Spreading her wings
Chapter 23 🌶️🌶️

Sierra's POV

Waking up next to my boyfriend would have to be the best feeling in the world. The events from the night before making me smile, my body still feeling the lingering touch of Callum's lips and hands all over me.

If I thought I loved him before, the love I have for him now is mind boggling. The way he treated me, the gentleness with which he touched my body and his soft love making has made my heart full for him.

A warm arm slips around my waist, a small squeak escaping me when I'm pulled against a firm chest.

My surprise is quickly replaced by lust and desire when lips begin to kiss down my back and shoulders.

I'm gently rolled into my back, Callum hovers over me a big beautiful smile on his handsome face. He bends down to kiss me, his tounge thrusting into my mouth, my need for him sets my body on fire.

My eyes roll back when his hands reach in-between my legs " you're not too sore are you baby?" He asks, his concern for me makes my heart flutter.

I shake my head" not really, I'm a bit tender but it's nothing too serious" He grins widely "well I'm very happy to hear that tesoro means I can do this".

Before I can ask what, his face is buried in my pussy, his expert tounge bringing me to the heights of phenomenal pleasure.

When he has me shaking uncontrollably, he pulls away to grab a condom. He lays down next to me causing me to look at him with a puzzled expression.

He pats his legs" come on baby, come ride me". I have a moment of panic; he's going to be so disappointed with my lack of experience. He must notice my hesitation, grabbing my wrists he sits me up dragging my body onto his.

When I'm sitting over his hard cock he grips my hips, rocking me back and forth over him, spreading my wetness on his erection.

I look down at his face, his hands are behind his head, my body moving naturally on its own. He rolls his hips, adding extra friction sending delicious tingles zapping through me like tiny electric shocks.

Callum stops me moving, grabbing the condom from under the pillow. I lift up as he rolls it on his stiff cock. He grabs himself as I slowly lower myself on him. We both moan as the feeling of our bodies connecting sends us through cloud nine.

I start to move back and forth, slowly at first still feeling very self-conscious. I speed up when I see Callum's eyes roll back into his head, his mouth all slack.

He groans as I put my hands on his chest for support, my body lifting up and slamming down on him. " Oh, fuck Tesoro, you have no idea how fucking good you feel riding me. I'm close, oh yes baby that's it".

As I feel my orgasm approach, Callum holds me still, his hips pistoning into me at an amazing speed. I scream as my body starts trembling, the now familiar feeling of an orgasm slamming into me. " Yes, baby that's it, oh fuck me here I come" he rasps out before he roars and he cums, his body jerking as pleasure flows through him.

When we both catch our breath, he pulls me down onto his sweaty chest. Holding me in his arms, kissing the side of my head " wow that was fucking wow" I giggle at his jumbled words.

I give him another kiss before climbing off him, the cool air hits my body making me shiver. I put my robe on, going back to sit on the bed. Callum gets up heading to the bathroom " you going to keep me company mi amore" he says with a smirk, his eyebrows wiggling comically.

As I go to respond, my phone rings the caller id says it's Trudi " I'm going to answer this call, I'll be quick I promise."

He disappears into the bathroom; I accept her call:

Me: hello what can I do for you?

Trudi: happy birthday my sweet friend, what did you and Callum get up to last night?

Me: he took me to a beautiful hotel we had a lovely dinner, some champagne. Then we danced to jazz music

Trudi: oh, come on spill the details did you finally lose your v card.

Oh my god this girl doesn't hold back.

Me: well actually yes, I did in fact.

I hold the phone away as she screams. saving my poor eardrums from certain deafness.

Once she's stopped, I put the phone back to my ear. I can still hear her jumping around.

I hear her voice again calling my name. It's at that moment Callum sticks his head out of the bathroom eyebrows raised. I hold the phone up to show him who I'm speaking to.

The cheeky sod yells out " oi Trudi get lost so I can have my way with my girl in the shower." She giggles, demanding I call her back later with all the filthy details and hangs up on me.

I make my way to where my boyfriend is, the shower door has been left open for me. I step in under the hot water, wrapped up instantly in Callum's arms " mmm I thought you weren't coming." I spin around facing him, well make me then."

He growls before sweeping me up and making my wish come true over and over.

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