Mr Masters (Mr. Book 1)
Mr Masters: Chapter 20

It’s still dark in my room when I wake. Julian has already left for work, and the light is just peeking through the side of my drapes. I rub my eyes and stare up at the ceiling, unable to believe what a weekend we had. So much happened. I’m having trouble processing it all.

Alina. Poor Alina.

My mind is weighing heavy with thoughts of her and how sad her life must have been. She fell pregnant so young, and then Julian couldn’t love her, but that didn’t stop her from falling in love with him. That hurt changed her to the point of her becoming an alcoholic and dying of loneliness.

I get a lump in my throat when I imagine how alone she must have felt.

What a terribly tragic story. Sadness fills me as I imagine her lying upstairs in despair, desperate for a way out of what her life had become.

No wonder this house is so heavy and serious.

It’s never been any other way.

And my beautiful Julian, trapped into marrying a woman he didn’t love. He tried to do the right thing and take care of his responsibilities. He never had a chance to pursue his own happiness. I can’t imagine the guilt he must feel every day, knowing that his inability to love a woman had inadvertently caused her death.

His mother told me that he had issues. Hell, she wasn’t joking, was she? I now know exactly why he doesn’t bring up hard subjects with the children. How could you ever explain that story without them being resentful to him?

Sorry, kids, I just couldn’t love your mother after I knocked her up, so it’s my fault she became an alcoholic and killed herself.

Not happening.

I drag myself up to go to the bathroom and take a shower. I have this new, overwhelming urge to protect Julian. He’s a good man, an honorable man who tried his best to make a bad situation right, but in the end, he just couldn’t.

I’m not going to let him blame himself for one more day. I know why he’s scared of relationships and of having someone love him. Of course he’d never want to be responsible for anyone else’s happiness ever again. I wouldn’t either, if I were him.

The hot water runs down over my face, letting me get lost in my thoughts.

I’ll only let you down. His words come back to me. He’s terrified of letting anyone down again—of letting anyone get close.

That’s too bad, Julian, because I’m already close to both you and the children, and I’m not going to let you push me away out of fear.

As I stand in the shower, I feel my reservations about Julian Masters disappear down the drain along with the hot water.

I want him as a boss, as a lover… as my boyfriend.

I want the full package, kids and all.

Willow and I are sitting at the kitchen counter eating breakfast.

‘I’m looking forward to our girlie day, Will.’ I smile against my coffee cup. I’ve coerced Julian into letting Willow have the day off school for some appointments. He doesn’t need to know it’s for our nails. We need some time together, and I want to try and get her to talk to me.

“What exactly do you do on a girlie day?” she asks.

‘Well, we’ll get our nails done, and then we might get our hair cut. Afterwards, we could go somewhere nice for lunch.’

She gives me a lopsided smile.

“We might even go and buy you some new clothes.” I widen my eyes, trying to make her as excited as I am.

“Really? Like what?”

I shrug. “Whatever you want.”

She finally begins to smile.

“And Emerson has the day off, too. I thought we might go and have a coffee with her this afternoon.”

“You want me to meet your friend?” she asks, surprised.

“Uh huh.” I smile. “You’re my friend and she’s my friend, so it’s a lot easier if my two friends become good friends, too.”

“Oh no, Tillie.” We hear Sammy cry from upstairs.

Willow’s eyes meet mine. “What is that naughty puppy up to now?” I ask.

“Oh, man, she’s exhausting.” Will sighs, and we make our way upstairs to see what the commotion is about.

Woof, woof.

Tillie leans back on her back legs, then jumps up and attacks Sammy. ‘Tillie,’ he calls.

Our eyes widen as we assess the damage.

Tillie has been in Willow’s makeup case and chewed everything inside of it. There are blush and lipstick all over the upstairs carpet, as well as down the stairs. She now has a powder sponge in her mouth and is running away from Sammy, enjoying the chase, thinking that this is the most fun ever.

“Oh no, naughty,” I whisper.

