My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 559 Scratch

Chapter 559 Scratch

Brody came back to the living room and stood in front of Camille with his arms crossed and said angrily, “Camille, do you know that Horace is now the executive director of Armstrong Corp? He's not an outsider, but one of us. He gave Armstrong Corp a new lease on life. If you hadn't refused to get the Simpson family to finance Armstrong Corp, why would I have given up my shares in Armstrong Corp to someone else?" “In the end, it's you who have no conscience. If it wasn't for you, how could I be obedient to a young man like Horace now?"

Camille listened silently to Brody's angry outburst, just like a heavy punch on soft cotton without the slightest rebound.

Brody got even angrier.

His body was shaking in anger.

Camille then said faintly, “You'd better calm down!"

"You ...."

Page saw the situation and immediately helped her husband back to the sofa to sit down, her gaze with a coldness of displeasure. "Camille, you really let us down. Since you took the initiative to divorce Ayan, you have been like a different person, what do you really want to do? Do you want the Armstrong family to be completely ruined before you are satisfied?"

All along, in the face of Brody and Page's allegations and groundless questioning, Camille had given the most basic respect because they are her parents, so there was not too much disrespect and excessive explanations.

But at the moment Page's words made her laugh.

She tilted her head to Brod and Page and asked, "When is it my turn to make decisions about the Armstrong family? So what does it matter to me if it's destroyed? All you need is a tool who can be not contacted for a few months, but if I'm needed I have to say yes."

"You ...."

Brody was furious.

Page also had an ugly look on his face.

Grace returned at this time.

Looking at the three's faces souring, she said in a low voice: "Mom and Dad, sit down and talk. It is not easy for Cami to come back once, so what are you doing?"

Page grunted lightly, "What can we do? Now that she has had a place in the Simpson family, naturally they turn their noses up at the Armstrong family.”

Camille lightly pursed her lips. With a clearly cold and indifferent face, she glanced at Grace, then got up to look at BrodyPage: "Since in your hearts I am such a person, then I think there is nothing more to say. I am leaving now!"

If she continued to talk about it, there would just be an argument. Besides, she was worried that she would tell the truth that she and Ayan had already divorced under the impulse.

After all, they always hurt her badly by saying that she had married up. It's like she would be nothing if she was not one of the Simpson family. But her parents didn't know her, and they didn't know what she had achieved with her own efforts over the years.

But she wouldn't talk about it, ever, because there was no need to do so.

After all, for people who didn't care about you, it was futile to say anything more.

Camille was about to leave, but Brody barked commandingly, "Stand right there!"

Camille stopped and turned back, “Is there anything else?"

Brody also got up and walked around the table. His body had not yet recovered from illness. Now although there was nothing serious, but he was still weak. Being too emotional, his face was pale.

But his tone as well as his attitude was not the least bit morbid as he reached for the agreement on the table and said, "Sign it before you go."

Camille lowered her eyes to the agreement, her expression cold: “I told you, I will not sign it. Just now Horace also said, you insist on me registered under Armstrong Corpmy as an architect, but it will lead to other people's disconten. You won't listen to Horace, the second largest shareholder of Armstrong Corp?”

Brody tore off the paper of the agreement, and handed the remaining one towards Camille: “You do not want to have a title, it's fine. I do not expect you to give something to Armstrong Corp. I give you a title as an architect in the end is only because you are the Simpson family's daughter-in-law, so I'm not asking you to contribute if you do not want to , but sign this share transfer agreement.”

The meaning of the share transfer letter meant something that everyone present knew by heart.

Grace wrinkled her eyebrows and walked over to Brody and took the agreement. She stared at him, "Dad, we're all family, isn't it the same whether we transfer it or not?"

"Grace, now that you have officially taken over Armstrong Corp as well, you should know that everything you do has to be for Armstrong Corp. Also, you are from the Armstrong family, and you must know your place."

Brody's words had a strong connotation, and how could Camille not understand it?

Camille just smiled lightly as she asked, "Who do you want me to transfer the shares under my name to?"

Brody met Camille's gaze: "Me, of course." He probably felt that Camille would not refuse, so his tone was slightly less harsh: “The Armstrong family's shares today, together with yours, are ten percent more than Horace's. So to ensure that, the most shares of your hands must be transferred to me."

Brody took that for granted.

Camille, however, after hearing this, laughed.

Brody: "What are you laughing at?"

Camille did not speak.

Grace hurriedly said, "Dad, since Cami and we are family, isn't it the same whether the shares are transferred or not?"

"Of course it's not the same. Today our shares are equal to Horace's, and to become the biggest shareholder in Armstrong Corp, we need ten percent more shares under her name to be transferred to me."

Brody looked to Grace and explained in detail.

Grace's face took on a ghastly expression , but she simply didn't know what to say.

Camille did not respond, but the smile on her face was gone, and all that remained was a speechless indifference: "Since you want to take sole control of the power, then you should not have given Horace half of the shares in the first place. Now why regret about it?"

"What do you know? I do this is to win trust from people. Although people say no, how can you know what exactly the have on their mind? Besides, Armstrong Corp is developing better and better, so I naturally want to keep the power in my own hands. How can I lose all the decision-making power just for financing issues, right?"

Brody said it righteously, without taking into account the question of whether the ten percent shares in Camille's hand could definitely be given to him?

Brody urged Camille to sign, but Camille stood there without moving and said, "I'm not going to sign because I have no intention of transferring the shares I'm holding to you; they were given to me by my grandpa, so I have the right to do what I want with them."

She remembered that Brody and Page had lied to her to prevent her from divorcing Ayan with the pretext that he just wanted to marry her for the ten percent shares. But later on she realized, Ayan owned the entire Simpson Group, so why would he care about Armstrong? Because Camille wouldn't sign, so she also refused to the proposals of the transfer of equity or registered under Armstrong as an architect. All of this had driven Brody mad completely.

He grabbed the glass water cup on the table and threw it directly towards Camille. He cursed coldly: "Today you must sign, or you will never walk out of this door!"

Camille stood there stunned and motionless as the shard of glass cut the right side of her cheek for she didn't dodge it in time.

The blood immediately spilled out. Grace immediately pulled out some tissues and walked over quickly: "Cami, are you okay?"

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