Black Python was scowling, and his brows were furrowed. With a stern expression, he said in a deep voice, “Can you all pick up the pace? If you don’t reach the finish line within five minutes, then you’ll have to run another five kilometers!”

Upon hearing this, the girls took off at once.

Sharon and Summer glanced at each other with their faces twisted in bitterness.

He’s so fierce! Why’s he so fierce?

When Abby saw Janet staying in place, she turned back and asked with concern, “Janet, can you still run?”

“Yes, I can!” Janet straightened up, then casually jogged away. After five kilometers, the freshmen were all panting hard and out of breath.

It was no surprise that Janet and her group of friends were the slowest female students from the medical school!

White Python walked steadily to Janet’s side with a serious look on his face, then pointed at Abby, Sharon, and Summer while saying, “Tell me; is five kilometers too much?”

Janet’s lips curled up. White Python had indeed been personally trained by Mason; even his tone while lecturing people was similar!

At this moment, the three other girls dared not even fart. Their eyes were wet with tears, and they were close to bursting!

Black Python went up to them and pulled White Python back. “That’s enough. You’re obviously being biased!”

All four of them were slow, but White Python turned a blind eye to Janet and only scolded the other girls.

Pouting, White Python wanted to say something, but he held back his words.

After the five-kilometer warm-up was over, White Python announced at dinner time that they were dismissed, but there was more training waiting for the freshmen tomorrow!

Watching Janet’s retreating back, Black Python sighed. In a pensive voice, he said, “White Python, judging from Miss Jackson’s strength, do you think she’s capable of completing all twelve stages?”

A shadow crossed over White Python’s face, and he gave him a sheepish look. “Oh, now that you mention it, I don’t quite believe she’ll make it!”

The girls had spent nearly two hours just running five kilometers!

How were they supposed to believe that Janet could complete all twelve stages?

Just thinking about it already seemed impossible!

While the two were talking, the phone that was placed on the lawn lit up.

White Python went over and looked at the caller ID, then couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.

They didn’t even need to look to know who was calling at this hour!

Sure enough, the man’s familiar magnetic, low voice sounded from the other end of the phone. “How was the first day?”

Without a doubt, he knew Mason was asking about Janet’s first day of training.

White Python was sensible. He coughed dryly and reported, “Very good! Miss Jackson was very cooperative too!”

As soon as he said that, the man’s voice rang out again. “Look after her, and don’t cause her harm!”

For a moment, both White Python and Black Python were at a loss for words.

“Do you think we should let Miss Jackson continue training with these freshmen?” White Python asked hesitantly.

It was inevitable for injuries to happen during training, and even they couldn’t ensure that she wouldn’t get hurt.

Mason was silent for a long time before he started to speak again. “Yes, train her according to the standards of training for the other freshmen!”

That young lady was eager to be good at everything. If she was trained differently from the others, she would definitely be upset.

“All right. Black Python and I will look after Miss Jackson!”

With that, White Python ended the call.

He sighed and patted Black Python on the shoulder. “I told you so… This time, our job as instructors won’t be that easy!”

This task is daunting!

The dormitory was built at the last minute. Although the place wasn’t large, it had everything the students needed!

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