My Bloody Revenge
Chapter 12: Sold

"Is this her?" the unknown man asks pointing at Lyra.

"Indeed, it is." Tiana beams happily.

"Hello. What's your name?"

"Lyra, sir."

"What a beautiful name. How old are you?"

"Ten, sir."

The man stands up again and takes in her appearance without saying a word.

"Well mannered. Good, very good." he says appreciatively to her parents.

"Why don't we settle down to dinner while it's still warm?" Tiana asks politely but without waiting for an answer she walks away with Ben and Jenny trailing after. Left in the hallway is

her dad, the man and herself. She doesn't dare move until someone tells her to.

"Lyra, why don't you escort Elmir here to the table and show him where to sit."

"This way sir." Lyra repeats the well-rehearsed lines. Together they walk to the dining room where Lyra places EImir at the head of the table, reserved only for really important guests. Usually that's her father's spot. "Here is your seat sir."

She waits for him to sit down before taking her own seat at the corner of the table but she never gets that far before the man, Elmir, lifts her up and sets her in his lap. Confused she looks at her parents for some kind of answers but they only smile brightly.

"She seems very light for a ten-year-old. Doesn't she eat?"

Tiana and Mike quickly exchange uneasy glances in silent conversation.

"I want her to eat properly and gain a healthy weight.” Emir continues not bothering to wait either of them to answer. The entire dinner continues with her sitting in his lap getting fed forks full of food from his plate and every time he tells her how good she is. It's the first time another person has touched her without slapping, kicking, pushing or doing anything else that hurts. "This chicken was lovely and so was the mashed potatoes.”

"Lyra made tonight's dinner and dessert. She loves to cook and bake, isn't that right pumpkin.” "Is that so?" Elmir says with a huge smile. "My, aren't you a talented little girl."

"Thank you, sir."

Her cheeks are red from all the attention. Never did she think this day would turn out like this Maybe now her parents will allow her to call them mom and dad instead of by their names? Maybe they will include her into the family?

"How are your grades?” His question is aimed directly at her.

"Grades? “she asks uncertainly.

"Maybe you haven't got graded yet. I mean, how's school? Are you doing good or bad?"

"I'm sorry sir, but I don't go to school.” After speaking without thinking she can feel her parent's eyes on her like sharp needles. This will not end well.

"What! Why doesn't she attend school? Is something wrong with the girl?"

"Of course not..." Tiana stammers out.

"Then why isn't she attending like everyone else?" he presses on in a demanding tone she’s only heard thrown at her before. Lyra could see fear in her parent's eyes but doesn’t understand why. "From now on a private tutor will come here every day and teach her everything a normal person learns in school and I'm going to collect progress from said tutor. Don't disappoint me.” "Of course.” Mike says respectfully.

"Good. I'm afraid the dessert will have to wait for another time. I must head back now but I'll be seeing you soon.” turning to Lyra his smile gets softer. " A kiss before I leave?" he asks. Leaning close to his cheek she leaves a soft kiss. "Good girl. Listen to the tutor and if you wish to speak with me just let him know and I'll give you a call. Don't forget to eat. Okay?"

"I will sir. And thank you for being so nice."

"You really are a bright girl.” She let him place her in his seat after standing up. He leans down and places a kiss on her forehead, his beard tickling her skin making her giggle. Emir beams at her. "I'm also going to send someone over to take her shopping. Never do I wish to see her in such clothes again. Understood? Part of the agreed amount will be transferred when progress to my liking has been met.” Both parents nodding. Why where they acting so strange?

"Follow me out dear?" Taking his hand, she walks him to the front door and waves as he walks up to his car and drives away.

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