Chapter 303 "Hello, arc yon the resident on the sixth floor? Do you know Anne Vallois who lived on the fifth floor?” The woman pointed the wireless microphone at the nanny. There were some others next to her holding mobile phones and cameras. "I know..." The nanny kept the three children by her side to avoid harming them Witli siidi an answer, the paparazzi were even mrfre excited as if they had won a lottery ticket. "Recently, there was a conflict between Anne and (he well-known pianist. What kind of person do you think Anne is?" "She...she is a very good and enthusiastic person. She will greet me with a smile every time she sees me. Once I lost my key, and she helped me find it," the nanny made up a story. "May I ask who Anne usually associates with? For example, does she have a boyfriend or something? After all, the biggest conflict between two women may be caused by relationship issues,” the paparazzi asked again. "Uhh...I don't know. Usually she is alone,” the nanny said. "And her family?" "Two months ago, her mother passed away," the nanny sighed sympathetically. The paparazzi expressed sympathy as well, but they did not find anything interesting. Yet they did not want to let this chance go. Thus, they focused their attention on the three children. " Hello, I saw the three of you just now. You're so soft and cute, making people want to bite your cheeks! But why are you all the same age? Are you triplets?” "The children are still little, don't scare them.” The nanny.wanted to take the children away, but she was stopped. "We will be very gentle. We're just asking a few questions,” the woman said. Charlie was not scared at all, he said fiercely, "We are indeed triplets. Is there a problem with that?" "Why are you wearing masks?" "Because there are always people who want to pinch my cute face.” "Hahaha, you're so cute. I really want to pinch it too." The female paparazzi was completely distracted by the cute children, and the man behind her patted her arm to remind her. "How about this? I'll ask you a few questions, okay? If you answer correctly, I'll give you a reward?" "What reward?" Chloe tilted her head and asked with her cute voice. "Is it candy?" Chris asked. "Yes, it's candy.” The woman hurriedly asked the people around her if they carried any candies with them. In the end, she really did produce two chocolate candies and shook them in front of the children, "Whoever answers the most will get the candies.” She was just using a trick to coax them. The three children's eyes blinked and they nodded obediently. "Do you know Anne Vallois?" the female paparazzi asked. "l know!" The three children answered in unison. "Does she have a boyfriend?" The paparazzi asked again. "We never see her boyfriend," Charlie said. "She's a kind person,” Chloe said, "she never bullies people.” "Then does she have other female friends, or male friends?" The female continued to ask. "No!" They answered in unison again. Those paparazzi chose to believe. After all, who would have thought that two-year-old children could be so witty? In the end, they could only give up. However, after the paparazzies returned to the car, they still showed the three children to the public via the internet. On one hand, they think perhaps they may really have wronged Anne. On the other hand, the children were too cute. Even under the masks, their cuteness would soften anyone's heart. When the three children got downstairs, the paparazzies were already gone. Charlie looked at the chocolate candies lying in the palm of his hand. He turned around and threw them into the trash can. If anyone dared to trouble Mama, they would hate that person! After the video was posted online, some people's attention turned to the triplets. Because the little children looked like adult when they answered questions, and they looked very cute doing so. I. Anyone interested in stealing little kids?] 11. really want to have one! J

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