
When we reached the beach, my husband introduced me to Mr. and Mrs. Parker, an old couple but with lots of youth and romance in their heart, celebrating their 40th anniversary and our so-called “clients” in front of whom we had to act like a lovely, typically in love couple. Mr. Ryan Parker, in his mid-60s looked very handsome with his blue eyes, charming smile and his tan muscular body, Mrs. Jane Parker, not much younger but fairer than her husband had charismatic personality and a mischievous spark in her light brown eyes, reminding me of my mother-in-law. They looked perfect together, a perfect couple, madly in love with each other and looking like a newlywed couple on their honeymoon but actually celebrating their 40th marriage anniversary!

Before coming to Hawaii.

“Why should I pretend to be a happy typically in love with you?” I ask my husband making an unpleasant expression, lovey dovey couple and with him? No way! I’d rather prefer murdering him!

“Because they’re very important and old client of ours and this deal is very important.” He answers rolling his eyes.

“so why does that has anything to do with me?”

“They are typical old and hopelessly romantic couple. Mr. Parker is like an old grumpy grandpa and very hard to deal with and a very influential personality and only a fool would like to be on his bad side. Last time I met him it took all my energy to stand up to him with his rude comments without retorting back.” He sighs.

I can imagine them!It must have been hard for Mr. Monkey to ignore his comments because he himself is like Mr. grumpy grandpa!

“Normally my dad would handle every deal with him…” he continues “because my dad is kind of his favorite why? cause they both are hopeless when it comes to their wife. But this time I have to handle him all by myself, so to make it easy we’ll have to pretend to be “totally in love with each other” couple. Now are we clear?” He looks at me arching his brows.

Oh! That means he’ll be worried, helpless because he can’t do anything without me, he needs me! I smile evilly.

“Okay, I get it. So we’ll have to pretend to be a perfect romantic couple, hmm?”

“Yes!” He nods.

“But why should I do it?” I shrug crossing my arms.

“Didn’t I explain it to you, just now?” He glares at me.

“Yeah, I get the part that you need me to pretend a happily married life, but why should I do anything for your stupid business deal? I don’t see any reason to help you.” I smirk as he realizes what I’m getting at.

“You agreed you’ll help me whenever needed, that’s why we’re in a contract marriage?” He flares his nose in anger.

“Yes husband, but this contract was with our mutual consent so we should have mutual benefits but no matter how I look at it, you’re the only one that gets the benefit here. What would I get if I help you out with this?”

“wah! So, you’re trying to make a deal, yea?” He finally figures out what I’m implying to.

“Why shouldn’t I? My dad and my husband are great business men and my husband loves deals and contracts. So I’m just learning from him. And why should I do something as hateful as pretend to be in love with you just for the sake of your business deal?” I smile at him, shrugging my shoulder.

There’s no way I’m going to help him for free!

“Fine! if you help me out of this...”

“Yes. If I help you out? then?” I wait for him to continue.

“Then, I would do anything you’d wish?” He shrugs.

Hmm! That’s the most tempting offer, He IS a businessman. Duh!

“Wait, come again? I think I’m dreaming? Did you just say you’ll do anything I’d ask you to?” I try to confirm if I heard him right.

“yes.” He nods.

“anything?” I ask again.

“yes, anything.” He answers rolling his eyes, irritated by my repeated questions.

“Wow... I feel like I just got a genie from the fairy tale, who completes his master’s 3 wishes.” I exclaim happily.

I can use it to trouble him or even better make him my servant!

“But here, you’ll only get one wish fulfilled!”

“With you that will be more than enough! Fine, I’m in.” I exclaim dancing. “But make sure you speak politely to me and don’t you dare scream or shout at me like you normally do! If you’re rude then say bye bye to your deal!” I add.

Flashback ends.

“You owe me a wish for this!” I whisper in his ears and wink at him.

I hug his arms and shine a bright smile.

He’s taken aback for a moment but soon recovers from the shock and returns my bright smile with his killer one.

