My Girl
Chapter 14

“To a fun week,” Sarah playfully yells as we all take our first shit of the night.

“So, what's the plan for tonight?” Sarah asked and slowly ran her black painted fingers down Jake's chest.

Caleb is staring at me with a grin, and I can't help but imagine the things he is thinking about.

“Let's just play some pool. We will do teams -”

“I call Jake,” Sarah giggled.

I knew she would.

In fact, I was counting on it.

“You drink everything. You miss a shot. We played it the other night, and it was pretty fun,” I told her.

It was definitely fun.

They all agreed with my plan, and we played for a few hours. Countless holes were missed, many shots were taken, plenty of laughs were had, and now we are all most undoubtedly buzzed out of our minds.

My best friend also hasn't taken her hands off my brother.

“Jake,” she slurred, giggled, and smiled. “Help me walk to the room.” She grabbed his shirt and didn't even wait for his answer.

My brother followed behind her like some lovesick puppy, and I was actually happy that Sarah was taking matters into her hands. I have told her for years to make her move, but she was too scared to be turned down. I guess tonight, with the alcohol boosting her up, she felt brave enough.

My brother followed behind her, practically drooling.

I'm smiling as I watch them walk out of the room, and then all of a sudden, I'm bent over the pool table.

Caleb lifts my dress up just over my hips, exposing my ass cheeks to him and the red thong I was wearing. He sucks in a harsh breath. He placed both palms on the table on each side of me and pushed himself up against me.

“This is for telling our little secret,” he growled playfully, palmed my ass, and slapped my right ass cheek.

I moan loudly and arch my back, sticking my ass higher into the air.

“You like that baby?” He whispered against my ear before sucking it into his mouth.

“Yes,” I whimpered.

He brings one hand between my thighs and runs the tip of his finger along my panty line, and I feel my wetness dripping down my thighs as his finger brushes against my lips through my panties

“Are you wet for me?” He asked and pinched my clit.

“Yes,” I purred.

“Good girl,” He growled and pushed his hard dick into me, grinding the tip of his dick against the wetness of my panties.

“I remember you mentioning something about being bent over his pool table,” he murmured against my neck.

All I can do is nod as my legs shake.

I mindlessly grind myself back against him, trying to put out the fire he just blazed my body with.

His weight left me, and before I could whine from the lost, I heard the sound of a zipper and something being ripped open.

Fuck yes.

He grabbed the thin fabric of my thong and ripped it off. I watched with lust - filled eyes as my ripped panties fell to the ground at my feet.

He leaned into me and I felt his hard cock and that cold piercing pushing against my wet folds. I couldn't help myself. I pushed myself back slowly, sliding his dick in-between my pussy lips, making the tip touch gently against my clit.

I wiggled my hips, trying to get him to slide into me, but he grabbed my hips, holding me still.

“Fuck me,” I turned my head, looked up at him, and demanded.

He put his hand over my mouth and slammed into me hard. I screamed into his palm as my tight pussy stretched around his thick, long cock.

Fucking hell, that feels so good.

“Be quiet for me baby,” he growled in my ear, gripped my hips tightly, slowly pulled his dick out, and rammed back inside me.

He stays at a steady pace and goes deeper and deeper with each thrust of his cock. He is filling me up so much that I'm having trouble breathing.

I suck his finger into my mouth and bite it before sucking on it, gently swirling my tongue around it.

“Fuck,” he hissed and squeezed my ass cheeks hard before slapping it. “I love seeing your ass red because of me.”

His other hand goes to my hair. He grabbed a hand full and pushed my head down on to the pool table, thrusting his cock in and out of me so hard he was making the pool table move.

My orgasm hits me before I even had a chance to ready myself for it, and my pussy pulses hard around his cock.

“Fuck, I love feeling you coming for me,” he snarled and pounded into me until he hissed my name and pushed himself deep inside of me and came with me.

“Damn,” he breathes, leans over and gently kisses the back of my neck. “You always feel amazing, baby,” he muttered as he slowed down his pace and eventually stopped moving inside me.

“I love the way you make me feel, Caleb,” I told him happily.

I need this for the rest of my life.

“I'll keep making you feel that way, baby girl,” he murmured, stepped back, and pulled the condom off. “You think they're doing the same thing?” He asked and nodded his head towards where Sarah and Jake disappeared too.

“Yeah,” I chuckled. “My brother is in love with her, and she feels the same, so I'm sure they are doing exactly what we just did.”

“Your brother is fucked,” he snorted and tossed the condom into the trash can. “Just like I am,” he added, and smirked.

“I mean yeah, you were just fucked,” I giggled, feeling delighted with my life right now.

“I fucked you babe, remember that,” he growled, pulled me into his arms and kissed me just as we heard the bedroom open.

“And you fuck me deliciously,” I smirked and stepped away from him.

“Kat," he warned me.

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