“Come, come play with Tesa.” A little girl about 6 yrs old pulls an 8 yrs old boy by his arms.

“Why should I play with a snobby little brat like you? Go and find someone else!” The boy shrugs her off.

“But there is no one except Ma-kun so come and play with Tesa.” The girl grabs his arms again.

“Go away ugly!” The boy pushes her.

“But daddy says Tesa’s the prettiest.” Says the girl.

“Uncle En must have seen you without his glasses then. Just go and don’t bother me. Can’t you see I’m reading a book? Do not disturb, little brat!”

“But you’re also little, Ma-kun and Mama told Tesa to play with Ma-kun because Ma-kun is Tesa’s only friend.”

“Just who is your friend? I don’t have anything to do with you. And what’s with this Ma-kun again? Why should I bother with a girl who can’t even pronounce my name properly? You can’t even pronounce your own name properly!” the boy taunted her.

“Tesa is Tesa. But your name is too long and difficult and ma-kun sounds cute.” The girl smiles sweetly.

“I dare you to call me cute again!” the boy glares at her.

“Eee- Ma-kun’s not cute at all! Ma-kun is scary like a demon!" she acts a little scard, but doesn't give up, "Now come and play with Tesa.”

“Stop bothering me, go and play on your own.” the boy goes back into his books.

“But Ma-kun’s ma told me to play with Ma-kun. She said that ma-kun is always into books and ma-kun will soon be a grumpy grandpa and will get glasses too so Tesa should get ma-kun out of the books and make him play with Tesa.”

“You little brat!” the boy gets angry and starts chasing her.

“Kyaa! mama! ma-kun is going to eat tesa up.” the girl runs for her life.


Teresa’s P.O.V

Where am I? I open my eyes and I see nothing but darkness.



Where did everyone go leaving me in the dark?

I hug myself and cry.

“Please someone get me out of here! Please!” I scream but no one comes.

“Mama! Dad! Rina! Somebody please get me out of here!! Please!!” I cry surrounded by darkness.

“Please! Someone Please!!”

“Oi! Teresa!” I hear someone calling me.

“Yes I’m here. Please get me out of here please.” I shout for help.

I felt someone shake me and few drops of water on my face.”

I open my eyes and see a familiar face- my husband’s.

“You okay?” His face is filled with worry and concern.

I hug him and cry vigorously.

“Never leave me in a place like that again! I don’t want to go there! Never!” I cry remembering the cold dark place.

“Okay, I got it. I won’t leave you alone again. Relax now. You’re safe.”

After an hour I finally calm down and slowly drift to a peaceful sleep.


I fell a lot better after my peaceful sleep, I smile to myself.

But the sad thing is we’re going back home. Such a waste and here the fun just started. My husband looks so scary right now, If I say something I’m sure I’m getting 2 hours of lecture so I choose to keep quiet.

I stare at my injured leg which is now bandaged and is above a cushion.

“It’s all your fault. Who asked you to get sprained?” I stare at my leg and mentally scold it.

“And who told you to pretend drowning?” scolds back my subconscious.

I know. Why God why? Why my plans always backfire at me? I look up at the ceiling.

“Get changed. We’re boarding in half an hour.” Orders the demon.

“Okay.” I make a sad face.

“Do you want to stay here?” He asks seeing my sad face.

“Yes.” I look at him with puppy dog eyes.

“Just shut up and get ready. It’s because of this we’re returning. And YOU want to stay here and roam around with that broken leg of yours?” He shouts at me.

Shit! Here he goes. I shouldn’t have said anything in the first place.

“No! Of course I want to go home!” I give him by best fake smile.

“Then go and get ready.” He orders.

“Yeesss Booss!” I say it in a singsong manner.

I try to get up but there’s a sharp pain in my leg and I lean back on the bed.

“Can you please pass my dress?” I look at him and point to the wardrobe.

“You want me to do what?” He gives me an angry look.

“Please?” I point at my bandaged foot.

He threw my clothes at my face which I caught before it hit my face.

“You don’t have to be so mean.” I mutter.