“Then let’s start the game! Wanna bet who does it better?” I look at him with challenging look.

“You’ll lose!” He whispers back with a confident smile.

We’ll see!

As we continued our talk with the Parker couple I get to know how my husband tricked me, he already knew about the events organized by the hotel for the couples and in fact was invited by Mr. Parker himself and all this time he pretended how he didn’t want to attend this stupid game and made me convince (beg) him to come here and I was thinking he easily agreed to come here for me without much drama! Argh! I glare at him. He returns my glare with a sheepish smile.

Sure, go ahead and enjoy making a fool out of me. I’ll surely get my revenge for this!

I smile mischievously which made his face go a little pale, yes, you should be scared. I took my hands off his arm and stepped few steps away from him which was of course noticed by the couple in front of us.

He glares at me but I turn my head, looking away.

“Is something the matter?” asks Jane.

“Oh it’s nothing mam, right honey?” He put his hands on my waist, holding me close.

I slap his hands off me and glare at him, his face turns paler. Haha! hilarious! He should know I’m the mc today and without me he’s dead!

“What the hell are you doing?” He whispers in my ear.

“What do you think I’m doing?” I whisper back.

“Well?” Ryan and Jane looked at us with a confused expression on their face.

“to tell you the truth….” I turn to look at my husband’s face which is going pale with every word I speak.

“Ah I can’t do this anymore...” I shout.

“What is it child?” Jane asks me with concern.

“You should ask my husband… he is the guilty one..” he looked like as if I threw a bomb at him.

“Ryouma what did you do that her lovely smile is replaced by a sad face?” Ryan gives him an accusatory glance.

I pout and nod at Ryan’s words.

There you go husband, answer now! I suppress my smile and throw a challenging look.

“Well, her luggage was misplaced at the airport and after reaching here I left her alone at the room and went to work. She’s just getting cranky over how I gave more importance to my work instead of her, isn’t it?” He answers hugging me.

What a liar! Lie runs like blood in his veins! But he isn’t exactly lying, my luggage is misplaced and I am angry about that! Such a smart ass!

“You shouldn’t have done that young man. Your 1st priority should always be your sweetheart no matter how important your work is, right love?” Ryan looks at his wife lovingly.

“It’s all your fault.” Jane scolds him.

“what did I do?” Ryan asks her confused.

“Who was the one who called him for work? Disturbing the newlyweds? Now you’ve created a fight between them in the 1st day of their holiday.” Jane complains.

Oh no! They’re fighting because of us!

As I worry over that, my husband suppresses his laugh looking at me.

“Look what have you done, idiot?” I hit him with my elbow.

“You did this.” He points his finger at me and smiles.

“You’re impossible!” I glare at him.

Just then, Jane sees us fighting.

“Oh forgive him, child. It’s all this old man’s fault, I’m sorry on his behalf.” Jane gives an apologetic look and glares at her husband.

“It’s okay, Jane, It’s not your husband’s fault. It was my husband who prioritized his work over me.” I glare at my husband who was grinning widely.

“Yes ma’am, I’m at fault for ruining my love’s evening.” He hangs his head, pretending to be guilty.

Oh really? I can still see that smug look on your face!

“I’ll take full responsibility and if you don’t mind excusing us. I want to make up for my behavior, I have my plans.” He keeps his hands on my waist and pull me closer whispering in my ear, “ready for your surprise?”

“You have w-what?” I look at him suspiciously. Now what the hell is going on in his evil mind?

“Yes, love. I promised I would make it up to you. Didn’t I?” He winks at me.

“you d-did?” I stammer.

“Now if you’ll excuse us. I would love to take my wife on a date.” He nods at our guests.

“Oh of course you can! She’s all yours.” Jane gives a bright smile.

“Thank you. So, Shall we?” He takes my hand, our fingers entwining and walks off.

He has plans? what plans? and a date? Oh my! head’s spinning right now.

