Spreading her wings
Chapter 22 🌶️🌶️🌶️

A/N This a long one hope you all enjoy it!!!

Callum's POV

It's Sierra's birthday, my girl is 18 today, she's legally able to be Toby's guardian, legally able to move out of here. Every time I wanted to bring it up, I chickened out, I didn't want her thinking I was putting pressure on her to choose my happiness over hers.

Last night we were on a double date with Tom and Trudi. We were at a diner having pre movie shakes, when Tom broached the subject of Sierra needing a place to live. His dad is a very successful realtor and tom being well Tom. He Offered to ask his dad to see if there was anything available in her price range. My girlfriend very politely declined his offer, she had looked at me, informing me she was staying until I'd had enough of her.

The smile on my face hasn't left my face since last night, knowing I'll have my girl in my house for another 9 months has made me the happiest guy in the world.

I'm in my room, getting everything ready for tonight's surprise for Sierra. The night she told me that we would be together completely on her 18th, I knew exactly what I was going to do.

I went straight to the one person who is an absolute expert at romantic surprises and organizing special moments. My mum was absolutely beside herself with excitement when I told her what I wanted to do. I left out the sex part of course but I'm pretty sure she has a fair idea of how our night is going to end.

My mum has taken Sierra out for a shopping spree and lunch today, she said the birthday girl needed a few special items for our very special night. When they left Sierra's face was a red as a tomato, causing me to laugh out loud.

So here I am sitting in the lounge room, waiting for my beauty to come downstairs in her new dress that my mum said would totally blow my socks off.

I look up from my phone, as my dad walks in. He sits on the arm of my chair, his eyes on me, analysing me closely. I wait for him to say what he needs to say to me. I hold in a smirk; I'll bet my car that I know what he's about to say.

" Callum, I want to tell you a story" he says. I stifle a groan, oh kill me now. He's going to tell me about the first time he had sex with my mum!

" When I saw your mum for the very first time, I fell in love with her at first glance. There she was 18 years old, modelling in Milan at fashion week. I was 25 at the time, I was very lucky with the ladies, so I had a fair bit of experience with women. I thought of myself as a bit of a Casanova, meeting your mum though put me in my place straight away. She yelled at me, can you believe it. She fucking told me in no uncertain terms that I was so full of it if I pulled the stick out of my ass I would float away. I knew then and there I had to have her, it took five months to whittle her down and agree to a date with me. That night we stayed up until sunrise getting to know each other. We were inseparable after that. 2 months after our first date your mother and I were intimate for the first time. Your mother was still a virgin, I was her first. We got so caught up in our love for each other neither of us thought about contraception. Fast forward 9 months and there you were".

He looks at me to gauge my reaction, getting none, he continues, " your mum and I have never regretted having you, I just wish we'd waited a year or two. I have a fair idea what's going to happen tonight, I also know it won't be your first time. Son, you need to treat your girl like she's the most precious thing in your life. Let her take the lead, follow her cues and the most important thing if she says stop. You stop immediately".

He gets up turning to walk out, he stops handing me his credit card and a box of condoms. With a sly wink he walks out hollering to my mum to call the babysitter, he's taking her dancing.

I shake my head at the big goof that is my dad, he's the best a guy could ever ask for. I hear the voice of my mum, she's coaxing Sierra down the stairs. I smile when I think how close they've become.

My mum walks in first, giving me a thumbs up. A moment later this vision comes through the door. My breath hitches when Sierra walks in, her beautiful face looking radiant.

She stands in front of me, doing a little spin. I get up, circling her like a lion with its prey. I take in the beauty in front of me. The long silver dress hugs her figure perfectly.

It's low back shows off her slim waist and soft smooth skin. The thigh high split reveals a lovely, shaped leg, that I hope will be wrapped around me later.

Her make-up has been kept simple, a bit of mascara and a nude lip gloss. For her hair it's been arranged in an updo nest of curls, with a few strands framing her face.

I take her hand bringing it up to my lips, kissing each one of her fingers. " You look exquisite Tesoro, my beautiful swan" she blushes that gorgeous shade of pink I've grown to adore.

My cock starts to stand up in solidarity, a few more hours buddy I tell him mentally.

" Are you ready to go?" I ask her, she nods. Bidding my mum, a good night, hugging her before we walk out the door to my waiting car ready to get the night started.

We arrive at the hotel 30 minutes later; I chose the penthouse suite for my and Sierra's night together. Walking into the front lobby of my dad's hotel I couldn't help but feel smug. The beauty beside me was receiving a lot of admiring looks. Yeah, keep looking boys, she's all mine.

We make our way up to the 15th floor where our suite is. The look on my girls face when we walk through the door is priceless. Her wide bright eyes are taking it all in. The glittering chandelier above us shimmers as we walk out to the balcony.

We step out the sliding doors, both admiring the beautiful view below us. The lights of the city are twinkling like little stars in the night sky.

I lead her to the table set up for us, she smiles making me feel like I could conquer the world. I pour us both a glass of champagne, she looks at me with a brow raised. I just shrug my shoulders, taking a big gulp of the bubbly liquid.

Sierra takes a little sip, giggling when the fuzzy bubbles hit her nose, " mnmmmm, that's really good, you do know we're underage right?" She says with a little smile.

" My dad always keeps a few bottles in the fridge, he called ahead to have a bottle chilling for us. You don't have to drink it if you don't want to Tesoro ".

She shakes her head," no I like it, thank you for all of this. You have no idea how much this means to me, how much you mean to me".

I lean across the table; she meets me halfway. I kiss her softly, before sitting down and grabbing her hand.

Our private moment is interrupted by a knock on the door. I get up to answer it. The in-house chef follows me in with his trolley full of delicious ingredients.

