everyday that demon agrees to grant my wish. So I insisted on going to the beach but since Sam and Sara are already there, he flatly refused.

“But you promised.” I whine.

“yes, but we’re already tired and look at the weather, seems like it’s going to rain and even everyone is returning from the beach. so no, we’re not going to the beach.”

“Meanie.” I slap his arms.

“Seems like luck is on my side, not yours and your dreamy day is over, princess so, come back to reality.” He clicks his finger in front of my face.

I take that back he’s not caring at all! he’s just perfect at pretending he’s caring. Humph!

I hate to admit it but he's right, I am tired and I won’t be able to enjoy my time on the beach any way, so I guess luck really isn’t on my side! Sigh!

I was so tired that I didn’t even want to get out of my room but thank god I came because this is really the best, a hot spring bath after a long tiring day! I feel so good. Also the guys already finished their work yesterday, seems like Ryan was pressurized to do so... hehe... and now I know why that jerk didn’t complain about his work and easily agreed to take me out. That cheater!!

He’s going to pay for this! For this and for kissing me, not once not twice but three times? Isn't Mr. husband being too touchy touchy nowadays? I think he needs to be reminded of his favorite contract! and what else? I’ll even make him bring me to the beach plus I’m going to make him play with me, no matter how much he hates the sun or water!

I got changed into my clothes and I walk to my room. Seeing that my husband isn't back yet, I wait for him.

I hear the door open, 'seems like he’s here. you just love your contract don’t you? Mind if I make some use of it? Hehe...

I bring the paper to his face as soon as he enters the room.

“what the hell are you trying to pull?' he snatches the paper from my hand.

“What is this?” I point at the paper and ask him.

“Are you serious? Did you lose your memory again?”

“I never lost it, to lose it again, you idiot.”

“then have you forgotten how to read?”

“I know what that is. cant you just answer my question already? What is that?”

“Fine. It’s a contract that we signed.Our marriage contract. Happy?”

“Good. now would you mind reading the rule no. 1?”

“What the hell? Is this some sort of game? Of course we already know what’s written here. Why’re we doing this again?”

“Because it seems to me that you’ve forgotten something. I’m just trying to make you remember that’s it. Now shall we continue? Read the Claus no. 1.”

“Fine. No unnecessary physical contact.”



“So? excuse me you’ve already kissed me thrice and you’re asking me so?”

“come on you’re not serious right? It was just a kiss?”

“Huh? Just a kiss? seriously this jerk what should I do with him? God how did you make this person? were you drunk?” I look up, as if the god would answer me! even god must be regretting to have him made.

“You’re behaving like a teenager, crying over a kiss?”

“so what if I am? I stopped counting after 16, you have any problem with that? And that was my first kiss!!”

“What? You’re kidding right? seriously?” He tries to suppress his laugh. “Seriously what is this? a fairy tale? waiting for the prince charming to steal your lips? Grow up Teresa.” He pats my head, still laughing at me.

“I don’t want to! Didn’t I tell you I stopped counting after 16? And lets come to the point, you broke the clause! I can sue you for that!”

“You cant.”

“I can.”

“You can't cause that was necessary.”

“Anything that can be avoided is unnecessary you could have easily avoided that saying that you or me didn’t like PDA. It’s not like anyone was threatening you on the gun point. So Mr. husband that was purely an unnecessary act and I can sue you for that.”

“Okay. you want something don’t you?” He crosses his arms across his chest and leans against the wall, rolling his eyes.

“How did you know?” I look at him.

“because you always get these stupid ideas-

“Brilliant ideas.” I cut him.

“Whatever... you always get these kind of ideas when you need something.”

Oh i do that?

“no wonder you’re my husband. you’ve become smart.” I smile at him.

“Thank you. now just tell me what do you want and get over with this.” He waves the paper in front of my face.

“Wow you’ve become quite easy to deal with or maybe I’ve become a business man’s wife. Either way, so here’s the deal tomorrow we’re going to beach!” I told him excitedly.

“I knew it!”

“Good! A husband should understand his wife, you’re doing good. so listen tomorrow you’re going to take me to the beach and play with me ,whether Sam or Sara are there or not. Deal?” I extend my hand.