“You said something?”

“Yeah I’m changing. Do Not Peek!” i sign him to turn around.

“As if.” He mutters.

“Yeah yeah whatever.” i shout back.

Half an hour later

Hehe.. looks like there are benefits too of getting your leg injured. You get to travel in demon’s private jet and he even had to carry me here! Hehe!

I look outside the window and as my eyelids became heavy, I slowly closed my eyes. But what was the dream I saw yesterday? I can’t remember at all. A scary demon? No, I, myself am living with a nightmare. No one can be scarier than this demon beside me!


After a long flight, we finally reach home. Ah! Home sweet home! I missed it.

I see mom come running to the car.

“Oh my child! What happened?”

“Mooom!” I Hug her. “I sprained my leg” I pout as I point at my leg.

“Ah my poor child!” She plants a kiss on my forehead, she then glares at her son and scolds him, “What were you doing when she hurt herself? couldn’t you look after her?”

“What is she a 6 yrs old kid that I have to look after her?” He glares at me then back at mom.

“And don’t even bring this topic again.” He glares at me again to which I can't help feel guilty and look down.

“Look at the way he’s talking!” Mom shouts.

“It’s okay, mom. It was entirely my fault. And seriously don’t talk about this in front of him. He’ll murder me!” I rest my head on her shoulder.

“My Poor child!” She hugs me.

My Room

I lay comfortably on my bed and try to call my bff.

“What the hell? Again this girl’s phone is unreachable! Where did she go?” Frustrated I throw my cell phone on the bed.

Last time I talked to her was 2 days ago and after that her phone is unreachable, I had to ask Rihito to check upon her. now again it’s unreachable. oh well I’l just leave a message for now.

After a week

Finally I don’t have to cover my foot with the bandage but looks like the days are over where I could take advantage and make Mr. Monkey do my works. Now he can go back to be a full demon without a speck of kindness in him. After our return, there hasn’t been a single day where he doesn’t pass a rude remark. Looks like the prince charming stayed back in Hawaii and only the demon came home. I think he should permanently shift to Hawaii, at least he’ll look a little like human.

Today too before going to the work he fought with me. I don't get it, what the hell is his problem? Every now and then he taunts me about my weak memory! What have I forgotten?

“My memory is weak? That jerk! First fix your attitude then come and talk to me! Idiot!” I look at his photo and shout.

And there is another idiot, Rina. It’s already been a week and still no sign of her. Rihito did tell me that she's fine but why is her phone unreachable then?

Finally I’m able to walk and now she’s dead! Making me worry like this!

Rina’s house

“She’ll be surprised. hehe...” I try to open the door pressing the passcode, but huh? the password is incorrect?! Did she change it?

Damn and here I thought I’ll surprise her! Looks like I’ll have to ring the bell.

No response!

I bang my fist on the door "Rina? are you in?" the door slowly opens.

I slowly enter the house, “What the hell?!” I'm horrified. I think I entered the wrong house, no wonder the passcode was incorrect. But wait! I see Rina’s photo hanging on the wall, I look at the room, "then what the hell is this?"

Rina’s house and this messy? I mean usually I make a mess out of her house but this time it isn’t me then how?

I slowly enter the hall and see clothes, chips lying on the ground. I slowly pick the cloth with a hockey stick (you’ll always get a one in Rina’s house). It’s a guy’s shirt. Don’t tell me she let that Eros the gross inside her house? NO! She’s not my bff anymore! She broke her promise!

As I enter further, I see someone lying on the couch, playing a video game. I can’t see his face as he has his back turned to me. Yes I’ve got an opportunity to hit on his head!

I slowly lift the stick and position my hand to hit him. But he suddenly turns his face to me and we both scream and I throw the hockey stick on his head as a reflex.


He catches the stick on midair just a centimeter from his face.

“Are you trying to kill me, Teresa? Just for your kind info, I’m not Ryouma! Save it for your husband!” Rihito shouts.

“What the hell are you doing here, Rihito?”

“What the hell was that sound?” Rina comes down running.

“Explain!” I shout at them.

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