Chapter 304

[Anyone know how I can skip the process of marriage and straight away own such cuties?)

I Look at their big eyes flickering. They're so beautiful!)

[ So what do they look like without the masks? Will their cuteness make my nose bleed?)

In less than 24 hours, the topic of discussion changed the second time.

Anne never expected such a change.

Sitting in the car, she was heading to Sarah's place at first.

Such a change gave her a fright!

She would rather the spotlight was on herself!

At this time, even if Anne did not want to trouble Lucas, she had no other choice. Thus, she called him, "Mr. Newman!"

"I know. I saw it. I'm working on those videos." Lucas’ words always reassured her.

Anne was ashamed of her impatience. "Sorry for the troubles. I really didn't expect them to turn their attention to the children..."

"That's how the media is. They would put anything on the internet to attract attention, no matter the cost.” Lucas Newman, as the principal of the school, would often face the attention of the media as well.

His identity also put him in a situation where criticism would come inexplicably.

Even if he did nothing wrong, the truth could be distorted, dealing him a certain extent of damage. For instance, Pinnacle Academy was targeted by Anthony previously, and even though the trending topics were removed, a thorough investigation was carried out nevertheless.

"Alright. As long as they don’t Involve my children, I'm willing to do anything.” Anne felt her limbs going weak.

The attention of these netizens was really strange.

Perhaps her children's culeness was too much to Ignore!

Anyone who sees something I hey like will pay attention and leave comments!

However, it was just some moments ago that there were all kinds of criticisms against Anne and Bianca. It changed loo fast!

Perhaps Bianca was happy to see such a change happen. After all, the attention given to her had already subsided!

Anthony just went to the company from Bianca's place. He sat in the back seat of the Rolls Loyce, watching the video on the screen in front of him attentively.

It was the interview with the three children that the female paparazzi posted online.

Cute, daring, tender, angelic...

These were the words used most by the netizens in the comment section.

Anthony picked up the phone and called Oliver, "Take down the videos of the children. I don't want to see it again.”

".." Oliver was puzzled for a moment. "Mr. Marwood, it's best for Ms. Faye that the children's video distracts the public's attention now."

"Oliver, is that all your capability is?" Anthony's voice was low and cold.

Oliver was terrified and he hurriedly responded, "I'll do it right away!" After hanging up the phone, he wondered.

When did Mr. Marwood care about other people's feelings,’ anyway?

Netizens loved those children, and they did not harm them.

Besides, Mr. Marwood had always disliked children, no?

Before the car arrived at Sarah's mansion, Anne, who had been paying attention to the trend on the internet, found that she could no longer find the children’s video.

The trending topics on the list was neither about her nor Bianca, not even the children’s related topics could be seen.

Thinking of how fast Lucas’ actions were, Anne was very grateful to him.

Just as Lucas was following the popularity of topics on the internet, another topic was pushed to the top, causing him to pause his fingers on the keyboard. Anne was in and out of the gynecological hospital, suspected of having an abortion.

Someone posted pictures of Anne entering and leaving the hospital.

Moreover, there were some netizens claiming that the truth was that Anne had aborted and hemorrhaged heavily, making her impossible to conceive children in the future.

Lucas" face became dark and sullen, and his eyes had a glint of coldness.

Anne's body was weak previously, so this was the cause after all?

When the car arrived at the door, Anne got out of the car and saw Sarah coming out. "Have you read it online? The trending topics about you are gone, even Bianca's is gone. Needless to think, it must be Anthony's means. If it was only Bianca, she couldn't have gotten away so easily."

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