Spreading her wings
Chapter 21

Sierra's POV

It's thanksgiving today, mine and Toby's first one in 7 years. To say I'm a bit excited is an understatement, my brother has been counting down the days until we can eat turkey til we burst.

I've spent the last week with Amber in the kitchen, planning out a menu for kings. She asked me if I would like to help her cook Thanksgiving dinner, I jumped at the chance.

I've also spent the week thinking about what Callum and I talked about in his bedroom that day. I have gone back and forth in my mind if I'm really ready to sleep with him.

This is my first real relationship, my only relationship at that. I'm treading through very unfamiliar waters with this boy, the feelings I have for my boyfriend are new and very strong. I just hope I'm making the right choices for myself and him.

I'm currently sitting in my bedroom, looking through my phone when I see a notification on my social media. I open up a picture of Trudi and Tom standing next to a massive blow-up Turkey. I laugh at the caption Tom wrote: this girl is so adorable I could just gobble her up.

A knock pulls my attention from the silly picture. I get up to open the door, my brother is on the other side, his face looking sad. When he sees me, he throws his arms around my waist, snuggling into my body.

Putting my arm around him, I lead him into my room, sitting on the bed with him. " What's wrong sweety, has something happened?", I ask him smoothing his ruffled hair.

He lifts his tear-stained face to me, " I was just thinking about mum, do you think she misses us at all, does she regret what she did to us?".

I'm lost for words; I don't know what to say to him. How do you explain to a 10-year-old his mother is a selfish bitch, who couldn't give a fuck about us? Her own feelings always came first.

I think for a moment, needing to respond gently without upsetting him even more. """ Mum's sick tob's, she has an illness that has into a different person, she is in a place to hopefully get better so she can be the best mum to you."

He nods his head rapidly; I breathe a sigh of relief that what I told him was enough to satisfy him. We both jump, when the door flies open, revealing a smiling Callum and Amelia. They have paper crowns on their heads, their cheeks bright with excitement.

Callum frowns s bit, his face marred with concern when he sees my brother still clinging to me. I smile at him, to let him know everything is fine. He comes over to the bed, grabbing my hand and helping me up. " Is everything okay Tesoro" he whispers.

I nod, giving him a quick kiss. The four of us go downstairs to find Marco and his wife, arguing over the best way to cook a turkey.

They both look up when we walk in, Amber walks over, handing me an apron. She turns to her husband sticking out her tounge at him.

We all laugh at the childish gesture, " so where do we start?" I ask her. She hands me a bag of potatoes and a peeler " here" she says pointing to the big bowl.

I sit down on the stool and get started. She shoos everyone out of the kitchen, saying to leave the women alone to work.

I'm halfway through the bag, when she starts talking" so I hear your birthday is coming up?" I look up to see her watching me intently, her mouth twitching in a knowing smile.

Putting the potatoes aside, I clear my throat, God I'm so nervous now has Callum told her of our plans? " Yes, in two weeks" I respond. She sits down next to me, grabbing my hands, " I think of you as a daughter, which is probably weird since you're dating my son. But since you and toby came to stay with us, I've grown very fond of you both. I wanted to ask if you would both like to stay with us after you turn 18.".

I stare at her; this woman has been more of a mother to me in the last 2 weeks than my own has in the last 7 years.

My tears fall down my cheeks as she hugs me to her chest," is that a yes?" She asks, her eyes full of hope, I sit up, wiping my face, "yes, definitely a yes".

She blows out a woosh of air, hugging me again. Callum and his dad walk in, both confused at the two weeping females hugging. " Everything okay Tesoro?" Callum asks me, coming over and prying me out of his mother's arms.

With a little laugh, I smile " yes of course, your mum and I were just having a private moment, that you've interrupted". I say, poking my finger into his firm chest.

A few hours later we're all sitting around the dinner table, joking and laughing, when Amber walks in with a flourish. Her arms holding the most beautiful turkey I've ever seen; it's cooked to perfection making my mouth water.

She puts it on the table, handing a knife to Marco, who begins to carve the big bird. We all say what we're thankful for before digging into the yummy feast in front of us.

After we've eaten, I sit back rubbing my full belly. I've never had so much food; I feel like I'm going to pop.

A warm hand grabs mine, tugging me out of my seat. I groan, earning a laugh from my boyfriend, as he takes me out the room and out to the backyard where a fire pit is blazing.

We sit down on the love seat, a blanket thrown over our legs. I cuddle up to Callum, a sigh of contentment leaving me. I feel a kiss on my head, making me look up into a pair of grey eyes.

" Have you had a good day Tesoro?" He asks me, " yes, this has been the best thanksgiving ever, thank you for everything you have done for me".

He smiles, tucking me under his chin and resting his head on mine. We sit there in silence. My heart swelling with love for the boy next to me

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