My Girl
Chapter 13

I texted Sarah hours ago to come spend a few days with us. I did that for two reasons. One because she was my only friend and I missed her. Two, because I was being selfish and wanted my older brother occupied while I had delicious mind-blowing sex with his best friend some more.

She just texted me five minutes ago and informed me she was about to pull up at the apartment. I was now waiting outside the apartment door and watching as the blue van, that her grandpa gave her, drove up the driveway.

She is thoroughly different from me. She is attractive and has consistently been attractive. She didn't have to work to create the body she wanted. She constantly had an impressive body. She was also a bad girl. Tattoos and piercing. Long black hair and her red reading glasses she loved.

I adored my best friend so much.

“Girl, I missed you,” she screeched as she jumped out of the van, opened the door and jerked her suitcase out. “The roads were so damn busy.” She huffed before walking my way.

“I missed you too,” I sighed and pulled her into a fierce hug. “I'm glad you came.”

“Of course. I wouldn't miss this chance to see you and that handsome brother of yours,” she laughed and winked. “ No, seriously, I missed you.”

“That's my brother,” I gagged playfully, but I was all too used to her little comments where my brother was concerned.

“Something is different,” she commented and searched my face.

“Come on,” I mumbled, and spun around. She knew me. She realized how I acted. She knew when something changed for me.

“Look at me,” she demanded and stepped behind me.

“No,” I told her, and stepped faster.

“Kat, look at me,” she ordered.


“You know you can't hide shit from me,” she hissed and speed walked to catch up to me.

“I swear to god, if you don't look at me, ill scream,” she threatened.

“Please don't,” I begged.

She would do it.

She has done it before.

“Look at me,” she repeated.

I sighed, stopped, walking and turned towards her and braced for whatever she was coming up with inside her head.

She instantly searched my face.

“Oh, my god. You had sex,” she shouted and grinned.

“Shut up,” I hissed. “Don't be so loud.”

“With whom?” She demanded.

“Please just drop this,” I begged.




“Sarah,” I whined and stomped my foot like a child.

“Kat,” she mocked and lifted her perfectly waxed eyebrows and waited.

“Caleb,” I whispered.



“No, I heard you,” she whispered and paused. “You slept with Caleb?”


“Does Jake know?”

“Not yet,” I groaned.

“Girl, you landed that sexy motherfucker,” she giggled and raised her hand to high five me.

“Please don't,” I laughed and pushed her hand down.

“You and Caleb,” she moaned playfully.

“Stop talking,” I cried.

“Not until I get some details,” she informed me.

“Fine,” I hissed and told her all the amazing sinful details.

We are now walking into the apartment.

“I can't wait to see the boys. It's been a while since I had something nice to look at,” she giggled.

“That's my brother,” I warned her and gagged for real this time.

“Still a sexy motherfucker,” she shrugged.

Oh boy.

“Let's get this party started,” she playfully shouted when we walked inside the apartment.

Tonight is definitely going to be something. I just don't know what yet.

Caleb's P.O.V.

“You are off your game today, bro,” Jake laughed as he proceeded to beat me for the third time in a row in the game.

“I realize,” I growled.

I can't get Kat out of my head.

“I need a drink,” I sighed and laid my controller on the counter and headed into the kitchen.

A few minutes later, just as I was taking a sip of my beer, I heard low hissed voices.

“I swear Sarah. Don't embarrass me. I honestly like him, you know that,” Kat said, and I couldn't help but hide my smile.” It's not just because of the amazing sex.”

I really like you too, baby girl.

“Yeah yeah, I'm sure that's precisely what you were saying when he made that ass red,” Sarah laughed.

I choked on my beer and felt the liquor falling down my chin.

“Sarah.” Kat warned her as they stepped into the kitchen, and then when she saw me standing speechless in the kitchen, her cheeks grew red.

“Damn it Sarah,” Kat complained, sounding embarrassed.

Don't be beautiful.

I'll make your ass red again soon.

“Sorry,” she mumbled while looking at me.

“Don't be. Your ass will be red again later,” I whispered and grinned when Kats eyes widened with lust while Sarah's mouth hung open, shocked.

My eyes roamed over her body, and I was pleased that she did as I said and wore a dress.

Easy access to my girl.

Good thing Jake wasn't here in to overhear this conversation.

“So you finally got your head out of your ass?” Sarah challenged me, hands on her hips and a sly grin forming on her lips.

“Huh?” I asked, confused.

“Oh, please. You may have deceived her and Jake, but you never fooled me. I saw how you acted around her. Entirely different from how you acted around the rest of those bitches,” she shrugged.

I didn't think it was that noticeable. I tried my hardest while in high-school to hide my true feelings for my best friend's little sister.

But I can't do anything else but agree.

“Yeah, I got my head out my ass,” I smirked and looked at Kat. “Isn't that right, baby girl?”

“Yes,” she whispered happily.

“Jake doesn't know,” Sarah stated.

“Not yet,” I sighed, and really didn't know how I was going to bring this up to my beat friend.

Hey bro, your sister drives me fucking insane and I need to be inside her.

That won't cut it.

If I tell him I always had feelings for her since we were younger, he will know I have been lying and keeping secrets from him for years.

Neither is a suitable option.

“He doesn't.” I confirmed.

“Tell him while I'm here,” she demanded. “I'll protect you both,” she laughed, but her laugh was cut short when Jake walked into the room.

Damn, that was close.

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