She barks and then runs. We take chase, running after her as she sprints down the stairs.

“Oh my God, somebody get her,” Willow cries.

I’m terrified she is going to swallow the sponge. “Tillie,” I call as I run down the stairs. “Come back here.”

Maverick the cat thinks that this looks like a good game and he starts pulling himself upside down along the leather sofa by the claws so that Tillie doesn’t get all the attention.

“Stop that, Maverick,” I cry as we run past. “These baby animals are very naughty today.”

“Sammy’s going to be late for school at this rate,” Willow cries.

We corner Tillie in the kitchen and she goes feral, bending her back legs as she straightens her front legs. She’s having so much fun.

Woof, woof.

I look around at the three of us in our pyjamas, chasing a tiny little dog as she completely destroys the house, and I get the giggles. “Come here, you naughty girl.” I hold my hands out wide to try and entice her.

She begins to chew the sponge in her mouth and we all scream, “Nooooo!”

Willow dives on her, and I pry her tiny mouth apart and take the mangled makeup sponge from her grip.

She latches onto Sammy’s finger and bites down hard. “Ahhh!” he yells.

“No,” I snap. “No biting, naughty!”

Willow puts Tillie back down on the floor, and the pup sprints back upstairs on a mission to wreck something else.

“Oh my God,” Willow cries as she runs after her.

Sammy rolls his eyes and takes chase. I laugh and turn around to see Maverick climbing the curtains by his claws. He’s looking at me upside down. “Get down, Maverick, you naughty cat.” I rub my hands through my hair.

These pets are completely out of control.

“What about this shirt?” I ask Will.

We’ve had our nails done and now we’re perusing the shops with Daddy Warbucks’ gold credit card. This is essential spending—way more important than bondage lingerie, that’s for sure.

Will looks at the shirt and frowns. “It’s okay, I guess.”

“What style do you like?” I think for a moment. “You’re at that age where you are transforming from a duckling into a beautiful swan.”

She rolls her eyes at my dramatics and then twists her lips together. ‘Well, I’ve always liked grunge clothing.

I nod as I listen.

“But, I was thinking of maybe trying to get something a bit…” Her voice trails off.

“A bit what?” I ask as I keep looking around the shelves.

“I don’t know. Something a bit more…” she raises her eyebrows, “attractive?”

I smile, knowing she does like that boy from the golf club after all. “That’s an excellent idea.” I link my arm through hers. “Let’s get you a whole new look.”

Two hours later, we have six bags in our hands, filled with some of the most beautiful clothes you could imagine, as well as four pairs of shoes. I have totally blown out his credit card. But honestly, who cares? It’s not like he can’t afford it.

We are walking down the street, on the way to meet Emerson, eating chocolate waffle ice-cream cones. “Tell me about school,” I say as I lick my chocolate heaven.

She shakes her head. “Nothing to tell.”

“Why do you think those girls pick on you?” I lick my ice cream as I pretend to be blasé about the answer.

She frowns. “I’m just different.”

“How so?” I watch her. I’ve spent the whole day preparing her to have this conversation with me, and if it takes all of Julian’s money to get more from her then so be it.

“I don’t have a mother.” She shrugs as she looks to the ground. “I don’t like what they like.”

I watch her. “Like what?”

“The music, the stupid boys. Everything. I have nothing in common with any of them.”

“But that’s okay, right?” I frown. “Does it bother you that you have nothing in common with them?”

“It used to.”

“But not anymore?”

“I’m used to it now, I guess.”

I link my arm through hers as we walk. “You know it’s okay to be different, Will. I’m different, and not everyone likes me.”

“Everyone likes you, Brell.” She tuts.

“No, they don’t. Do you know how many times I get called a bimbo because I choose to be outgoing and happy? People assume I’m dumb because I laugh a lot.” I shrug. “Think about it… both you and your dad thought I was a bimbo at the very beginning.”

She frowns as she watches me, my words falling into place.

