Since they were family, they could take care of Janet during the training and even let her sneak a break occasionally! That was probably the reason Mason brought Black Python and White Python back from Markovia!

Black Python smiled wickedly and kindly reminded, “Then, let me remind you that Miss Jackson must never be involved in activities like shooting or sparring! Do you understand?” With Miss Jackson’s slender limbs, she might get injured from activities like sparring or shooting. We won’t be able to bear that responsibility if that happens!

White Python nodded in tacit agreement. Of course, I know!

White Python slowly drove the black Maybach into Woodsbury University at 8:30 AM. At first, the students were playing on their phones with their heads lowered or whispering among themselves. However, they looked up in unison when they heard a noise. At that very moment, two men in military uniform got out of the black Maybach with tough expressions. They were wearing military T-shirts, which revealed their sturdy and tanned arms!

The freshmen stared at the two tall and sturdy men and couldn’t help but feel their chests tightening. They were going to suffer greatly if training instructors like these two took charge of their military training! Just looking at their figures was terrifying!

“Sharon… aren’t these training instructors too tall and too strong? They look like they are around 1.85 m tall!” Summer tugged at Sharon’s arm.

Sharon nodded in agreement. “Tsk. That body can probably crush us to death!”

Meanwhile, Janet lowered her head and kicked at a stone on the ground with her foot. Sharon and Summer couldn’t help tugging at her sleeve and sighing. “It feels like this military training is going to kill us!”

When Janet heard those words, her kicking motion froze for a moment. She lifted her gaze and looked at the two men in front. Then, her eyes brightened involuntarily. She raised her eyebrows slightly after a few seconds, feeling spirited. Black Python and White Python are both here. That means Mason is surely somewhere here too! No wonder he was so unnaturally calm when we parted yesterday! This is why!

While she was thinking about that, she looked around with raised eyebrows. Sure enough, she felt something strange coming from the top floor of the school building opposite and soon detected a burning gaze staring straight at her. A man was standing on the top floor of the school building, and his gaze was fixed on her.

Standing among the crowd, she wiggled her eyebrows and bit her lip lightly. Then, she gazed at him with a languid and dashing look, sending him a signal! Mason narrowed his eyes slightly, and a mischievous look flashed across his eyes. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and studied her with a scrutinizing expression. Sure enough; she’s very sensitive!

Meanwhile, Black Python and White Python deliberately winked at Janet as if greeting her. Unfortunately, Janet ignored them and continued playing with the stone on the ground.

When Robert learned that Black Python and White Python had arrived at the university, he left his office to greet them. Both the instructors this year were recommended by Mason. Robert considered them for a bit and decided that they couldn’t be that bad. Thus, he nonchalantly agreed to hire them and replaced the original instructors with them.

The first reason was that he didn’t dare to offend the Lowry Family. The other reason was that he heard that these two were part of the special forces. They were more specialized when it came to training. In that case, Black Python and White Python would naturally seem more suitable compared to the former instructors.

As soon as Robert saw Black Python and White Python, he felt a heavy weight lifting from his heart. They truly look very reliable. Both men are as strong as oxen! He walked toward them, stopped in front of them, and respectfully said, “Nice to meet you. I am the principal of Woodsbury University!”

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