My Bloody Revenge
Chapter 11: Home

"Come on, let me show you your room."

Jaze gently disentangle from the hug, steps away and once again hold his hand out for her to take. He can't help but smile at her mouse like ways and he very much enjoy seeing her debate with herself. He stands there patiently waiting for Lyra to decide. While he waits, he allows his thoughts to drift freely and he ends up at the moment where she offered to suck him off as a form of gratitude which didn't sit well with him. The problem was never her appearance. Lyra is beyond beautiful, with or without scars. To Jaze the whole act reminded him of a domesticated and well-trained pet. Not a human or a person. One or several individuals put a lot of time and effort in breaking her to the point where she's nothing but a docile doll. The fact that she shows frustration when denied causes loud alarms to go off. Not only that but she also asked how she would earn food. That question still baffles him. Feeling a warm, small, hand in his much larger all thoughts are scattered and he is brought back to the present. Squeezing her hand gently he leads them back the way they came from.

"This part of the house was once home to servants and slaves but I have been renovating and modernized everything. That's why there are no windows. I chose this for more privacy but I'll show you the rest another day.”

Going up the stairs Jaze sneaks a glance at Lyra, who is too occupied by the surrounding to notice. He smiles when the winter paintings steal all her attention again. Watching her up close he notices how childlike and innocent her behavior is but not in a weird or annoying way. There is a lot of hidden strength within that small body and not to forget courage. Takes a lot to walk right into a storm just to get away. Only a desperate but also strong person would choose that option.

"Thought we could begin our tour here.” Opening the door, he shows her his bedroom in case she should need him then the bathroom and then he stops by the third door. “Open it."

His smile gets wider when watching her tentatively reach out and turn the doorknob slowly as if something might attack any given moment. When the door is wide open it reveals a rather large bedroom with light green walls that reminds of summer. Light wooden floor instead of the usual dark. Massive four poster bed made out of oak filled with soft pillows and silk sheets. Large white fluffy rug on the floor. All furniture such as bedside tables, dresser, closet and bookshelf is same type of wood as the bed and has lovely carved flower ornaments for decoration. The color scheme throughout the entire room are different shades of green with white and gold details here and there. Despite not having any widows it feels homey, bright and welcoming.

"This room is yours now. I thought it would suit you perfectly.”

Jaze hears her little gasp. He watches as she walks into the room, eyes wandering from floor to ceiling to walls and back again. She constantly pokes or touches things gently as she passes them by. The little mouse exploring her new environment. To Jaze this is a sight never to be forgotten. When reaching the bed, she looks back at him and points to herself then the bed as if asking permission from him to touch it. Nodding he is rewarded with a small smile that could light up this entire castle. Gently her little hand reaches out stroking the silky covers from the foot of the bed all the way up to the head and all the pillows. She squeezes some of them, appearing to adore their fluffy softness. He is definitely going to remember this day. Lyra never looked more beautiful than now with that soft smile on her lips.

"There is more to see, little mouse. Come."

This time her hand automatically takes hold of his and it made his heart all fuzzy. This means she trusts him up to a certain point at least. Continuing the tour, he leads them downstairs again and points towards the kitchen then two bedrooms and one that currently undergoes some renovation and another bathroom which also is a work in progress. After that comes his office that also functions as a library where she woke up the first time. He encourages her to read whatever book she wants and take them to her room as well. Chuckling he easily picks up on the unspoken question openly displayed on her face. How can they be in a place without windows and doors? Leading her over to the floor-to-ceiling tapestry hanging between two bookshelves he gently moves it to the side. Pushing in the middle of the wall behind it he keeps his eyes on Lyra as the hidden door swings open with a soft swoosh sound. The expression on her face causes Jaze to let out a real laugh. She looks so shocked.

"This is the real house or should I say castle. Welcome to castle Lué Rondué." he says with a playful bow and exaggerated hand gesture imitating a butler. Hearing her soft giggle was a pure bliss. Better than any music he’s ever heard.

"There is a big three-story library here, around hundred or so bedrooms complete with their own attached bathrooms of course. A ballroom, I mean what castle doesn't. Got to have one. Office, lounge, dining hall, kitchen...what else?”


"Of course! Garden, fountains, benches and swings. Gym. Entertainment room complete with movies and games. Paintings of old and long since forgotten dead people that always stares at you from their places on the walls. Also a must have. Creepy paintings.” he jokes. Showing the entire place including the garden and stables took almost the entire day but he loved every moment of it since he was richly rewarded with a stunning smile that got wider and wider the more he showed her. For the first time since her arrival here she looked happy and carefree. Just the way he wishes her to always be.

"Welcome home dear mouse."

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