He takes me to a place decorated with flowers and pretty lights with a table at the center which had a red wine bottle and 2 glasses; I was stunned by the view in front of me. I look at my husband who squeezes my hand and leads me to the table. He pulls my chair and helps me sit and takes the seat opposite mine… My brain isn’t functioning at all. Who the hell is this guy? Is he really my rude, arrogant and totally jerk husband? Yes he is because he has this victorious smile on his face.

“So, surprised? my love?” he winks at me.

“Surprised? more like shocked?” I mutter.

“Seems like I won the challenge.” He laughs.

Did he always look this handsome or is it just the atmosphere? No, No I shake my head and slap my cheeks. It’s all “pretend to be in love”, he’s just a great actor and that’s it! nothing else!

I gulp down the wine in one go.

“Hey, take it easy? ’k?” He pats my head.

What am I? a cat?

I nod my head.

“Nice move out there, You nearly got me.” He crosses his arms as he leans behind.

“And you perfectly knocked me out with this!” I click my tongue and point at the decorations.

“I don’t like to lose.” He says with a sweet smile on his face.

“I can see that!” I roll my eyes.

“Why, you didn’t like it?” He raises his brows.

“Of course, my dear husband planned a perfect date for me, see I’m very happy.” I point at my fake, plastered smile.

“Try to smile a little genuinely. If you continue like this it won’t take them a minute to figure out we’re pretending.” He nods smiling at the gazebo next to us from where Jane and Ryan are waving at us.

“Hahah.” I force a laugh. “Is it better?” I ask him sarcastically.

“Forget it. Your fake smile was better!” He shakes his head.

“Whatever!” I roll my eyes.

Suddenly his glittery, sparkly smile turns into a scowl. I look at the direction he’s looking and see Sam, his cousin because of whom we fought and then he left me in the middle of the road in the middle of the night and a lady next to him, probably his wife?

He got up from his place and walked away angrily, leaving me alone. Oh he’s back to normal! Seems like our so-called date has come to an end?

I sigh.

Seeing him walk away and leaving me alone, Ryan and Jane came to me followed by Sam and his wife.

“Is everything okay?” Jane asks concerned.

“Yes, he went to attend an important call.” I smile at her as I try to make up an excuse, even I don’t know what happened!

“work again?” Jane looks at me sympathetically.

“Oh no it’s totally fine, Jane. I’m not mad anymore.” I assure her.

“Hi.” I look at Sam and his wife.

“hi Teresa.” he greets me and then looks at his wife.

“Sara, this is Teresa, Ryouma’s wife and Teresa this is Sara, my wife.” he affectionately kissed her forehead holding her close. Hmm…. another lovely couple! A smile forms on my face.

“Finally I get to meet Ryouma’s wife. It’s so nice to meet you.” She excitingly hugs me. I am surprised for a second but then hug her back.

“But Ryouma didn’t tell me about you guys coming here too. If you guys were coming here we four could have come together?” I shrug.

Well for now I’m glad that I can borrow some clothes from Sara, I hope she lets me borrow one, at least it’s better than that monkey’s shirt!

I feel someone pulling me, I turn to look and the devil is back again with his eyes red and nose flaring! Welcome back monster!

“I didn’t know they were coming either.” He threw an ice-cold glare at them.

“Welcome back Mr. Devil” I mutter.

“Said something? honey” his eyes threatening me dare to speak another word?

I shake my head vigorously.

What’s wrong with him? few minutes ago he was a like prince giving me princess treatment and now the devil is back to his normal self.

“Why don’t you all join us?” I ask both the couples. There’s no way I’m going with him alone, last time he threw me off somewhere this time, he may murder me!

“oh no we don’t want to ruin your moment.” Sam says with an apologetic look.

“You’ve already ruined it with your presence.” mutters my husband.

“hmm?” I look at him.

“Why not? You should join us. We don’t mind.” He fakes a smile looking at the other couple.

“But...” Sara hesitates.

“oh now come on... please join us. We insist.” My husband insists, I don’t know why? I thought he didn’t like them but who cares?