“I choose to be how I want to be.” I bump my shoulder with hers. “I don’t care what people think. You need to choose how you want to be and forget what everyone else says or thinks about it.”

She listens intently.

“Because the people who matter will love you however you are.”

“What about Dad?” she asks. “Will he?”

“Your father loves you so much. He just wants you to be happy, Will. He doesn’t always say what he feels, I know, but it’s the truth, and deep down you know it.”

She smiles softly, her eyes holding mine.

‘He’s going to wet his pants when he sees you in these beautiful dresses.’ I smirk.

She giggles.

“How about we call into Grandma’s and show her your new clothes on the way home?” I say.

“Okay.” She smiles.

We arrive at the café where we are meeting Emerson, and we walk in to find her sitting at the back. “Hello.” I smile as I kiss her cheek.

“Hi, Will.” She smiles

“Hi,” Willow replies nervously.

“Jesus, have you two bought the whole shop?” She gasps as she looks over at all our bags.

“Yep.” I sigh as I fall into my seat. “We needed a pick me up. Some spoilt rich little bitches are giving Will a hard time at school.”

Emerson narrows her eyes and punches her fist into her palm. “Who do I have to take out?”

I’m lounging on the sofa. “Put the grey dress on,” I call out.

Frances sits in the wingback chair as the two of us watch Will’s fashion show. The butler brings out a tray of tea and scones, placing it on the table. “Will that be all, ma’am?”

“Yes, thank you, darling.” Frances smiles. I can’t believe she has house staff. It’s like being part of the royal family or some shit.

Willow breezes out of the study in the flowing grey dress, proudly placing her hands on her hips.

“Oh my goodness,” Frances exclaims as she begins to clap her hands. “Simply gorgeous. You look at least twenty-one in that outfit, Will.”

Willow rises up on her toes and looks down at herself.

“Put the black skirt and top with the high heels on.” I smile.

Will disappears back to the study to change into her next outfit.

We are at Frances’ house or should I say palace, having a fashion parade of Will’s new clothes and I have never seen her so excited. This is so much fun.

“Put your hair up for this outfit,” I call from my position on the sofa.

I’ve been here a few times over the last week to visit Frances. It gets lonely in that big, old house of ours when everyone is at school and work. Julian’s mother is actually a really cool lady, and I enjoy her wit and sarcasm. We don’t discuss Julian at all when I’m here, but I have a sneaking suspicion that she’s reading between the lines and knows exactly what’s going on. She really is as sharp as a tack.

Willow appears before us again with her arms spread out. “Ta-dah.”

‘Oh, my.’ Frances slaps her hands to her cheeks. ‘Lord have mercy, you are divine.’

I laugh. “She is, isn’t she? Turn around and show us the back.”

Willow does a twirl, and we both gasp.

Willow laughs and disappears back into the changing room.

Frances’s eyes fall to me. “Thank you,” she whispers.

“What for?”

“For taking the time to get to know Willow.”

My eyes fill with tears. How many people actually take the time to see beneath her scars to admire the beautiful girl she really is?

“It’s been an honor to spend time with her.”

She smiles knowingly. “Have you thought any more about marrying my son yet?”

I giggle. “No.”

She sits beside me on the sofa and takes my hand in hers, staring at me with hopeful eyes.

“We’re just friends, Frances. Don’t get excited.”

She taps my hand in hers and smiles broadly. “Of course, dear. I believe you.”

Willow appears again in a blue fitted dress this time. “And I can wear this one if I ever go out.” She puts her hands onto her hips proudly. “Like… on a date.”

I clap my hands together. “Oh my God, Will, yes. This is a definite first date outfit.”

Frances stands and embraces Will in a hug. “I’m so proud of you, darling.”

My face nearly splits in two, I’m so happy.

It’s been a good day. The best, actually.

“You scrape it in, just like this.” I watch as Willow scrapes the last of the mixture into the bowl. “That’s it.” I smile. “Now pop it in the oven.”

