Mr Masters (Mr. Book 1)
Mr Masters: Chapter 21

I stand at the airport check-in desk like I’m a groupie waiting to be let into a rock concert.

Julian Masters is my rock god.

He’s checking us in for our flight, and it’s clear to see that the stewardesses are all swooning over his every word. He’s wearing a charcoal suit, a light blue shirt with a navy tie, expensive shoes, and his customary designer watch. My man is tall, dark and handsome. He oozes power, money, and enough sexual energy to light up a universe.

Sorry, girls. He’s all mine and he’s taking me to Rome for my birthday to give me twenty orgasms. Suck it and weep, bitches.

I smile goofily to myself. What is this frigging life? I have a hot man taking me to Rome and shit.

This is how the other half lives. Now I‘m doing it in style. I take a quick picture and send it to Emerson with the caption:

Ready for Rome


Julian turns back to me, frowning when he sees me and my exaggerated smile.

“What’s that look?” he asks.

“This is my ‘I’m so happy I could burst’ look.”

He smiles softly.

“I’m sure you see it on my face all the time,” I add.

He shakes his head. “I’ve never seen it before in my life.”

I take his hand in mine. “I’ve been wearing it for a week now, Mr. Masters.”

“Oh, that. I did wonder if you were ill.” He smirks. “You’re very easily pleased, Miss Brielle.”

I smirk back at him. “Just the opposite, my love.”

His smile fades as his eyes hold mine.

Shit, I just called him my love. Why did I do that?

I reach up and kiss him softly on the lips to try to distract him.

He takes my hand in his. “Let’s get going.”

I stare at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. My hair is down, full of soft curls. My makeup is smoky, and I’m wearing a soft pink evening gown, which I bought yesterday, along with some matching pink stilettos. I know why he gave me his credit card now. He knew I had nothing to wear that was up to the standard of the places that he would be taking me.

“Are you ready?” he asks from the door.

I feel like a queen. Our room at the Rome Cavalieri is nothing short of spectacular. It has a huge gold, gilded bedhead over the king size mattress. Oversized paintings of angels line the gold walls, and tapestry rugs cover the floors. I’ve never seen such luxury.

He holds my hand out to open up my body to him, and his hungry eyes drop down every inch. “You look so fucking beautiful, I can’t stand it.”

“You don’t look too bad yourself, Masters.” That’s the understatement of the year. He’s wearing a black dinner suit, and that beautiful face of his shines for me. He’s one hell of a date. His two-day stubble shows a hint of salt and pepper in his whiskers, and it’s enough to drive any female insane.

We recovered from our little my love slip up this afternoon. I don’t know why I said it, but the fear on his face when I did took me back a little. I thought that maybe he was softening to the idea.

Maybe not…

He leans down to kiss me, and his hands roam to my behind so he can pull me close. I can feel his erection through his pants.

“Is that thing always hard?” I ask.

He smirks. “When I am around you. Yes.”

“How do you manage to think when all the blood in your body has travelled down to a dick that size?”

He chuckles as he takes my hand and leads me out to the living area. “Flattery will get you everywhere.” He glances at me. “I got you something.”


He guides me to the drawer of the desk and takes out a black velvet box.

“What’s this?” I whisper when he passes it to me.

“Your birthday present.”

This is my birthday present.” I gesture to the room. “You are my birthday present.”

“Having you all to myself in this room for the weekend is a present for me, not you. Open it.” He smirks, watching me intently.

I open the box and my breath catches, my eyes rising to meet his. “Jules, no. This is too much.”


He’s bought me diamond stud earrings. They’re rose gold surrounding two huge diamonds. “I can’t accept these.”

He kisses me as he pushes the hair back from my face. “Yes, you can. You’re the first woman I’ve ever wanted to spoil. Let me do it.”

I nervously take out my earrings and put the new ones in. Then I look at myself in the mirror and my eyes fill with tears.

His face falls. “What’s wrong?’

“Nobody has ever bought me a gift like this before.”

‘If it’s any consolation, I’ve never bought a gift like this before, either.’

My eyes search his.

Ask him now. Just do it… ask him.

This question has been burning a hole in my brain for over a week.

“Have you ever been in love, Julian?”

His eyes hold mine and he shakes his head softly. “No.”

My stomach flutters with excitement and my traitorous smile breaks free.

“You like that answer?” He smirks down at me as he brushes the hair back from my forehead.

