My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 561 Desperation

Chapter 561 Desperation

Just now Camille told Sienna what happened in the Armstrong family, and after listening to it, she became even more angry. Soif it was something related to the Armstrong family, she could not control her temper.

Her words amused Camille.

Without waiting for Camille to say anything, the phone rang again. This time, however, it was Grace's cell phone number calling, and she and Sienna looked at each other for a moment before pressing answer. Grace's voice came over there, "Cami, have you finished seeing the doctor yet? What did the doctor say? Is it okay? Do you need me to go with you? *

Since their relationship has changed, Grace turned to concern about her a lot.

Camille had also got used to it.

She responded, "Well, I'm already back. Not a big deal. I just don't know if it will leave a scar."

“It's good. I'll go and find out the scarremoval ointment later. Don't be nervous. It will definitely not leave a scar. No worries!"

"Hmm." Camille whispered in response, then didn't know what else to say. She asked, "Anything else? If not, then that's it for now?"

"Wait." Grace seemed to be a little bit on the edge of her seat as she whispered, "Cami, Daddy wants to talk to you for a minute, is that okay?"

She asked carefully, worried that Camille would not say yes, and that Brody, who was listening, would feel humiliated.

Grace didn't really have much hope, because she knew that Camille would not speake with him.

It turned out she guessed it right.

Camille did not ask why, but simply refused without any hesitation: "No, there is nothing to say."

"Cami ...." Grace looked to Brody, who was looking sulking.

But she was interrupted directly by Camille before she could say them. Camille said lightly, “If you're calling me to have me talk to him, then there's no need for us to contact each other in the future.”

After saying that, she didn't give Grace a chance to respond and cut off the call directly.

Grace was definitely soft-hearted, but she didn't want things to go back to with Grace because of this incident.

Camille's nature has always been divided. She would not forgive Brody and Page because of Grace, but likewise would not have any problem with Grace because of Brody and Page.

Sienna stared at Camille, not missing any change in expression on her face and asked in a low voice, "What are you thinking about?"

Camille put her phone down and looked up to meet Sienna's gaze, "No."

Sienna didn't believe it: "You want to hide it from me?"

"There's no hiding. There's really nothing on my mind.” She was just a little tired, not physically, but mentally.

Sienna didn't know if she believed it or not, but didn't ask any further. She thought Brody would give up after this phone call.

The next morning, Brody and Page stopped Camille at the company building.

Seeing the two, Camille's face turned as cold as if she were looking at someone insignificant. She withdrew her gaze and was about to walk straight into the building.

"Camille!" cried Brody out, then Page helped him over and the two stopped Camille. "Is it okay with your face?"

Camille's eyes fluttered and her face was filled with coldness, "What will you do if I say something is wrong?"

Brody's expression stiffened slightly and was silent for a while.

Page hurriedly said: "Yesterday, dad was wrong. Today we are specially come to apologize to you. You just keep thind as they are now. We just wanted Armstrong Corp to be good and don't take it personally, okay?" Page's words shifted so quickly that Camille understood what happened behind this immediately.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, her tone light: "Ayan asked you to come and apologize to me?"

Brody and Page's faces were momentarily stunned, the stiffness of their cheeks and the forced expressions clearly revealing the true reason for their visit.

Camille didn't feel disappointed because she hadn't had any hopes. She didn't have much thought about this.

She said lightly, “I know you don't want to come and apologize for this because you don't think it's wrong, so go back and I'll talk to Ayan myself and get him out of this."

Camille finished and was about to leave.

Brody saw the situation and said emotionally, “Camille, what do you really want? Do you really want me, as a father, to kneel down and beg for forgiveness? Your husband Ayan is now threatening to make it difficult for Armstrong Corp to move in Hance City if I don't get your forgiveness, so are you going to be this heartless because of some minor family conflicts?"

Camille turned back to Brody: "I didn't ask you to pray for my forgiveness, and I didn't want you to do anything. As for Ayan, I will tell him to stay out of this. As for the future development of Armstrong Corp, don't get me involved. I will not be down to that level. I also do not have the mood for it. *

They came to her to say words of apology, but this idea was not from their hearts. It must be Ayan. Because she was injured by the Armstrong family, he pressured them to compromise.

How else could she have waited for a so-called apology?

But for Camille, whether it was genuine or a last resort, she didn't need it.

If an apology could resolve everything, then the world would be a total mess.

Perhaps in the eyes of others she was a bit petty. After all, it was her own parents, so why couldn't she forgive? It was just a small accident. But Camille did not think so. After all, one should not persuade others to be kind if without the same sufferings. The disagreement was not there just for a day or two.

, Camille went back at the office.

Everyone noticed the bandages on her face when she passed by the office area, and Yessica immediately knocked on the door and came in concerned, "Cami, what happened to your face?"

"I was accidentally cut by the glass, but it's nothing, don't worry."

“Is it really okay?"

"Of course, I can still come to work.” Camille smiled faintly.

Yessica confirmed everything was OK and then left the office with relief. She pulled the door shut as she went out.

Camille sat at her desk, and instead of rushing to work, she took her cell phone out of her bag and hesitated for a few seconds, then dialed out the numbers.

The answer there was quick.

A gentle man's voice came slowly: "Why are you calling me so early?" Camille pursed her lips. His alluring voice reached her ears and gave her a slight pause, but she soon recovered and said back in a low voice, “There's something I want to talk to you about.”

"Okay, go ahead.” His voice was gentle.

Then he waited quietly for her to speak.

Although it didn't seem anything different from the past, Camille always felt something had changed.

She did not continue to think about it and just ran to the point: "You asked the Armstrong family to come over and apologize to me, right? I don't need that, so don't threaten them to do anything to make it up to me, and don't put any pressure on Armstrong Corp because of me, okay?"

"Yes, if you say so, then do as you wish." His gentle, low voice rang out as if it were pressed against her ear.

Camille's eyes widened subconsciously, and her eyelashes slightly fluttered. She did not know how to answer him.

It was quiet for a few seconds before she whispered, "Well, thanks, nothing else to do then. So I'll hang up?"

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