Mr Masters (Mr. Book 1)
Mr Masters: Chapter 19

“Are you going to watch the movie with us?” he asks me.


We’ve had the kids with us all day and haven’t had a moment alone.

He slowly brings his hand up to cup my face and my eyes close.

His touch is magic.

“I need you to know how much I regret how I treated you at that dinner,” he whispers. “It’s playing on my mind.”

I nod. “I know.”

He shakes his head. “I don’t know what came over me. I just handled the whole thing so badly.”

I watch him as he struggles with this conversation. “I know.”

His eyes search mine. “My children have to come first.”

“For me, too,” I whisper. “Their needs will come before mine or yours.”

Our eyes are locked, and I feel like I’m agreeing to a deal here. He wants me to secure his children’s happiness for him. How do I assure him of that?

Kiss me.

“This is harder than it should be,” he admits quietly. “I can think of nothing else but you.” He dusts his thumb over my bottom lip. “Promise me. Promise me that when we fall apart, you won’t leave them.”

Why is he so sure that we are going to fall apart?

I frown and nod before I can stop myself. “I promise that your children will always come first.”

His eyes drop to my lips, and my heart begins to race. Right on cue, we hear someone bounding down the stairs, and we jump back from each other. He goes to the fridge and gets out a bottle of wine as a cover.

Sammy comes into the kitchen. “Come on. Let’s watch the movie.” He disappears into the living room and I hear Willow and him talking. They get comfortable on their new beanbags, snuggled with their baby animals.

Julian comes up behind me and snakes his arms around my waist, pulling me back onto him aggressively.

“Go and change into a skirt,” he whispers into my ear. He nips my lobe and goose bumps ripple my skin.


Holy fuck.

I walk into my room and start going through my wardrobe quickly. What the hell? I don’t even have a skirt that isn’t tight.

Shit. I think for a moment.

I know. I have a nightdress and gown. I take off my underwear and throw on my black silky nightdress, along with my white fluffy gown to cover it, and then I walk back out into the living room. My heart is beating fast as my adrenaline takes over.

He’s going to touch me.

“Hurry up, Brell,” Willow calls.

I walk into the living room to find the kids on the floor facing the television, and Julian at one end of the sofa. He pats the space next to him as his tongue darts out to wet his bottom lip. “Turn the light off.”

Fuck’s sake, there isn’t a hotter man on Earth than him.

I turn the light off and sit down next to him. He throws the large blanket over both of us.

Terminator 2 starts playing, but I have absolutely zero interest in the movie.

“Lie down,” he mouths.

I do as I’m told and put my legs on his lap. The blanket is completely covering us.

He grabs my foot and rubs it over his hard cock through his pants, and I close my eyes when I feel how hard he is.

With his eyes fixed on the television, he undoes my robe and then puts my back leg up on his shoulder along the sofa. He pushes my other leg forward, effectively opening me right up.

What the hell?

He smiles darkly as his eyes stay fixed on the television, and I watch as the shadows of the television flicker on his face. His hand runs up my calf, and then up my thigh, under my nightdress, to my stomach and my bare breast. He clenches his jaw as he grabs a handful of my breast and squeezes it hard.

I try to concentrate and control my breathing.

What the fuck are we doing?

There are two kids in the room, completely oblivious, but nonetheless…

He goes to the other breast and kneads it in the palm of his hand. I can feel the desire in his touch and I nearly combust. He trails his hand down my stomach as he explores my body. His fingers follow my hipbones and my ribs. He grabs my bottom foot and rubs it over his cock again.

Fuck, he’s rock hard.

I close my eyes and enjoy the way my body tingles. This is insane.

For fifteen minutes, his left hand explores every inch of my torso as he touches me tenderly, while his right hand is on my foot that’s over his cock.

Every time he grabs my breast he flexes his cock beneath me, and we both close our eyes and become lost in the moment.

Touch me…

Touch me…

Touch me there.

My pelvis begins to lift off the sofa towards his hand.

I’m losing control. He grabs my foot and grinds himself harder, and I can see his chest rising and falling in the shadows.

God, he’s as hot for this as I am.

He lowers his hand and we both hold our breath. My chin tilts towards the ceiling in anticipation.

His fingers dust through my pubic hair. I don’t have much—an inch square and cut super short —and I see a trace of a smile cross his face, he feels how wet I am and his eyes close and his mouth falls open in awe.

