Teresa’s P.O.V

Argh! I’m so bored! There’s nothing on the TV either. I throw the remote on the side of the bed and lie down staring up at the ceiling. Ryan and Jane decided not to ruin the holiday by mixing it up with the work so yesterday, the guys decided to have first 3 days for work and for the rest of the holiday planned to enjoy. but well they don’t know that my husband is here only for the work, I doubt he even knows the meaning of enjoy. So here I am all alone in my room with nothing to do. I sigh.

As I closed my eyes I remembered the kiss, my very 1st kiss argh!! Frustrated, I slap my cheeks hard.

“Ouch.” I actually hit hard. I lovingly caress my cheeks.

“What an actor, that monkey!” here my mind’s repeating the scene again and again like a tape recorder.

“Argh! That drunkard! That’s why i didn’t want to be alone because when i’m alone my mind goes crazy and starts to think about worthless things. Maybe i should call Jane and Sara and have some talk with them.”

My phone rings.

“Ah who is it now?” I look at my phone.

“Rinaaaaaaaa.” As soon as i answer the phone i shout.

“Slow down will you? You’ll blow my ears off!” She complains.

“Nice timing bff! Just when i needed you! I missed you girl!” I cry over the phone.

“So enjoying your honeymoon with your dear husband.” She has this playful tone in her voice.

“Oh stop taunting me. And don’t ever take his name again.”

“Seems like something happened huh?”

Damn her!

“Nothing happened nothing at all.” I snap at her blushing remembering what actually happened.

“Something did happen.” I bet she has a teasing smile on her face.

“If you’re going to talk this rubbish. I’m cutting the call.” I threaten her.

“Ok ok i won’t tease you. So what actually happened?”

There she goes again.

“Rina!?” I shout over the phone.

She laughs.

“Fine go on and laugh at me. Just remember my time will come too and i won’t go easy on you either.” I say it with a humph.

“Haha. okay fine, bff.”

Looks like she finally gives up.

“Good you called me. I was bored to death.” I complained about my situation.

“Why your husband is not there to entertain you?” She teases me again.

“I thought we’ll not talk about that monkey. That monkey is spending his time with his one and only love “work” and left me alone in the room to get bored.”

Just thinking about it makes my blood boil.

“Ah so sad. His work is your rival then.”

“Rival? i’m not even close to that. And why is this topic about the monkey and his work? I wanted you to distract me from him and instead you’re reminding me of that jerk!” I shout at her.

I suddenly feel a presence behind me.

“Oh my god! You scared me.” I shout at the presence Mr. Monkey. Speak of the devil and here he comes!

“Can’t you appear normally once in a while? And what are you doing here?” I question him.

“Relax, wifey. Just here to get my file.” “Here.” He takes the file in his hands.

“You got it. Now leave.” I show him the door.

“Why? And just now you were missing me so badly.” He walks to me.

“Who missed who?” I made a face.

“Come on no need to be shy i clearly heard you called your friend for the distraction as your mind was full of me.” He smirks as he walks towards me.

This devil! He’s so full of himself!

“Don’t you think you’re giving way too importance to yourself? No one was missing you. Stop flying and get back to the ground.”

“At least be honest with yourself, wifey. Wait here like a good wife I’ll be back soon and we’ll go out ’kay?” He leaned in and kissed my cheeks which made me blush like a tomato. What’s with him? Mr. bipolar?

“Who’s going any where with you?” I threw a vase at him which unfortunately missed the target as the target ran out of the room.

I kept my hand on my heart which is still beating like crazy.

“I swear I’ll kill you some day.” I shout looking at the door.


Shit i forgot she’s still on the call!

“What was that?” She asks me with suspicion.

“Rina. I beg of you do something. Please do something before my plan backfires on me.” I beg as I try to calm my racing heart.

“Ah ow.” She clicks her tougue.

Time skip

Until Rina plans a new strategy, i am going to ignore that jerk. Who’s going anywhere with him? If he has work then i too have my girls’ gang. I call Jane and Sara and find that they too were bored like me. So we decided to ditch our husbands and go out and enjoy.

Yeah i finally get to do some shopping.

During the shopping i’m constantly bothered by my annoying husband calling me every 10 seconds.

“What the hell is your problem?” I finally pick up the call.

“And just where the hell are you?” Came the reply.

“Why? You guys have fun with your work and leave us alone. We don’t need you. Pass on the message to others too.”

Jane takes the phone from me and answers him.

“You heard her.” I answer him and cut the call.

After the day’s shopping , we went back to the hotel. Where our dear husbands waited for us in the lobby. Haha didn’t expect this! Well after today i got to know that do not ever mess with Jane. She’s the crankiest of us all. Of course it was a holiday but our husband brought their work along and now Ryan was going to have a hard time pleasing Jane. But on the other side my husband was the one who was pissed off. Ah ow looks like he’ll murder me today. But what the hell is he so angry about?

