Spreading her wings
Chapter 20

Callum's POV

I'm sitting in English class, listening to the teacher drone on and on about Shakespeare. This guy's voice is doing my fucking head in. I look at the clock on the wall. Ugh still 30 minutes until the bell goes and I can see my beautiful girl.

My thoughts go to the person to who I have this desperate need to be with all the time. This last week, having her stay with me in my house has been bittersweet, don't get me wrong I love having her there. It's just been getting more difficult to keep my lusty thoughts clean and my needy hands to myself.

This weekend is Thanksgiving, I'm so excited to have Sierra and toby with us this year. They both deserve to experience a good day of stuffing their faces with food and enjoying the love and warmth of being with people who care about them.

My mum has really taken to Sierra. I think she just enjoys having another female around that she can take shopping and do cooking with. My little sister doesn't enjoy any of that, preferring to stay at home or play sport.

My dad has been the biggest surprise of all, after that day him and I had that argument, he has done a complete flip. He has been really nice to Sierra and her brother. He even offered to help Sierra get an interview with an art school in New York.

The thought of graduation and college depresses me, we haven't really had the discussion about life after high school. I know that Sierra wants to get into graphic design.

Unfortunately, there are no schools in Texas that offer art as a Major.

My dad and I always talked about me getting into the hotel business with him. It's been his dream to work alongside his only son, like his dad did with him.

I brush away the negative thoughts there's still months until graduation. Clearing my head, I direct my attention to the teacher in front of me.

When the bell rings I grab my stuff, racing out the door. I skid to a stop when I see my girl walking towards me, a big, beautiful smile on her gorgeous face.

Walking up to her I pull her in for a kiss, "oh fuck Tesoro, I missed you" I whisper against her mouth. She pulls away giggling," you saw me 2 hours' ago" her eyes are twinkling.

I laugh, wrapping my arms around her shoulders, leading her towards the cafeteria.


After school I'm waiting for Sierra, when I see Angela heading towards me. I frown, she hasn't come near me in weeks what could she possibly want now... She steps up to where I am, a smile in her face, " hello Callum, how are you?"

I'm surprised at her polite tone; this girl is a bitch to everyone. I can't help but feel suspicious of her motives for approaching me when I'm alone.

I nod," I'm great how are you?" I ask, I really don't give a fucking shit to be honest, but my mum raised me well.

She just shrugs, her expression is blank" oh I'm okay, so I wanted to ask you something". Oh, here we go, I knew she had an ulterior motive. This girl never does anything just because, there's always a reason for her actions. Ones that always benefit her selfish needs.

I steel my face in a hard look, she shifts nervously, "what is it Angie, what could you possibly have to ask me". She looks at me in surprise at my harsh tone. " Well as you know the Thanksgiving dance is coming up, we always go as a group. I just wanted to ask you if you were coming with us this year. Reece is having a big party afterwards too".

I don't miss how she said you, not you and Sierra. I don't know what to even say to this, I need to word my thoughts very carefully, " I will be going to the dance with my girlfriend this year, as for the party afterwards Sierra and I might drop in for a bit".

Her expression is fucking gold, her face screws up into a nasty pinch her mouth set in a scowl. She composes herself quickly though, " oh well yeah, I forgot about her, I guess it makes sense you would take her. I mean she is living at your house".

I'm just about to really let her have it when I hear voices coming our way. I look to see Sierra, Tom and Trudi walking over. My girlfriend has a look of shock and confusion on her face. I simply shake my head, indicating now's not the time, we'll talk later.

I push past my ex, walking up to the girl who makes my heart swell with love and excitement. Grabbing her hand gently I lead her to the car. One we're inside I give her a wet kiss, before driving off. Leaving a fuming Angela standing there looking like she's ready to combust.

When we get home, I take Sierra straight up to my room. She follows me willingly; I love how trusting she is. When we get there, I lead her in, sitting down on my bed. I place her on my lap, nuzzling her neck softly with my nose.

She gasps when I nip the skin under her ear, moaning softly as I begin to kiss along her jaw and throat. She grabs my hair, pulling my head up and slams her lips onto mine.

I can feel myself getting hard, Sierra notices too, without breaking our kiss she spins so she's straddling me. She starts to rock her hips against me, my cock is rubbing against her denim covered pussy.

We get lost in our frenzied make out session, before sense of reason slams into me. I grab her hips stopping them from moving, she pulls her mouth off mine. Her face is a mix of confusion and rejection. I grab her face, placing a kiss on her nose, " do not think for one second, I don't want you, you have no idea how fucking difficult it is for me to stop. You make me feel so fucking good mi amore".

A look of relief crosses her features, she puts her head on my chest, drawing little circles with her fingers," what if I don't want you to stop though?" Her voice is a whisper, I almost don't hear her. I lean back so I'm looking in her eyes "what did you just say?" I ask her, I need to be sure I heard correctly.

Her face goes pink "what if we don't stop next time, would that be so bad?". I don't know what to say, Sierra has played the starring role in many of my wet dreams, I've wanted her for years. Now, sitting here with her, finally having my wish come true I'm suddenly very nervous.

I search her face for any doubt she has, not finding any I hug her to me. Resting my chin on her head, I ask " are you sure you're ready? I don't want you to do something you're not completely ready for".

She nods " yes, I love you so much, I want you to be my first. My birthday is coming up soon we could do it then".

I look in her eyes, my lips claiming hers, in a searing kiss. Well looks like I have a Birthday present to organize. My cock throbs in agreement.

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