“Yes. I like that answer a lot,” I breathe. I feel my confidence return. Is it evil that I’m excited that he’s never been in love before? There’s a chance that I could be the first woman he loves. It may be small, but still, a chance is a chance.

“I’m ready to be romanced in Rome now, Mr. Masters.”

He raises his eyebrow. “You are aware that you are with somebody who has no idea how to romance, right?”

“Any time spent with you, Julian, is blissful and romantic to me.” I smile up at him.

He chuckles and pulls me towards the door. “This is why you are perceived as ditzy, Miss Brielle. You really don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.”

I giggle as he pulls me down the corridor by the hand.

This is the best night of my life already.


I’m listening to her breathing as she sleeps. Bree’s on her side facing me, her small hand resting in mine. Her long, dark hair has been braided into a loose plait for bed. Her beautiful big lips are slightly parted, and her dark eyelashes fan out above the cheekbones of her porcelain skin. They begin to flutter every now and then, as if she’s dreaming. I can’t take my eyes off of her, just in case I’m the one dreaming and she won’t be here with me when I wake up.

The white blanket pools around her. I lift it carefully and tuck her back under it to keep her warm. She becomes restless for a moment and then kisses my hand before she drifts back to sleep.

This is it—the stuff you read about.


I smile and tuck a piece of hair behind her ear, then I lean in and kiss her lips softly with complete reverence.

She’s fucking perfect in every way. I’ve never met a woman like her. We connect on every level: mind, body, and soul.

She’s got me.

I don’t want to be anywhere else on Earth but here with her doing this.

It’s weird.

We went out for dinner last night, and we talked and laughed for hours. Then we danced and she sang to me. I get an image of her singing up at me on the dance floor and my heart constricts, making me frown. After that we came home and made love, and she sang to me some more while I laughed at her terrible voice.

What is this feeling?

She rustles about. “Jules?” she mumbles sleepily.

“I’m here, baby,” I whisper, wrapping my arm around her to pull her close.

She smiles, her eyes still closed, and snuggles into my chest. Moments later I can tell she’s asleep again by the rhythm of her breathing.

I need to go to the bathroom, but I’m not getting up because then I’ll have to let her go. I kiss her forehead and close my eyes.

Having her in my arms is as close to Heaven as I’ve ever been.


The candle between us flickers, casting a subtle shadow on Julian. We’re in a romantic Italian restaurant drinking champagne limoncello cocktails after devouring the most beautiful meal in the history of good food.

“Can I ask you something?”

He smiles. “I assume you’re going to anyway.”

I giggle and hold my glass up to him. “Your mother told me about Masters Group and what your role is there.”


I frown. “Why are you a judge when your family’s business is so successful?”

“I studied law at university so that I could work in the family business. But then….” His voice trails off for a moment. “I had all the stuff happen with Alina and I needed a distraction, so I threw myself into studying harder. Somewhere along the line, the family business wasn’t enough for me.”

I watch him as I try to imagine him back then. “What happened when she told you she was pregnant?”

“I demanded a paternity test.”

I frown.

“I slept with her on the first night we met.” He shrugs. “I knew she slept around. She knew who I was, about my family’s wealth.”

“Is that what you thought? That she was after your money?” I ask.

He sips his drink and his eyes glaze over. “I did.”


“Until she died.”

“Did you fight often? Sorry for asking questions, I’m just trying to get my head around being married to someone and not be in love with them.”

“It’s okay. I’ve never talked about this stuff with anyone other than Spencer and Sebastian.”

“Spencer and Sebastian?” I frown.

“My two friends.” He sips his drink and smiles. “You know, the ones from the back of the school hall?”

My eyes widen, and I giggle. “Oh, them. Spencer and Sebastian. Even their names sound naughty.”

“They’re trouble, that’s for sure.”

“What do they do?”

“Sebastian is an architect. He’s divorced, no kids.” He smiles fondly. “And Spence owns a steel company and has fucked his way around the world… twice. He designs skyscrapers, and he chooses to live between here and New York.”

I smile. “You’re close to them, I can tell.”

“They’ve kept me sane over the years. They know me better than anyone. We’ve been through a lot together.” He puts his hand up to the waiter, silently asking for two more cocktails.

I eye the golden fluid in my fancy glass. “These things are super potent.”

‘Oh, like you can’t handle a good drink, Little Miss Let’s Get Fucked Up.’

I giggle, and then another question comes to me and my face falls serious.

“What?” he asks.

“I have another question, and I don’t want you to get annoyed with me, but these are the things I think about when I’m alone. I just want to lay it out on the table, you know?”