The devil march towards me with a deathly glare and grabs my arm.

“We need to talk.” He whispers a threat.

I try to resist.

“Now.” He adds.

I gulp.

“I am not going anywhere with you. Go to your one and only love your work.” I shout, enough for others to hear.

“Jealous are we?” The scowl on his face is replaced by a sheepish smile which of course was enough to make my heart race. Not again!

He suddenly lifts me off the ground.

“What the hell?”

“Looks like my wife is really mad at me. I need to make it up to her. So excuse us ladies and gentle men.” He carries me and walks off.

“How sweet.“ I hear Jane compliment him from behind.

Trust me only i know this devil’s true face!

“What an actor!” I mutter.

“Aren’t i?” There goes his arrogant mouth.

I sigh.

As soon as we reach our room he drops me on the ground.


“Play time’s over.” And he’s back to normal. Bipolar!

“So now tell me wifey. When i told you we’re going out as soon as i come back why the hell did you run away? Are you that scared to spend sometime with your dear husband?” He throws an icy glare at me.

“Oh please i didn’t run or anything. who’s scared of whom? And who’s dear here? I don’t see anyone.” I look here and there.

“So why did you go with them when I clearly told you to wait for me.”

“I think i also made it clear that i was not going anywhere with you? And it was Jane who took us out. If you have any problem go and tell her that is if you can?”

“Very smart. I bet it was your idea to run from me.”

“Wow. Plus 1 for guessing it. So what? No sane girl will ever try to come close to you, they’ll only run. And I can’t forever stay in your one piece shirt. I had to get some clothes for myself.”

“Really? But why the hell did you go with them?”

“Do you have a hearing problem or memory problem? Didn’t I just tell you the reason? And do you expect me to go with you to buy clothes? Girls are the best shopping buddies plus I doubt your taste. you’d have picked me some black and white clothes. why are you getting so worked up anyway?”

“Fine. but from tomorrow you’re not going with them.”

“excuse me? Are you even listening? Do you expect me to stay in this boring room the whole day? And I’ve only bought few clothes today. tomorrow we’re going shopping again.”

“You’re not.”

“Excuse me do you realize that we’re going to stay here for another 2 weeks? And I need my clothes. I only bought 3 pairs of clothes and the one I’m wearing right now I borrowed it from Sara do you know how awkward it is to wear someone else’s clothes? and the airlines haven’t located my luggage yet. don’t know how many days I’ll have to spend without my luggage. But no, you don’t care, you only know how to act like a perfect husband in front of others but in real you’re just an insensitive, ruthless, arrogant, foul mouthed jerk.” I pointed my index finger in front of his face.

“Fine. You want your luggage you’ll get it by tomorrow. But tomorrow you’re staying here. you got that? you’re not going to associate yourself with Sam or his wife.” He warns me.

“Oh now I get it! so not only Sam, you’ve got problem with his wife too? God this man! Fine, if you manage to get my luggage before I wake up tomorrow I’ll not go anywhere and just stay here ’kay?”


“Great. Remember you just have 12 hours to locate my luggage and bring it to me. Your time starts now.” I show him the watch.

there’s no way he’ll be able to locate and bring it within 12 hrs.


There they go again! the idiot and his idiot cousin! I mean can’t they go a day without having fight with each other what the hell is their problem?

As soon as we reach the room, this idiot starts a fight with me too. God! What do I do with this jerk?

“just shut up. Cant you and your cousin shut your mouth for a minute? and why do you always pick a fight with him? cant give your arrogant mouth a rest or what?” I scold him.

“I didn’t pick a fight. he did.” he shifts the blame on Sam. Wow! People present there can clearly tell who was at fault.

“Of course you didn’t. Your arrogant mouth moved on its own, yes?”

“Why do you always support him and make me a bad guy?” He complains.

“What is there to make, you already are?”

“you don’t know him yet.”

“of what I’ve heard and seen I can tell that he’s at least better than you. At least he doesn't confine his wife unlike you, I’m not your property! I am an individual with my own mind and will! And god! If I had a choice I would have chosen to marry him, I would have ditched my wedding with you, if only had I met him earlier. but he’s already got a wife and I’ve got an insensitive, arrogant husband who only knows how to order people around.”

I suddenly felt a chill down my spine. I turn back to look and I meet my husband’s deathly glare, guess I went too far. oops now I’m dead.

“Just a jo-”

“bang.” He bangs the bathroom’s door.

“Oh god!” I flinch. He didn’t have to bang that hard. I nearly had a heart attack.

Before the demon comes I better go and sleep.


WOW! Seriously what is he?

A literal demon! answers my subconscious.

He actually got my luggage back. I pinch myself. ouch! This is real.

And here, I don’t know how many times I called them, it’s been 2 days and they didn’t even locate my luggage instead this demon not only located but got it back within 12 hrs. He’s actually a demon!

