My Ex-husband Begs Me Back
Chapter 562 - Taking The Trouble

Chapter 562 - Taking the trouble

"Camille, I don't need you gratitude. I'm not doing this because I want you to say thank you to me. It's for you. Got it?"

No beating around the bush. He seemed to be afraid that Camille would not know his heart.

His explanation left Camille silent for a long time without a response. He did not force her to give a definite answer like before, but only said in a warm voice: "You do not need to have any worries, and do not want to distance yourself from me urgently. No matter how our relationship is now. With a child of us alone, we can never be unrelated.”

So he was doing all this as he should, and at the same time he was telling her not to have any pressure but just accept his care and protection at ease.

Of course, he didn't say it so bluntly, but Camille knew it in her heart. His attitude put Camille in a difficult position.

Why did he always mess up her heart again when she has already made up her mind?

She was silent, looking out the window, and the expression on her face faded.

It went on like this for a long time until Yessica knocked on the door to remind Dan had come.

Simpson Group, in the top floor president's office.

Ayan put the phone down and immediately dialed the house phone number and asked Kian to come in.

With a warm expression, he said to Kian, "Let go of the Armstrong family. You make a phone call to Grace to remind her. If Camille do not want to worry about what happened yesterday, I can take a step back. But if it happens next time, or no matter who speaks for them, it won't work.

Even if the Armstrong is Camille's family, they can't do whatever they want to hurt her, right?

Kian nodded in response. His eyes looked at Ayan sitting at the desk with a low face, he whispered: "Master Simpson, there is one more thing. You asked me to arrange someone to investigate Molly. And last night I received a message. Molly did show up abroad, and she is currently studying in a business school arranged by the Walker family. I sent someone to ask her schoolmates of the same grade she is attending, and they all said only know of this person, but have never seen her."

"There's this person but haven't seen her? It's been a few months since Molly left the country. Can a student haven't been showing up at school for a few months?"

Ayan wrinkled his brow. This shouldn't be the trouth.

Kian said, "There has always been someone signing in for her. As for the teachers, they do not care. Probably the money works its way, so it does not matter if the student is there or not. Anyway, it's common for the rich second generationtheto get a diploma this way."

Ayan pondered, with unobvious emotion in eyes but with a light meaningful smile on face. "Since she has not appeared in the school, then she might not be abroad. Check whether Molly is back home? See if she is in Hance City or in Flento City?"

"Understood. I'll arrange someone to check it out.”

“I want to see what the Walker family will do when they know that Molly is not studying abroad.

Ayan lightly hummed, the deep meaning under the eyes more and more obvious, but without revealing any emotion from the look.

He didn't care about Molly. After all, she could not stir up any big trouble, and she was simply not his opponent. In the end, she was just a little arrogant rich girl without any plots or calculations.

The reason Ayan wanted to find her out was of course, for the man she is hiding behind, Preston.

Preston couldn't just disappear in silence. If he was still alive, he would come back one day. After all, he came from the beginning with a purpose. It was the Simpson family and the Simpson Group, and this purpose could not be so easily abandoned by him.

Kian did as he was told by Ayan, and he had long been comfortable with handling these matters.

But when Kian was busy with this matter, he suddenly thought of another thing. The two-day deadline had come and gone as promised, and he just didn't know what the situation was over there.

He looked at the time and hesitated to remind Ayan.

In the end, he decided to wait until the evening to remind Ayan.

In the afternoon, Camille finished her work before six o'clock.

The charity project was going well for the time being, and Yessica was in charge of the rest of the company's projects, so she was not that occupied these two days.

Since she had a dinner date with Sienna in the morning, she drove straight from the company to Sienna'’s restaurant.

The restaurant had not yet officially opened, but the business was good during the trial period because of Rex.

Sienna was waiting at the door early, and when she arrived, the two of them went back to a private room arm in arm.

When the two sat down, the waiter poured tea immediately, Camille asked, "Why haven't I seen Rex?"

These two were recently together every day, and now it would be a surprise ifshe didn't see Rex.

Sienna shook her head, "No contact for a day, and I won't call him if he doesn't call me."

"A quarrel?”


I don't know how. I feel that since Fola came back, everything has been strange. Especially when he came home that night after he was drunk, she was kind enough to help him, only to be pushed straight away, and it still hurt a little when her back hit the shoe cabinet.

Of course she was unhappy, so she didn't bother, and ended up letting him sleep on the couch downstairs until midnight, and then it was a little awakward between they two.

But she didn't share these details with Camille because she didn't want to upset her by mentioning too much about it.

Camille just smiled. "If there is any misunderstanding, just say it. It's not easy to come this far. don't be defeated by trivial matters, eh?"

"Yeah, yeah, got it." Sienna nodded her head, but the response was extremely perfunctory.

The waiter came in with the dishes and the conversation between them shifted to the dishes.

Sienna asked Camille to taste carefully to give some advice: "I think it is still not amazing enough. Other restaurants can also do it. It's not something novel."

"Novelty is good, but it's not sustainable.” Camille believed that if a restaurant's menu was associated with being new then it had to be constantly updated, so regular customers who liked the previous dishes may find it difficult to choose.

In particular, the first customers of Sienna's restaurant were basically friends. Everyone was a person of status, and people introduced to the restaurant by them were all the same. There must be no fault with the taste. As for the novelty, Camille gave her opinions, too.

She said, "It's good to launch a few dishes which will catch attention from the social media every week for fun, but the main dishes should not be easily changed.”

Sienna nodded: "Okay, just do as you say. You have to take care of this restaurant. After all, with your share, if the restaurant is doing well, and your three meals a day can be guaranteed.”

"Okay, I got it, Boss King."

"You're welcome, Boss Armstrong.”

The two men looked at each other and smiled.

It was almost eight o'clock after dinner.

Camille and Sienna came out of the room and they saw the two men walking on their way when they were talking.

Likewise, the two men saw them and stopped.

Camille's eyes fell on Ayan, who had spoken to her on the phone only this morning. He was wearing a simple, classic black coat, his short- haired face was handsome, and his eyes were gentle as he looked at her. "Have you had your dinner?"

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