He tips his head back and mouths the word, “Fuck.”

Oh God, I’m so hot for it right now.

His thumb glides back and forth through my open flesh, and he turns, his eyes holding mine as he pushes his thumb inside me.

I clench, and he shudders.

He’s going to come. He’s going to come, just from touching me.

Manic killing breaks out on the blaring television, and everyone is screaming with gunshots ringing out all around us, but all I can feel is tranquil ecstasy.

He grinds my foot hard onto his cock, and we both clench to hold the orgasm off.

He pulls my body down towards him with force, so that my hips are nearly on his lap, edging towards losing control.

He wants right-handed access.

Our eyes lock as he slides two fingers deep inside of me. His mouth hangs open as he starts to ride me deep.

Thank God it’s dark. Who knows what this looks like?

With his left hand clutching my breast, his right-hand fingers are deep within my sex, and he slides them all the way in, and then all the way out. In and out. Every time he slides them in I feel the burn of the stretch, and I know that’s his aim.

This is so damn good.

In, out, around and around, all while trying to keep his arm as still as possible. We do this for nearly an hour. Every time I get close, he takes away the pressure and moves back to my breasts. I’m going out of my mind and I don’t give a single fuck if the Terminator gets killed.

Kill the motherfucker and just end this damn movie already so I can fuck Julian stupid.

We get into a rhythm—one that I am not going to be able to stop. The pumps are hard and deep with three of his thick fingers penetrating me. It feels so good. Too good.

My pelvis lifts off the lounge again as I silently beg.

Give it to me.

Give it to me.

He rides me hard with his fingers, and I start to see stars.

Oh. That’s it.

My body rocks with the pressure of his strong hands jerking me, and I throw my head back as an orgasm rips through me. I close my eyes, and I shudder, contracting around him.

Our eyes meet and triumph flares on his face.

This guy is too much.

He continues to slowly pump me as I watch on, and I feel like I’m having an out of body experience. That was the strongest, most perfect orgasm I’ve ever had. An hour of fingering attention is every woman’s dream.

Julian took his time. He got it right. He made sure I was well and truly pleasured. He slowly slides his fingers out of me, and I frown at his withdrawal.

Don’t leave. Stay in there.

He lifts his fingers to his mouth and my heart stops. What’s he doing? In the diluted light of the room, he puts his fingers in his mouth and begins to suck my arousal from them.

My mouth falls open. Oh dear fucking God.

His eyes close when he tastes me.

I pant as I watch on. Who is this man? How the hell did he get so hot?

He grabs my foot and grinds it onto his cock as he goes down on his fingers covered in my come.

I hold my breath.


He throws his head back and his cock jerks beneath my foot, and my sex contracts again as he comes to the taste of me.

He came to the taste of me.

I didn’t even have to touch him.

That’s it. The game is over.

It doesn’t get any hotter than this.

I’m forever ruined.

For the next twenty minutes, his hands roam all over my body and continue to slide into my sex, but surprisingly, it doesn’t feel sexual.

It’s like he’s worshipping me, needing to touch every inch. He’s making sure that he still can. His hand slides up my thigh, and then into my sex and back up to my breasts in complete reverence.

I lie with my legs wide open, giving him full access as I watch him.

He’s fucking beautiful. I thought he was hot when I was chasing the orgasm, but watching him touch me like this is another level entirely.

Another level I’ve never had.

The movie is coming to an end when he pulls my nightdress down and readjusts my gown so it’s closed. I wriggle up the sofa, moving away from him a bit. His hand stays firmly on my foot, though, as if he won’t let that go.

He flicks the blanket back a bit so that they can see us.

The credits begin to roll.

“That was awesome,” Sammy says. “Did you like it, Dad?”

Julian widens his eyes. “Best movie I’ve ever seen in my life.”

I giggle, and he squeezes my foot playfully.

“You two, off to bed. I’ll be up in a second,” he tells them.

“Goodnight, Brell,” Willow calls as she disappears up the stairs with her little ginger kitten in her arms.

Sammy jumps up and comes to hug me. “See you tomorrow, Brell.” He leads his puppy out the back to go to the bathroom before bed.

‘Okay, Sammy.’ I smile at him.

Julian turns towards me, and I sit up on the lounge, suddenly alone with him.

