My Bloody Revenge
Chapter 10: Age Ten

"You missed a spot whore."


"Here!" Jenny shouts kicking Lyra in the stomach. "Oh, wait, it was only you."

Cradling her aching side, she closes her eyes tightly to prevent tears from falling down while hearing Jenny laugh as she walks away. As soon as the pain subsided, she quickly scrubs the floor and proceeds to the kitchen where she needs to make dinner for the family.

"I think you missed another spot.” Jenny says and kicks the bucket making all the water splash on the floor.

"Good one sis." Ben says as he walks into the kitchen.

"Another spot missed!" Jenny cheers and delivers another kick. "My bad. It was just you, again. Not easy to be ugly is it."

With both her siblings laughing at her there is not a chance to keep the tears in. Ben is four years older and supposed to be the big brother who protects but to him, only Jenny is seen as his sister. Lyra mops up as much water as she can before swiping everything dry with a rag.

"Let's leave the looser alone or else we all starve to death.” Ben says and drags Jenny away. Looking at the clock she washes her hands and quickly shops the vegetables and puts it in a pan then adds the stuffed chicken, she thankfully prepared yesterday, on top and then in the oven. Afterwards the potatoes need to be peeled and put on the stove. Next is preparing the gravy. Time flies away and soon she hears the front door slam shut followed by her parent's voices. "We're home!"

She listens as Ben and Jenny are greeted with hugs and kisses. They talk among themselves about their day but no one pays any attention to her and no matter how used to it she is it still stings.

"Is the dinner done?”

"Five more minutes on the chicken. Table is already set and everything is there except the chicken.”

"Jenny, would you be a doll and lend some old clothes to the brat." Tiana address her oldest daughter with a soft, motherly, voice.

"What? Why!" she almost screeches sounding offended.

"We have an important guest tonight and I want everything to be perfect.”

Sighing Jenny walks away doing as their mother asked.

"Like I said, this is important to us and you do best to behave or things will not only end with you chained in the basement. Am I clear?"

"Yes, ma'am.”

"Here mom." Jenny says handing over some clothes.

"This dress will do just fine. Take this and take a quick shower after setting the chicken on the table.”

Doing as told she takes the dress and walks to the bathroom. Guests in the house is nothing new but allowing her to attend is rare. Usually they just lock her in the basement until the guests are gone. Not wanting to anger anyone she takes a quick, cold, shower and put on the dress. It was a red dress that sat a bit too tight for her taste and it only reached mid-thigh. Uncomfortable but without any other choice she steps back out and walks into the dining room.

"Now you look like the whore you are.” Jenny taunts with crude and boisterous laugh.

"Good choice darling daughter.” Tiana praises clapping her hands.

Both Ben and her father only nods or stares without saying anything.

"You should feel grateful that we let you join us this evening.” her dad, Mike, says. "If all goes well everyone will be happy by the end of this evening.”

Not following she looks from her dad to her mom, both looking like million-watt lights. Something is about to happen and if past experience is anything to go by, it won't be pretty. Hearing the doorbell everyone, including her, walks to the hallway. Mike opens the door and greets a man who looks to be a few years older. His bland, blue, eyes sweeping over everyone but halts at the sight of her.

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