Robert was much shorter than Black Python and White Python, so he had to speak with his head tilted upward.

After exchanging a few words, Robert handed the microphone to White Python.

Looking at the freshmen below the stage, White Python was solemn and strict as he greeted, “Hello, students. I am your military training instructor for this year—White Python!”

When he introduced himself, the audience couldn’t help but gasp. Even his name is domineering!

“Sir, if your name is White Python, then the one next to you must be called Black Python, right?” The students in the audience quipped.

Black Python’s thin lips curled up in a smile as he took the microphone from his counterpart. He spoke in a steady and powerful voice. “Yes, I am your deputy instructor—Black Python!”

At that, the audience erupted into a cheer.

Robert nodded with gratification. It seemed that Black Python and White Python were fine after all!

Black Python continued, “This is not where you all will be training. The school will transport you to the actual training base later! Start packing up now. We’ll leave in half an hour.”

As soon as he finished giving instructions, the crowd was in an uproar. “We won’t be training in school!”

“Huh, then where will our training base be?”

“I don’t know. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see! I can’t wait to see where they bring us!”

Under the hot afternoon sun, the new students arrived at the temporary training ground. Although it was temporary, it was fully equipped!

As soon as they reached the venue, everything was handed over to the instructors. Black Python and White Python were now responsible for these freshmen!

Therefore, the first thing they did at the training base was run five kilometers as instructed by Black Python.

The sun was scorching as the group of freshmen lined up. Standing in a neat line, they looked particularly spectacular!

For the first two or three kilometers, the students were still neatly arranged. Later, however, their formation gradually worsened.

Almost all the girls were doubled over, gasping for air!

Out of breath, Abby wheezed, “This… is outrageous. We’re already running five kilometers on the first day. What do you think will be our training tomorrow?”

With Summer holding onto her, Sharon was spent. “Where did they even find such a strict instructor?”

They admitted that they had a good feeling about those two instructors at first. They were considerably handsome, and their height and figures were decent too. The only downside was their bad temper.

The students were not allowed to rest, and they were not allowed to speak. They spent almost the entire day running; it was as if they were mute.

Hearing their complaints, Janet’s lips twitched and her phoenix eyes seemed to be twinkling with amusement.

Count your blessings, girls. Judging from the training Black Python and White Python received from the Lowrys, this is just the beginning of much more to come!

“Be glad,” said a girl from the side. Her face wasn’t red and she didn’t seem tired. She was calm—as if she did not just run a few kilometers. “Tomorrow’s training may be more rigorous; today is just a warm-up!”

As soon as she spoke, Abby, Sharon, and the others looked up at her.

The owner of the voice was none other than Hannah Meyer, who was in the same department as them.

Hannah’s father and grandfather were soldiers, so she had the same level of stamina that they had. Genetically speaking, she was already ninety-nine percent better than her female compatriots in terms of physical fitness!

“Hannah, I admire you so much!” One of the girls stood up and cried out, unable to hide the envy in her eyes.

With Hannah’s physique, by the end of the military training, she would certainly win the best trainee award.

As for the other girls, being able to safely complete the training was good enough for them!

Hannah smiled at the compliment, but she said nothing else.

While they were conversing, Black Python and White Python had gone to the back of the line and had begun to urge them forward.

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