I vigorously nod my head. I don’t want be alone with him.

“Okay... if you say so. Do not blame us for interfering.” Jane teases us.

Phew! I’m saved.

5 minutes later.

What’s with this super tense atmosphere?

“Umm let’s play something, like truth or dare?” I suggested to lighten the mood.

“yeah, sure. That’ll be fun!” Jane clasps her hands together.

But none of the others say anything.

“Should I take that as a yes?” I ask them but I don’t get any reply.

“Here. I’ll spin the bottle.” Jane starts to spin the bottle.

I am getting a bad feeling about this!

Game start

“so, it’s Ryan!” We shout in unison.

“Woah! there you go Ryan. Truth or dare?”

“Of course I’d go for Dare.”

“Oooo... Ok then Ryan look into Jane’s eyes and praise her for next 2 minutes.” I dared him.

“That’s an easy one.” He shrugs.

Ryan took his wife’s hand and looked into her eyes with his eyes full of love and praised the sweetest and cutest things for more than 2 minutes almost 5 minutes he could have gone on and on but we had to forcibly stop him. I didn’t mind him but others should get their turn too.

2nd turn: Jane. She chose truth and tells us about their lovey dovey love story.

3rd turn: MY HUSBAND!

“I’ll pass.” He raises his hand.

“oh you can’t escape, son. Now truth or dare.” Jane smiles mischievously. She reminds me a lot of my mother in law.

“I don’t want to.” He refuses bluntly.

“Umm it’s okay, jane if he doesn’t want to.” I jump in between them before my husband creates a scene.

“No it’s not okay, child. Now that you refused to play, you’ll get a punishment.” Ryan speaks.

“And your punishment is to profess your love to your wife, in front of everyone.”

“oh no...” I mutter.

“yes.” Jane flashes a bright smile. She’s enjoying it, again reminding me of my mother-in-law.

I face palm myself. Just whose great idea was it to play this game? Oh yes mine!

I thought my husband would protest gain but quietly gets down on his knees and takes my hand.

He’s not doing it, is he? I stare at him with a blank expression.

“Umm... I.... You...” He stammers.

Haha I knew it, it’s not his cup of tea... even if it’s just pretending! Not upto the mark, looks like he lost!

He saw me trying to suppress my laugh, He then smirks at me. “I’m taking the victory again.” He whispers and then takes a deep breath and starts to badmouth about me. Like how he doesn’t get to sleep because of my sleeping habits and how I colored his room pink just to annoy him, how I threatened him at the office and goes on and on. Hey! What the hell? Is he confused between professing love and venting out anger?

But then he surprises me with all his sweet talks.

"You look beautiful every time I look at you, you’ve messed up my life but I don’t hate it, I love to tease you because I get to see new hilarious, cute expressions of yours. You are the bright sunshine in my boring life.”

Everyone’s clap brings me out of his beautiful eyes as I become aware of my surroundings. I blink once, twice, thrice. Seeing me like this, he gives his devilish smile and stands in front of me.

“Snap out of it, love. You were totally taken by my performance? I win again!” He bends and whispers in my ear.

There’s a sudden rush of blood in my face causing me to blush furiously.

I glare at him as he chuckles.

This DEVIL!!

“Let’s continue the game.” Jane spins the bottle around.

Next turn: Sam

“Sam, truth or dare?”

“Dare.” Sam winks at his wife.

“Why? Scared to face the truth?” There goes my husband’s mouth.

“Dare.” Sam repeats it like a threat.

“Ok so dare it is, then.” I try to continue.

“Coward!” Ryouma mutters. There he goes again can’t he just shut his mouth?

“Think whatever you want, I don’t care.” Sam rolls his eyes.

“Did you ever care?” Ryouma arches his brows leaning back with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

“I don’t like wasting my truth over guys who doesn’t want to hear anything.” Sam retorts.

“Really?” Ryouma keeps his hands on the table with a bang, I flinch.