Willow has developed a taste for being in the kitchen and I’m trying to do it with her as much as I can. Sammy is sitting on the bench watching us and Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face” is blaring through the house. It’s starting to turn dark outside, and dinner is in the oven.

I feel him before I see him.

I turn to find Julian standing in the doorway watching us. He’s wearing a navy suit and holding his briefcase down by his side. I’ve never seen a man looking so damn divine. His big, brown eyes hold mine, and he gives me the best come fuck me look I have ever seen.

“Hey.” I smile.

“Hello,” he replies, his eyes smoldering, making my sex clench in appreciation.

He gives Sammy a hug, and then he gives Will a kiss on the cheek.

“We’re baking, Dad,” Will tells him.

‘I can see.’ He smiles. ‘What am I eating for dessert tonight?’

‘Apple Danish.’ She smiles proudly with her hands on her hips.

He peers at the oven and then turns to her. “You’re going to make me overweight and unattractive, Will,” he teases as his eyes fall back up to me.

I smirk at him, as if.

“Go wash up for dinner, guys,” I say. “Will, why don’t you bring your new clothes down to show your father?”

She looks to Julian for approval before she sees his returning smile, hunches her shoulders and runs upstairs with Sammy on her tail.

I go to the fridge to put the ingredients away when Julian’s arm snakes around me from behind. He pulls me back against his body, and his cock is already hard.

My body weakens instantly.

Julian pushes my hair around to one side, and his lips find my neck where he softly bites me, making goose bumps scatter up my arms.

“I’ve been hard all day thinking about you,” he whispers in my ear.

Arousal pumps through my body.

“Why?” I whisper as his face rubs against mine over my shoulder.

He jerks me closer so his erection digs into my behind. “Because I wanted to be home, here, inside of you.” He kisses my ear.

Woof, woof.

Tillie grabs the bottom of his suit pants and tries to pull him away, using all her strength, tugging and dancing around.

Damn you, Tillie, for ruining my moment. This dog will be the death of me.

“Don’t!” he snaps as he shakes his leg to try and detach the naughty puppy. “If you rip my suit, there’ll be hell to pay, pooch.” He bends and pushes her away but she just goes crazier and bounds back to grab his sleeve between her sharp little teeth.

I giggle as I watch her. “Tillie, stop.”

She growls as he pushes her away.

Maverick jumps up on the bench and Julian’s face falls. “Get down this minute.”

I lift the little ginger ball of fluff up and put him back on the floor. “He’s just a little baby. He doesn’t know the rules yet,” I tell Julian.

“He’s a damn health hazard.”

Willow comes down wearing her blue dress and holding her arms out proudly. As soon as he sees her, Julian’s mouth drops open, and his eyes flicker to me then back to her.

“Will…” he says breathlessly. “You look so beautiful.”

Will beams with pride, and I have to blink through my tears. I’m getting soft in my old age.

“Are you crying?” Will asks.

I wave the tea towel around in the air. “It’s all those onions I chopped.”

She giggles. “You’re an idiot.”

I sniff. “I’ve been called worse.”

Julian’s eyes linger on my face before he turns his attention back to Will. “What else did you girls get up to today?”

“We got our nails done, went shopping, and then we visited Grandma.”

He frowns. “You went to Grandma’s?”

“Of course. We had to show Grandma Will’s new clothes,” I interject.

“Oh, and we met Emerson. She’s really nice. And did you know that it’s Brell’s birthday on Wednesday?” Will adds.

His eyes come back to me. “You didn’t tell me that.” He looks between Will and me. “What do you want to do for your birthday?”

I look over at Will. I was thinking about this earlier today actually. “I was hoping that Will could cook dinner for us.”

Her mouth falls open in surprise. “You want me to cook for your birthday?” She gasps as she looks between Julian and me. “Of all the things you could do, you want me to cook for you?”

I nod and smile. “Only if you have time.”