Once on the balcony, I sit back down. Sierra and I watch as this man cooks us our dinner in front of us. When he's done, he places two plates of fillet mignon, creamy mashed potato and steamed broccoli in front of us.

I laugh as I hear a grumbling stomach coming from the girl across from me. Expecting her to be embarrassed, I'm surprised when she just shrugs and starts to eat.

When we're done, I tip the chef generously, showing him out the door. When he's gone, I turn to my girl, watching her fidget nervously.

I walk over to her, putting some soft jazz on my phone. I take her in my arms, swaying out bodies together as the soft blues music fills the room.

Sierra's looking up at me, her face all flushed from the champagne. I reach up behind her head, gently pulling at the pins holding her hair up.

Her beautiful eyes are locked on me, watching everything I'm doing. Her long locks come tumbling down around her shoulders, like a waterfall.

I bury my face in her neck, inhaling deeply the sweet smell of vanilla invades my senses. I place my mouth on hers, kissing her deeply, a soft moan escapes her mouth, my control is close to snapping. My cock is rubbing against my zipper of my pants, he desperately needs to be released. I need to reign it in before I do something stupid and scare her off.

As I go to pull back a little, she surprises me by putting her hand between my legs. The feeling of her rubbing my hardness makes my body explode into flames. I grab her by the back of the neck, slamming my mouth onto hers.

This time it's Sierra that steps away she grabs my hand leading me to the bedroom. Once we're inside she kisses me softly. Grabbing her bag, she heads off into the bathroom, as I watch her leave, she turns and gives me a wink over her shoulder.

I sit on the edge of the bed, fuck I'm so nervous. I'm acting like it's my first time, well in a way it is because it's with someone I am in crazy stupid love with.

When I was with Angela it was sex, pure fucking nothing else. There were never the feelings that I have for Sierra, the burning desire she invokes in me are a first for me.

I hear the bathroom door open; I look up there is my beautiful girl. She walks towards me; I have to remember to thank my mum for taking my girl shopping.

What I see in front of me has me very grateful I'm sitting down, otherwise I'd be on my knees. Sierra has on this long sheer black night gown; I can see a matching thong underneath. It's when I raise my eyes that has me drooling. Her chest is bare underneath, the outline of her magnificent breasts visible in the soft light. Hard nipples poking the material.

My eyes are on her as she steps towards me, I reach up, putting my hand on her hip. She lowers herself onto her knees in front of me. Her eyelids are hooded as her fingers trace the outline of my erection.

I lean back on my elbows, never taking my eyes off of her. The confidence in her is a real fucking turn on. She quickly undoes my pants, while I unbutton the shirt that is suddenly feeling suffocating.

Once I'm in just my boxers she stands up removing the thong and night gown. This is the first time I've seen her completely naked.

What a sight she is, big full breasts, wide hips and shapely legs. Her pussy is covered in a light dusting of dark blond curls that has my mouth watering.

I grab her hips guiding her towards my face, when she's close I lean forward, burying my face in her sweet pussy. My tounge swipes in-between her lips licking her.

She puts her hands in my hair in a death grip, her moans spurring me on as I flick my tounge over her clit. Her legs begin to shake making me grin against her. I put a finger inside her then another as I pump her. My mouth continues its assault on her, my fingers sliding in and out of her dripping pussy.

Her body goes really still then she explodes, I speed up my movements, her orgasm hits her hard. I remove my wet fingers, my tounge still gently rubbing her clit as she finishes her release.

I raise my head, putting the two wet fingers up to her face. She hesitantly opens her mouth, licking her juices off my fingers.

Her face is flushed but this time it's because of me, she lays down next to me her hand slides into my boxers gently stroking me. I look at her face, leaning down I kiss her, our tounges caressing each other. I whisper, " are you ready Tesoro?" Her nod is all I need to proceed.

After I grab the condom and put it on, I kneel in front of her open legs. I grab her under the thighs, pulling her towards me. She's nibbling on her lower lip, a thing she does when she's nervous. " I love you Sierra, I won't do anything to hurt you" she nods again.

I position myself at her entrance, looking at her eyes that are trained on my face" Tesoro, this is going to hurt a bit only for a minute though, tell me if it's too much and we'll stop" I say to her.

" I trust you love; I know you'd never do anything to harm me" that's all I need to hear to push forward. I slowly enter her, groaning lowly as I feel her tightness engulf my cock.

I raise my eyes to her, she's got hers scrunched up, I keep moving until I feel the barrier," you ready Tesoro, this bit is the worst then it's over" she nods rapidly, a little whimper escaping her as I break through.

I stay really still for a minute before I start to thrust my hips into her. Oh, fuck she feels good, her soft silkiness rubbing against me. I pick up speed thrusting harder.

We're both moaning loudly at this point, I can feel my balls tighten, my cock swelling. I pull out of her, flipping her onto her knees. I enter her from behind, the new position pushing me in deeper. She screams as I fuck her hard. My moans and hers filling the room, as I pound into her. I feel her pussy contracting around me telling me she's Cumming. With a few more hard trusts we both achieve our orgasms. I throw my head back as I spill into the condom.

After we've both stopped shaking, I pull out, heading into the bathroom to bin the condom and grab a wet washcloth.

When I walk back into the bedroom, Sierra is lying on her side under the blanket. She gives me a sweet smile, patting the mattress next to her. I quickly clean her sensitive area before climbing into bed with her.

I kiss her soft lips, " was that good for you Mi amore?" I ask her. She kisses me on my jaw humming " yes that was everything I wanted my first time to be like, I love you Callum Inconeti ".

I wrap her in my arms tightly, as she drifts off I whisper, "I love you too Sierra Bennett".

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