“Okay guys, I think we should stop the game. It’s getting late, look at the time.” I try to end this here but no there goes my husband’s bad mouth.

“Why? The fun has just begun.” He glares at me.

God! Why did I even think to play this game? Who as the idiot who asked them to join? Oh great that was me again!

“hmm.. Ryouma… I think we need to end this?” I grab his arms.

“You suggested this stupid game, let’s continue?” He grits his teeth glaring at Sam and his wife. Someone do something before they turn this place into a battle field!

Seeing me panic, Ryan turns on the music. “May I have a dance, Lady?”

“yeah?” I look at him confusedly.

He just nods.

“I mean yea sure.” I hold his hand.

“hmm hmm.” Jane clears her throat extending her hand towards Ryouma.

My husband sighs.

“May I have a dance, my lady?” He bows in front of her and take her hand.

“Join us on the dance floor?” Jane suggests Sam.

I look around to see Ryouma with Jane and Sam with Sara dancing along with us.

“Thank you, Ryan.″ I look at him relieved, seeing everything back to normal, i relax.

“My pleasure, dear.” He smiles gently.

As we dance, we exchange the partners, now Jane dances with Sam and Ryan dances with Sara and I end up in my husband’s arms.

I roll my eyes.

“What?” He narrows his eyes at me.

“Seriously? You just created a scene and you were rude!” I hiss.

“You shouldn’t have invited them to join us.” He retorts.

“Did you forget you were the one who insist they join us?” I glare at him. “Next time if you dare to do something like this, then kiss your project bye bye!”

The music changes and the partners exchange again, now Ryan with Jane and I turn around to join Sam but my husband pulls me back into a hug.

“Hey?” I try to push him off but he just grabs on to me tight, and I am unaware of the daggers he’s shooting at Sam behind me.

“I’m sorry?” he whispers.

Huh? Did I hear him right? He said sorry?

“what?” I ask, my voice muffled against his chest.

“I want to apologize for everything, for throwing you out of the car, insulting you, for being rude.,.” He looks at me, in the eyes.

“You’re apologizing now? What’s with you today?” I look at him with an amusing look.

“It’s just ‘not fighting with you’ is good.” He smiles at me.

Oh MY GOD! Tell me this is a dream!

I hear the music change as we dance,

It’s a beautiful feeling

What we got deep inside

We got a flame that will last forever

Together you and I

He pulls me close looking into my eyes. For some reason my heart decides to participate in a race cause damn my heart is beating crazily fast!

Such a rush of emotions

There’s no way we can push it away

Causethey’ll never tear our love apart

Our bond will never break

God what’s wrong with me? Teresa focus he’s a devil in sheep’s clothing he’s a jerk a total jerk, remember he’s been very mean to you! But he’s sorry!, answers my subconscious. Focus you damn woman focus!

“Can’t get your eyes off me wife? I know I’m handsome but do you have to make it obvious? ” He laughs, there it goes his arrogant, self obsessed mouth. See this is him, his true self! Don’t be deceived!

Do you believe in the power

Of everlasting love

We can make it if we stay together

Our love is just enough

“Actually I need to ask something?” I look into his eyes.

No you’re not! Don’t!

“The things you said earlier...” I cast my eyes down.

Ok hold on! Not a word after this! My subconscious warns me.

“Earlier?” he looks at me.

Stop you mad woman stop!

I silence the voice inside my head and continue, “In the game... the dare...”

“What about it?” He raises his brows.

Promise me this forever

We’ll always stay this way

We can start at the end of time

And do it all again

“Was it just a dare or…?” I trail off.

“hmm?” He narrows his eyes.

“No just...”

“You’re really annoying, you know that?” He whispers.

“So, was it just a dare?” I ask him looking straight into his eyes.

He shrugs.

“what does that mean?” I narrow my eyes at him, he shrugs again.


“Shh! You talk too much!” He whispers in my ear.


I’m silenced by his kiss...

Oh my love

I’m all yours

And there will never be another one

Cause I’m eternally yours

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