“What are you a 6yrs old kid? why do I have to play with you?” He slaps my hand away.

“Just shut up. deal or should I sue you?” I threaten him waving the paper in front of his face.

“Fine. You’re sounding more and more like my mom, blackmailer!” He makes a face.

“Whatever. Come on I’m her daughter-in-law give me some credits.” I have to keep pride as her daughter-in-law.

“Fine. I’ll take you to the beach and let you play as much as you want. happy?”

“Yes.” I jump happily.

The next day

On the beach.

“Come let’s go play in the water.” I pull him by his arm.

“Are you seriously a kid Teresa?” He just shrugs me off.

“Didn’t I tell you I stopped counting-”

“After 16? I know that. but there’s still a huge difference between 6 and 16. And let me tell you neither I am 6 nor 16 got it? There’s no way in hell i’m going with you.”

I point at the couples, jane and ryan and sara and sam.

“So you were saying something about 6 and 16?” I look at him making a face.

“I’m neither ryan nor sam.” He retorts.

“But you said you’ll play with me.” I whine.

“I said I’ll let you play not me.”

“Meannie.” I punch his arm.

“Just come with me already and get some vitamin D. Look how pale you’ve become because of your work and now you're even avoiding the sun, people will think I married a vampire. Come on you can act like a human for sometime! What happened to pretend loving husband?” I try to pull him but he wouldn’t budge.

“Deal’s over! pretending sweet husband’s over with it.” He flashes a smile. “Now just shut up and leave me alone! Just go and play your heart out before I change my mind.”

“Fine! whatever! Keep rotting here.'' I push him on the sand.


I look around, there are couples enjoying and there’s me.

“What’s wrong? he’s not coming?” Asked Jane.

“He’s just scared to tan his white skin but does he think I’ll let him be fairer than me? if I’m getting tanned he’s getting too. He just doesn’t know the fun of getting your skin tanned.” I glare at my husband and suddenly break into a smile.

“Jane will you help me getting him out of his hideout?” I smile mischievously.

“sure. why not?” Jane returns a similar one.

Ryouma’s P.O.V

“Haha. Vampire seriously? does she think her lame excuses can lure me out? No way.”

I cover my face with a hat.

After 30 minutes.

I look around to search for my wife.

Where the hell did she go?

I see the old couple and my cousin but I can’t spot my wife.

Worriedly I look around. '' that troublemaker! where did she go?''

Suddenly I hear someone shouting and I look at the direction of the voice. Someone’s drowning? ''Shit it’s her!''

Teresa’s P.O.V

I see my husband running towards me. Plan successful!

As soon as he reaches at my arm’s distance I sprung out of the water and splash a bucket full of water at him.

“Booo!” Caught ya!” I stick my tongue out, doing a happy dance.

“You fool!” He grabs me by my arms and shouts at me.

Ah ow! looks like plan backfired. Why always me?

“I’m s-sorry.” I looked down. I guess it was a bad idea, a very ba-

“What the hell?” He suddenly lifts me up and I felt my back strike against the water.

“So you want to play huh? Bring it on!” He smirks at me, his hands resting on his waist.

“Y-your not angry?” I blink at him with confusion.

“Of course I am and now you’re going to pay for it!” He takes a bucket full of water and pours it on me.

“Fine then I am not going to hold back either.” I pull him inside the water.

After few hours

I suffer a total defeat!

“Wanna go for another round?” He has a bucket full of water on his hand.

“Nope. Too tired, you win!” I raise my hands in surrender.

“Good.” He keeps his hands on his waist with a proud face. “Shall we head back then?”

I nod.

But then I fell back into the water and ouch I’ve sprained my ankle! I try to bring myself out of the water but shit! I’m actually drowning!

“I don’t fall for the same trick twice. Keep doing whatever you want. I’m going.” He walks off.

No! I’m drowning for real! I look around for help but there’s no one.

Am I going to die like this? Was my last thought before I'm engulfed by the darkness.


I cough hard and slowly open my eyes, am I dead? Where am i?

The scene that unfolds before me is that my husband is busy fighting with his cousin.

“S-st-op...” I mutter as I slip back into the darkness.

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