My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 560 Scarring

Chapter 560 Scarring

She wrinkled her brow and wiped the blood from the cut for Camille. A nearly thumb-length wound was exposed and the bleeding couldn't be stopped.

After seeing this, Brody and Page also froze.

Brody's hand with which he threw the cup paused in mid-air for a long time and he did not put it down. The expression on his face slightly stiff, and so was his voice: "You .... Go way too far.”

Camille sneered, gently avoiding Grace's hand to wipe the blood for her, and then took a step closer to Brody. Page immediately stepped forward to hold Brody with a defensive face.

The smile on Camille's face deepened, and there was indifference in her eyes: "If I go too far, I wouldn't be standing here getting beaten up. If I go too far, do you think Armstrong Corp would still accept financing for this project today? If I go too far, would you still be standing here?" Camille questioned one after another, leaving Brody speechless for a long time.

Camille gave him a long look before turning around and leaving the Armstrong's villa.

The wound on her face is still bleeding, probably not very deep, so there wasn't too much blood. But it still looked extraordinarily shocking on her white skin.

Grace also rushed out after her. She handed Camille the tissue she was holding, but Camille didn't take it. So she immediately went up and gently wiped it for her.

Grace said, "It's Dad's fault, he's overdoing it. You naturally have your reasons for not wanting to sign. I'm on your side."

Camille's eyelashes fluttered and her eyes overflowed with surprise, but she didn't say anything.

Grace added, "Shall I take you to the hospital? The wound on your face needs to be properly disinfected, or it will leave a scar.”

“No, I'll go by myself. Camille took the tissues she was holding and then just pulled the door open and got in the car.

Grace had a worried look on her face, “Call me if anything happens. I apologize to you on behalf of Dad, I'm sorry!"

With one hand holding the tissue to cover the wound, the other holding the steering wheel, Camille said with eyes cold as ice : “It has nothing to do with you. You do not need to apologize for anyone.”

Although Brody gave her a life as the father, he shouldn't have done to her.

Camille's heart was full of resentment. Brody and Page behaved less than a stranger to her. It would have been fine this way, but to strike at her and hurt her, this was what she could not forgive.

Even if they were her parents, so what?

People could not do whatever they want to hurt a person even if they were parents or elders, right?

Camille drove with a cold face, expressionless for the whole time.

In fact, the wound should not be a big deal, because it was not very painful, and the blood flow was not particularly much. But it was on the face, and as Grace said, it might leave a scar.

Arriving at the hospital, the doctor disinfected her, applied medicine, and a simple bandage was made with gauze.

The doctor instructed, "Fortunately, the wound is not deep, but it's hard to say if the scab will leave a scar. Pay attention to the diet recently..” Camille nodded, then went out from the treatment room.

She had just stepped out of the doorway when she was pulled directly into a cold embrace, and she froze in a daze until the familiar scent that reached her nose made her realize who was coming.

She didn't move, just frowned in a little surprise. Why did he come here?

After a short hug, he then let go of Camille.

On his handsome face, the eyebrows were wrinkled, his deep pupils were also fiercely contracted. His eyes overflowing with care, his voice was low: "Does it hurt?"

Although he didn't continue to hug her, his hands were still on her shoulders, which brought them very close together, making Camille shake her head a little uncomfortably.

She whispered, "It doesn't hurt.”

It's really not painful.

But Ayan thought she was just being tough and wouldn't tell the truth, and the pain in his eyes got deeper.

The two walked to the parking lot, as both drove here.

He walked Camille to her side in silence, with no intention of speaking at all. It was quiet, so quiet that Camille didn't know what to say. Camille lightly pursed her lips and pulled her hand out of his palm, looking up at him: “I'm fine, just a little hurt, you ... Hurry back too!" Ayan came here specially for her. His reaction as well as his eyes made her feel his concern clearly. Especially those eyes containing a lot of emotions made Camille somehow do not know how to face him. So she was a little unsure how to act towards him appropriately.

When she finished her words, he just gave a low, muffled "hmm". Camille reached out and pulled open the car door after she was sure he had nothing to say. But just as she was about to get in, he suddenly swept her up into his arms again and hugged her hard.

This is the second time in just half an hour that he hugged her. If for the first time Camille didn't react at all because she didn't know he would show up, this time she reacted in the next second.

She subconsciously struggled.

But not before she spoke, Ayan's extremely low voice had sounded, "What happened today will not happen a second time."

When he finished, he let go of Camille, then pulled the door open for her, "Get in!"

Camille frowned slightly, but eventually said nothing more.

As for Ayan's guarantee she didn't think much of it.

But Ayan was able to get to the hospital in the first place, so he knew everything that happened in the Armstrong family.

But he clearly did not say anything, but it seemed to have said everything. This thought turn Camille emotional.

She clearly felt that since this time before she went to Fola on business, Ayan had undergone some changes, some obvious changes, and what the purpose behind this change was, in fact, she was subconsciously aware of it.

Camille drove back to Maple Leaves Mansion, not realizing that Sienna was already waiting for her at home.

But there wasn't much surprise shown by her, just a simple question, "Did Ayan escort you back?"

"Well, who else would it be?" Sienna stared at the gauze on her cheek and became worried. "What's going on? A fight?"

Camille sighed heavily and casually put the car keys down, then somewhat wearily walked over to lean against Sienna as she whispered, "No matter what, it's happened.”

"I really want to curse.” Sienna was angry as hell.

Camille tilted her head and gently squeezed her hand: "I'm fine, it's just that I might have to change my diet lately, or I'll get a scar.”

“Don't worry, Ayan won't allow a scar left on your face."

Camille hesitated for a few seconds and did not continue the conversation.

Sienna also sensed she was dodging from this topic, so she directly changed to say something else: " if the Armstrong family looks for you or ask you to go back, you do not go alone. Got it?"

"There won't be a next time." Camille murmured, replying to Sienna but more of telling herself.

If it was possible to maintain a superficial peace before, then after today's episode she had no desire to pretend at all.

Sienna kept Camille in company, and even if she didn't say anything, it was comfortable to just stay in peace and quiet.

Ayan watched Camille leave at the hospital before walking to his car parked on the other side.

After he got in the car, he took out his cell phone from his pocket. He narrowed his eyes slightly, which were flushed with coldness, and then dialed a number directly out.

He indifferently ordered, "You go to the Armstrong family."

After hanging up the phone, he started the car and headed back to Simpson Group.

From the moment he knew that the Armstrong family was concerned about Camille's shares, he had arranged for people to keep an eye on the their every move, just in case something went wrong.

So he got to know that Camille was injured by Brody.

The first thing he did was figure out where Camille was. Then he rushed straight over and watched her come out of the treatment room alone, and his heart ached.

So whoever it was, he wasn't going to stop.

Ayan had only just returned to the Simpson Group when a call from the Armstrong family made to Camille.

Since it was the Armstrong family, Camille hung up without answering it.

Sienna also noticed that. She rolled her eyes and ridiculed, "What's the point of calling you? Are you going to pay for the glass?"

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