“I would love to.” She waves her arms around in front of her. “Can we invite Grandma and Grandpa? Oh… and Emerson?”

Julian smiles at her enthusiasm. “If you like.”

‘Yay! We can have a whole dinner party. Oh… I’ll have to make a cake.’ She flits around and then runs back upstairs like a giddy child at Christmas. Tillie begins to bark and run behind her. We hear the commotion as they disappear up the stairs.

Julian’s eyes come back to me and he takes my face in his hands. “You’re going to get yourself fucked tonight, Miss Brielle.”

I stand on my tippy toes and kiss him on the lips, sliding my arms underneath his suit coat. “Good. Make it hard, Mr. Masters.”

“Happy Birthday to you,” the table full of people sing loudly.

The birthday candles light up my smiling face. It’s my birthday, and one of the happiest days I have ever had.

Julian woke me up this morning—wearing his sexy suit—with a cup of coffee in his hand for me—a luxury I haven’t had before. The children made me birthday cards, bought me a jumper, and even picked me flowers from the garden.

Tillie chewed up the rug and Maverick fell asleep inside the washing machine. That stupid cat clearly has a death wish.

And now I’m sitting here with Julian, Will, Sammy, Emerson, Frances, and Joseph, watching as they sing happy birthday to me. Will has made a beautiful dinner and the conversation has been fun and light. The table is set perfectly. It feels like everything I have been trying to teach Will has finally paid off.

I blow out the candles and they all cheer. My eyes meet Julian’s across the table and he smiles softly.

I can’t wait to hold him in my arms after everyone has gone for the night.

It’s different now between us. Since he told me about his past and we had sex in the house, he comes to my room every night, staying until he has to get up for work. I look forward to going to bed now because I get him to myself. Even the sound of him asleep beside me is soothing.

I’m in love with him.

It happened somewhere between the crazy hotel hook-ups and now, despite the serious persona he puts on to the world. I know what a tortured man he is, and yet the tenderness he gives me when we’re alone melts my heart. Every damaged inch of him is perfect to me.

“Make a wish.” He smiles.

My eyes search his and I blow out the final candle.

Don’t let this end.

The guests are gone, the house is quiet, and I’m waiting for my man in my bedroom. This is the worst part of my day, when he’s upstairs waiting for the children to fall asleep before he can come to me.

Eventually, he knocks quietly and walks in. I turn and smile at the sight of him wearing a navy robe over his boxer shorts.

“How’s my girl?” he whispers into my hair.

I close my eyes and wrap my arms around him. “Better now that you’re here.”

He steps back and takes out a gold envelope with a red ribbon around it.

“What’s this?”

“I could lie and tell you it’s a present for you, but it’s really a present for me.”

I frown as I stare down at the envelope.

“Open it.”

I untie the silk ribbon and pull out a cream card.

I giggle when I see that it’s actually an invitation, but this one looks like a proper wedding invitation.

Julian Masters

Requests the company of

Bree Johnston

Occasion: Birthday

Date: This weekend

Time: 6pm

Place: Rome

Dress code: As you are.

“Rome?” My eyes rise to meet his. “W-what?”

“I thought you might like to go to Rome for the weekend…” He pauses, as if he’s suddenly nervous. “For your birthday.”

My mouth falls open. “Really?”

He raises his brow and throws me a sexy smirk. “Really.”

I jump into his arms.

“Oh.” I pull back and stare at the invitation. “You want me to come as I am?”

His eyes search mine. “It’s you that I want.”

I bite my bottom lip to stifle my stupid smile. “I’m twenty-six today, Julian.”

“Then I owe you twenty-six orgasms. Get on your back and open those pretty legs.”

He pushes me back and I fall onto the bed with a giggle. He crawls over me, and I can feel his erection against my stomach as his lips trail down my body. He pushes my legs apart aggressively, and his tongue sweeps through my wet flesh, making my back arch off the bed.

‘Happy Birthday, baby,’ he whispers to me. ‘Let me in.’

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