My Girl
Chapter 15

Later that night, Caleb and I were sitting in the tub together. Jake and Sarah disappeared and went into my brother's bedroom, so we took the opportunity to just relax together.

The tub was Caleb's idea. Who would have thought the bad boy would be such a romantic?

“I wonder if I can make you come with just one finger,” he breathes against the back of my neck.

We are sitting in the tub, my back pressed to his chest as my head laid on his shoulder.

He grabs my legs and hands them over the sides of the tub, and kisses the back of my neck.

“Please,” I whispered.

“I have not even started yet,” he growled and brought one hand between my legs and slowly slid his finger up and down my wet folds, teasing me.

He uses his other hand, grabs my chin, turns my head around and kisses me deeply as his finger continues to torture me.

“You will be begging me to allow you to come,” he groaned, pinched my clit before rubbing around it slowly.

“Caleb,” I cried out, needing more.

My hips started moving in slow circles, matching his rhythm.

He captures my moans inside his mouth, matching his tongue movements with his finger. That intense feeling is already starting to build, and before I can come, he takes his hand away.

“Damn you,” I whined, raised my hips, demanding his finger back.

He chuckled and slowly brought his hand back down between my legs and slipped his finger deep inside me with one smooth movement.

“Yes,” I whispered.

He brings his other hand out of the water, cups my left boob and squeezed it as he gently bit my tongue.

His hips thrust against me, his hard dick rubbing up into my ass cheeks. His groans into my neck, pressed his thumb against my clit and started to move his finger in and out of me faster, making the tub water splash around us.

I slid my hand between up, wrapped it tightly around his hard dick and squeezed it hard.

“Fuck Kat,” he growled, and began to fuck my hand slowly, his hips pushing me up, forcing his finger deeper inside me.

I slide my thumb slowly across his dicks head, teasing him right back before moving my hand up and town, tightening my fingers around him until he curses again.

He suddenly grabbed my jaw and forced me to look into his eyes. We are both driving each other into insanity.

“Please, Caleb,” I sobbed, looking into his eyes as my body turned to jello.

We are nose to nose, both breathing hard as he continues to hold my jaw, not taking his eyes off my face.

“You want to come, baby?” He asked, used his thumb to flick my little bud.

“Yes, yes please.”

“Say it. Tell me you want me to make you come,” he growled as he quickened the speed of his fingers.

I open my mouth to say it but pleasure rocks through my body causes the words to get caught.

This orgasm will be life changing. I will never be the same again.

“Say it, or I'm going to stop.”

“No,” I cried, grinding my hips up, rubbing my greedy pussy up against the palm of his hand.

“Say it,” he demanded, used his fingers to tip my chin, causing my neck to stretch, and he bit my neck, digging his teeth into my skin.

“Please, Caleb,-” I whined, pleasure shooting through my blood.

He took his mouth away from my neck, forced my head down, and made me look into his eyes.

“Please Caleb what?” He snarled and shoved his finger inside me, hard.




“Please make me come,” I whimpered.

The second I said those words, he curled his finger deep inside me, pressing against my sensitive spot, and pushed his thumb hard into my clit.

I closed my eyes as I felt my orgasm build up.

“Fucking look at me,” he snarled, and I snapped my eyes open. They landed on his. “Don't you look away from me.”

I keep my eyes on his, staring into his eyes as I come around his fingers. My pussy clenched around his finger as I moaned his name in purr ecstasy.

“So fucking sexy,” he groans and kisses me deeply.

Once we were out of the bath and dried, we made out in the hallway for a good twenty minutes. Neither of us wanting to let the other go.

“I hate this,” I mumbled against his mouth. “I hate leaving you every night.”

“I know baby, I wish you were going to sleep in my arms tonight,” he sighed and kissed me softly. “Maybe I should just get the conversation over with. I'm tired of keeping us a secret. I don't want us to be a secret.”

“I don't want us to be a secret, either,” I told him, and then quickly added. “I hope he won't be too pissed.”

“If he is, ill deal with it. I left you alone for years. I'm not doing it anymore. Not for him, not for anyone. You are fucking mine,” he growled in my mouth, brought his hands to my ass and lifted me up.

I giggled softly and wrapped my legs around his hips, my arms around his neck as he carried me to the bedroom.

“And your mine?” I asked softly, trying to feel confident.

“Baby, I have been yours for years,” he whispered and kissed the top of my head.

Thank god.

The next morning, we were all sitting at the kitchen table. Everyone was eating in silence. Jake and Caleb had both woken up early and made us girls breakfast.

It was adorable.

And then once everybody had their pates, we were all silent.

Two massive elephants are in the room.

Jake and Sarah.

Me and Caleb.

“So why don't we all go on a double date soon?” Jake said nonchalantly, in between bites of bacon.

Me and Caleb quickly looked at each other, my eyes wide and Caleb's looking confused.

“What?” I urged Jake.

Maybe I didn't hear him correctly.

“You heard me. Maybe tonight?” He asked, glanced between Caleb and me. He smirked and shook his head. “What? It's not like y'all are the best at hiding yalls feelings. I have known for years.”

“I'm sorry?” I urged again.

“Years?” Caleb rushed out.

Jake sighed and peered at me. “Sis, I'm not blind. I have watched you walk around this apartment, the happiest you have ever been. I'm not dumb enough to not think that has something to do with the man you have had feelings for for years. I mean, come on, I knew it when you would want to follow us around when we were younger, and I realize it wasn't for my brotherly kindness.”

And then he glanced at Caleb. “Bro, look, I understand why you never told me. You probably thought it was wrong, and I'd be pissed off. I'm not pissed. I'm happy. I know if you finally did something about your feelings, your world would change. I just had to wait it out. The way you looked at Kat back in high-school, I knew. You treated her so differently than you did all the rest, and not because she was my sister. The way you looked at her, the way you smiled at her, it's the same way I have been looking at Sarah and I realized you both were scared to cause friendship problems, just like I was. Caleb, I told you three years ago to tell Kat how you felt.”

“You didn't,” Caleb sat there, shocked.

“I did.”


“Three years ago at the beach when you couldn't take your eyes off her,” Jake sighed. “It was annoying, I wanted to play football, and you kept dropping the ball to keep your eyes on my sister.”

“I don't remember that,” Caleb mumbled.

“Well, we were both drunk. I figured after I practically gave you my permission you would do something about it, but then the next day when you didn't I was forced to drop it.”

“And I love Sarah,” he shrugged.

“Tonight's good for our date,” Caleb grinned.

“Oh, I can't wait,” Sarah cried and clapped her hands.

“It's about time we all four do what makes us happy,” Jake said.

“Caleb makes me happy,” I informed my older brother.

“I know and if he doesn't keep making you happy, I'm going to have to beat his ass,” Jake winked at me.

“Like you could," Caleb grunted but grinned towards me.

I can't believe wanting a fresh start with my life has completely changed my life. I didn't think in a million years that my brother's best friend felt the same way.

My heart and body are both delighted that he does.

So fucking delighted.

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