He rolls his eyes. “Go on.”

“You’re the most sexual man I’ve ever been with. When we’re together, we have a lot of sex and you can’t keep your hands off me. Every night we sleep together we have sex in some shape or form. I can’t imagine you ever going without it.”

He sits back in his chair and rubs his thumb back and forth over his bottom lip. “Where are you going with this?” he asks.

“You said you didn’t have much sex with Alina. That it only happened a handful of times.”

His eyes hold mine.

“Did you have affairs?” I whisper.

He sips his drink and his gaze slowly drops to the table.

The answer is important to me, though. I need to know who I’m in love with.

His eyes rise to meet mine. “I never had an affair. I wouldn’t do that to someone.”

I hold my breath as I watch him.

“I had sex with multiple high-end prostitutes instead.”

My brows crease together.

He sits forward and takes my hand across the table, trying to read my shocked expression. “And it was lonely, cold, and nothing like what we have.”

“How long have you used prostitutes?”

“From the age of twenty-four up until the day you walked into my house.”


“And the other women you dated?” I frown.

“I continued seeing prostitutes while I was seeing them.”


He shrugs. “I had no real attachment to them. I only saw them once a week. I need sex more than that.”

I narrow my eyes. “No attachment at all?”

He shakes his head and frowns. “Up until I met you, I didn’t think I had the ability to love anyone.”

Did he just say…

No. Stop it.

“And now?” I whisper as I pick up his hand and hold it in mine.

His eyes glow with tenderness. “I think you’re a witch who has turned me into this pathetic, lovesick schoolboy.”

I lift his hand and smile against it. “Why?”

“Because I think about you all day, and the thought of being with someone else, having someone else touch me…” He frowns and shakes his head. “It turns my stomach.”

The air swirls between us. What is it about Rome that is making him all open and swoony?

“You know, I’m beginning to think that I’ve never been in love before, either,” I whisper.

He leans over and kisses me softly. “So, what were the other men in your life then?”

“Just… practice.”

“For what?’

“For you.”

He smiles against my lips and we completely forget that we are in a crowded restaurant, our kiss turning passionate.

“I have a new favorite truth serum.” I smile.

“What’s that?”

“Champagne limoncello cocktails.”

Julian is spinning me around the dance floor, even though it’s now 1:00 a.m. We’ve laughed, drunk, and eaten our way around Rome. “Your Song” by Elton John plays as I smile up at my man. We are the only two on the dance floor and the club is nearly empty. My arms are wrapped around Julian’s broad neck, while his hands rest on my hips as we sway. He’s happy, carefree, and everything I knew he could be. I smile as I listen to the words. I’ve never liked this song before, but being here with him, I think it may be the most perfect song in the world.

“I have a confession to make, Mr. Masters.”

“What’s that?” He grins.

“From the moment I met you at the airport, I knew you were special.”

His eyes search mine and he frowns as if battling something internally. “I also have a confession to make, Miss Brielle.”

“I’m listening.” I smile goofily up at him.

His eyes widen, and his lips soften. “When I told you I have never been in love before…. I lied.” He swallows the lump in his throat.

I stare into his big brown eyes.

“Because I’m in love with you,” he whispers.

I frown as my world stops. ‘But… I thought you didn’t know how to love?’

“I don’t. ” He kisses me softly. “But apparently my heart does, with or without my permission.”

I smile as tears well in my eyes. “Oh, Julian, I’m so in love with you,” I confess.

Our lips touch in a perfect moment of intimacy, and he crushes me to him, holding me close.

We keep dancing on the dance floor to Elton. Just the two of us… alone.

Staring at each other.

On what may just be the most wonderful night in the history of my life.


We walk into the room, our lips locked as I guide her inside. My cock is hard and weeping, and I kick the door shut behind me. I’ve never felt like this- this overwhelming need to fuck a woman so damn bad, yet thinking about caring for her the morning after, too.

Loving her.

I bend and lift her dress over her shoulders in one fell swoop. She stands before me in white lacy underwear. My eyes roam down her body and my cock hardens to a painful level. Her breasts are large and firm, her stomach slightly rounded, her hips curvy, and her face…

Her beautiful, pure face.

‘Take it off.’ I kiss her aggressively. ‘I need you to take it off.’ I tear my jacket and shirt off over my shoulders, while she fumbles with my belt, panting in desperation as she slides them down my legs and I finally stand before her naked.

Her eyes roam over my torso. “You’re so insanely hot.” She smiles to herself.

