Chapter 305

Anne believed Anthony was all Bianca needed.

"Have you seen the kids?" Sarah asked.

Anne's eyes flickered slightly and played dumb. "What kids? I don't know..."

"These..." Sarah pulled out her phone and looked through the photo. "Huh, why can't I find it? There's not even one photo. What's going on?"

Anne played dumb and did not say a thing.

"You must be aware of what I'm referring to. I'm referring to the triplets that Cheyenne used to look after.” Sarah often had a long face when she spoke about Cheyenne. When she noticed Anne was not responding, she glossed it over. "You don't say. The children are actually rather adorable, and they even wore masks as grownups do. How amusing of them. If you have children in the future, they must be like them!"

Anne said to herself, those triplets are my kids.

She was not boasting, but her kids are indeed good-looking.

There were many kids in the hospital when she gave birth, but hers stood out the most.

She was not surprised since she was not ugly, and Anthony was also unbelievably handsome, so naturally, her kids would not be bad looking either.

Sarah was still on it when she entered the house. "This time, it's all thanks to Lucas. Otherwise, god knows when this matter will end, which will undoubtedly impact your daily life. Look at you. You're even forced to hide.”

Sarah believed that while the tumult produced by the internet appeared to have ended, its impact on her daily life would never end.

For example, people will still point at her when she walks on the street.

Both good and bad.

"Thus, we need to thank the Newman family by treating them to a meal,” said Sarah.

"A meal?" Anne was taken aback

"That's right. They have helped us so much, so shouldn't we treat them to a meal? You can't be that inept, can you?"

Anne knew her mother's purpose was not to thank’ them but to set her and Lucas up.

However, she ought to really thank them.

"When?" Anne asked.

"Tonight. I will pick out a set of clothes for you and dress you up. Don't worry since you've already met Lucas and Auntie Joanne." Sarah had everything planned.

Anne thought, 'I'm not nervous at all since we ate a meal together once...

Anne's phone rang at the same time, and it was Bianca. " How low of you to hide behind the kids, so I decided to lend you a hand again,” she smugly said as soon as Anne picked up the phone.

"What are you saying?"

"It appears you haven't read the latest gossip on the internet. It's good news about you."

"Are you crazy?" Anne was enraged. Although she had no idea

what happened, it surely was not something good.

"Who told you to mess with me and had my parents caught up in it too? Who do you think you are?" Bianca was extremely vicious and vindictive.

"Do you think the netizens will come at me because of some nonsense?"

"Not really. However, I can let Lucas and Newman family know about it." Bianca laughed and hung up the phone. "Do you think they would still help you resolve the gossip if they knew the dirty things you had done?" Anne hung up the phone straight.

She quickly browsed the online news and saw a story about her that was trending again.

However, when she saw what was wi'tten in the article, her whole body shivered as if she were hnn xsec in seawater.

Abortion, heavy bleeding, infertile...

Anne's hand that was holding the phone was trembling.

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