“It was actually easy. Didn’t even need 12 hrs. Who do you think I am?” He says with a bright smile on his face, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

“An insensitive, ruthless, arrogant, bad mouthed demon! yes that’s what you are.” I answer him seriously nodding my head.

He laughs at me.

“I was serious.” I pout.

“Really, wifey?” He comes to me laughing.

“really!” I nod.

“Are you trying to be cute?”

“I don’t need to. I already am.”

“Haha. that’s true.” He winks at me and pulls my cheek.

Did he just agree with me? Is he okay? or did he just permanently lost his mind? Ah! Mr. Bipolar!

I slap his hands.

“so now according to our agreement you’re staying.” He states with a wide smile.

“Huh?” I blink at his words.

“Did you forget, my love?” He raises his brows.

Remembering that I agreed to stay inside this boring room if he brought my luggage within 2 hours, I face palm myself to which he laughs crazily.


Argh!! I punch the pillows imagining the jerk’s face. Just when I was glad that he wasn't in his demon mode from last night, this was the reason! Torturing me like this!

I even had to lie to Jane and Sara. I bet they’re having lots of fun and what am I doing, stuck in this ugly room? It’s all because of that jerk! I punch harder. but the punch backfires and I start to fall down but am caught by muscular arms.

“Falling for me?”

“I just fell on you, didn’t fall for you. You arrogant jerk!” I push him away.

“So where’re we going?” I ask him. It better be a good place or else he’s dead.

“Who going where?”

“We going somewhere? that’s why you locked me up here didn’t you?” I asked him. He better be joking unless he plans to die.

“Oh that, it was yesterday and now it’s today, we’re going nowhere.”

“what? So you’re telling me that you’re not taking me anywhere plus you didn’t let me go with Jane either?”

“that’s your punishment for defying me, wifey.” He wraps his arms around my neck.

“This jerk! god forgive me but I’m going to commit a murder today.” I look around and pick a vase.

“y-you’re kidding?” There’s fear on his face. Good! Don’t mess with me jerk!

“Oh am I? You’re dead!” I walk towards him. With my every step forward he takes on back.

“hey wait, wait. We can talk.”

“what talk? you bloody demon. you locked me up in this room the entire day. you even made me lie to Jane and you’re saying that was my punishment. for what? for defying the almighty demon Ryouma? Well then if you’re demon then I’m a demon's wife and your punishment is to die! die you jerk!” I positioned my arms aiming his head.

“W-wait Teresa. you can’t. It’s a murder!” He shouts.

“So be it.” I threw the vase at him and he escaped death just by a centimeter. Damn my target.

“Phew! Crazy woman!!” He shouts..

“Why cant you just die already? Why do I have to put up with you? Everyone’s having fun except for me. Why did I had to get married to this jerk? Remind me again why I was stupid to accept this stupid contract? You’re always confusing me. Can't you have a constant personality? Is it necessary to change minute by minute? A second you're sweet and next you're a demon, A second you're a Prince charming and next a total jerk! What do I do with you?” I slump down the floor and burst into tears.

“Calm down, Teresa.” He slowly approaches me, calculating his steps.

“Try staying in this room for an hour doing nothing, then you’ll know what I’m going through!” I glare at him.

Ryouma’s P.O.V

“Ah- Umm-” I don’t know what to do or say. I didn’t know she’ll break down like this. I just didn't want her hanging out with Sara. But now I feel guilty.

“What?” She glares at me.

“N-nothing.” Woah! I’m actually getting scared here.

“Okay, Relax. Tell me what do you want me to do to make it fine?” I caress her hair and wipe her tears gently.

“there you go again! being all goody goody! Stop confusing me!”

“so you don’t want me to be good?” I can't help but laugh.

“No! I’m just saying stick to one personality. stop confusing me! I like your this self instead of your demon self.”

“okay, my deepest apology.” I cup her cheeks.

“You're drunk?” She narrows her eyes at me.


"No cause I thought you only apologize when you're drunk. You're telling me you're apologizing without being drunk?" She looks at me with a shocked expression and with her face cupped into my hands she looks hilarious. How can someone be so adorable and annoying at the same time?

“Okay now, fiery princess! tell me how can I make it up for my behavior?”

“You’re serious? You’ll do any thing I say?”

“yes.” I nod my head.

"You're not tricking me? Did you decide not to be a jerk?" She asks me innocently. “Wow! I’m getting another bonus? so you’re punishment is that tomorrow you’re going to get me around the city. We’re visiting every place even more than Jane and Sara visited today. and you’ll take me to the beach whether you like it or not. Is that clear?” She gets up and points her finger at me, while i’m still on the floor. "Oh! Your in for really big trouble. I'll definitely make you regret why you messed with me!" She declares.

“Sure your highness.” I smile seeing her back to normal.

“Yes!” She gives a bright smile.

I face palm myself. How can she turn from vulnerable and adorable cute little pup to the strong challenging wife back again in just few seconds? The one that needs to stop being confusing is her!

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