I swipe my fingers through her flesh. My girl is swollen and wet; so ready for me.

I put my hand on top of her head and push her down. “On your knees.” I take my cock in my hand and smear the pre-ejaculate across her lips.

She looks up at me and licks her lips. Our eyes lock and nothing else matters when she looks at me this way.

“I’m going to blow in your mouth, and then I’m going to fuck you so damn hard you won’t even remember that we’re in Rome.”

I slowly pump my cock in my fist and Bree opens her mouth. Just the sight of her on her knees with her mouth open sends me into a stupor. My fist jerks harder and harder in response.

“Touch yourself,” I whisper.

Her hand drops to between her legs, and her eyes close as the ecstasy takes over in her body. A fire rages in my balls.

Fucking hell…

I grab a handful of her hair and guide myself inside her mouth.

My eyes close. Holy fucking hell, her mouth is perfection.

I slide out and then back, making it deep. Her dark eyes watch my every reaction.

“You like that, baby?” I whisper roughly.

She nods around me. My hands grab the back of her head as I push my cock into her mouth.

Be gentle. Be. Gentle, I remind myself, but I can never be gentle with her. She makes me lose all control. She’s the hottest fuck I’ve ever had, and it blows me away that she’s also the one I love.

This is rare. I know this is rare.

Is this really happening?

I build a rhythm, making her moan around me. My hands are gripping her hair with white-knuckle force, and I feel myself begin to jerk.

Fuck it, not yet.

I pull her aggressively and really start to fuck her mouth, hissing with nothing but appreciation as she takes all of me.

“Good girl,” I pant. “That’s it.”

I keep pumping.

“Bare your teeth.” I growl.

She smiles as she bares them, and I cry out as my orgasm rips through me. My cock jerks and thick, white semen gathers in her mouth. Bree struggles to swallow it all, and I tenderly wipe the hair back from her forehead as I look down at her. My heart is hammering in my chest, and she licks me up and down, making sure I watch on. No matter how many times I’ve watched her do this, it’ll never be enough. I drag her to her feet and kiss her deeply. I can taste my own arousal and it sets me off again.

She’s so fucking hot.

I push her down onto the bed, my lips taking hers as I slide three fingers inside her. She’s hot, and her muscles ripple around my fingers making my cock clench again. “This beautiful cunt needs to be fed,” I whisper.

She moans and arches her back off the bed.

“Doesn’t it?” I whisper, jerking my fingers harder.

“Yes,” she moans. I add another finger, making it four in total. “Oh, careful.”

My eyes darken. “Don’t you careful me, Bree. You know the rules in my bed.”

She nods and closes her eyes. I know I’m a lot to take in the bedroom, but if she wants to love me she needs to get used to who I am. I’ve tried to control myself with her so far, but knowing she now belongs to me has released the animal I’ve been keeping caged.

I only fuck one way.

I pump her with force as I feel her dripping flesh contract around me. We’re moving hard and fast and the bed is rocking, hitting the wall.

She loves this—loves it when I fuck her with my hands. “You ready?” I ask.

Her eyes hold mine, and I swipe my thumb over her clitoris. Her body instantly contracts around my fingers, and my cock jerks as she lurches forward, her orgasm all-consuming.

“Ah, Julian,” she cries out.

I close her legs, push them to one side, and bend them at the knees. Then I slide in deep again. My eyes close. “Fuck, yeah,” I whisper.

Her legs are together making her super tight around my cock.

I slap her on the ass and she cries out, “Ouch.”

I slap her again for whining, and she closes her eyes, taking it this time. “That’s it.”

I grab her hip bone and ride her deep—so deep she’s thrashing and moaning, sending me out of my fucking mind.

My body is covered with a sheen of perspiration when I look down at the place where our bodies meet. My hard cock disappears into her soft, wet, pink flesh. The sound of our skin slapping together echoes around the room.

“Fucking hell, Bree,” I growl.

“Julian,” she whimpers. “Oh God, it’s so good.”

I look down at her flushed face and her dark hair splayed across my pillow. “Clench,” I demand, slapping her again. She does as she’s told and clenches around my cock. I throw my head back and I come in a rush, pumping her hard. She cries out at once, and I don’t know if it’s in pleasure or pain. Either way, it sounds so fucking good.

I slowly ride her through her orgasm before I lie down on top of her and kiss her gently.

“I love you,” she whispers as she clings to me.

I smile against her lips, still panting for breath. “I love you, too.”

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