He leans in and kisses me softly as he holds my face. “I’ll be down to your room in half an hour,” he promises against my lips.

We kiss again.

“Are you ready for me?”

“God, yes,” I whisper. “Hurry.”

He gets up and then bends to kiss me again. “See you soon.”

Half an hour later and I’m in bed, freshly showered and back in my nightdress. The room is lit only by my lamp.

I’m counting the minutes until he gets here, until he makes me feel like that all over again.

There’s a quiet knock at the door and my heart rate picks up.

“Come in,” I call.

He walks in, smiling. “Hi.”

I sit up and lean back on the headboard. “Hi.” He has a shopping bag with him for some reason. “What have you got in there?” I ask.

“Oh. I brought champagne and glasses.” He turns and flicks the lock on the door. “Thought it might take the edge off.”

I giggle. “My edge has well and truly been taken off already, Julian.”

His eyes dance with mischief. “And what a beautiful edge that was to witness.”

He takes the glasses out of the bag and opens the bottle to pour us a glass each before he comes to sit on the side of my bed.

I hold my glass up. “To The Terminator.”

He chuckles and clinks his glass with mine. “To The Terminator.”

Julian places his glass down and kisses me, and he’s all tongue and power as he lies me back down on the bed. His mouth drops to my nipple and he bites it through the silk.

“Bree,” he whispers, moving against my neck. He swiftly lifts my nightdress over my shoulders, and I lie before him completely naked. He looks down at me, his eyes flickering with arousal.

“You’re so beautiful.”

Suddenly, I’m desperate. “Get naked.” I grab the bottom of his T-shirt and tug it over his head. “I need you.” I kiss him. “I need you now.”

He stands and tears his shirt off, followed by his jeans and his black briefs.

My eyes drop down his body, and when he moves to kiss me I hold my hand up in the air. “No. Don’t move. Let me look at you.”

He stands still, naked at the side of my bed as he waits for the all clear to touch me.

His chest is broad, his stomach rippled, and he has the perfect ‘V’ of muscles that drop down to his groin. I lick my lips. I’ve never seen such a perfect specimen. My eyes drop lower to his large penis that hangs heavily between his legs. Thick veins run down the length and girth of it. My heart begins to race and my eyes rise back up to find his. I swallow the lump in my throat and lie back down, about ready to have a heart attack. This is the most nervous I’ve ever been in my life.

His eyes roam over my body as if wondering where to start, and I shake my head.

“I just want you. I don’t want more foreplay. I don’t want one more minute without you inside of me.”

His eyes rise to meet mine. He falls down beside me to kiss me, and we both smile into the kiss as if we’ve been waiting for a long time for this.

We cling to each other and he opens my legs to rise above me. His eyes are dark and he begins to rock against me. His touch is tender and loving. His kiss… perfection.

Our tongues dance together for a long time and he rocks harder against me. My legs are wrapped around his waist as I wait for him.

We pant as we become desperate. “Jules,” I murmur.

“I know, baby,” he whispers into my mouth. “I know.”

He nudges my opening, and I open my legs wider for him to slide in deep in one quick movement.

We moan together. “Oh God, this is so good.” I moan.

He slides out and then back in, and we both hiss again. Oh, fuck. He feels like he hits the very end of me. He’s the perfect size and it makes my eyes roll back.

“How’s this?” he whispers.

I grab his face and kiss him in pure desperation. “Make it go away. Make this ache stop,” I beg.

He rises above me and slides out, then back in deeper. Again and again, each time deeper than the last, each time harder.

We get into a rhythm and he begins to really let me have it. Deep, hard hits force the bed to bang against the wall. His hand rises to my thigh and he brings it up higher, giving himself greater access.

“Fucking hell, Bree.” He moans as he begins to lose control. “How will I ever get enough of this?”

If I could answer that, I would, but my eyes are rolling and my mouth is hanging open.

He loses control and lifts my legs, hitting me harder and harder until the sound of the bed hitting the wall is all we can hear. I cry out as my world flashes in bright technicolour. His body is covered with a sheen of perspiration, and he lifts my hips to where he wants them, pumping deeper, and then holding himself still when buried inside of me. His body jerks hard as his own orgasm tears through him.

We gasp for air and he leans down to kiss me. We smile at each other’s lips as his body slowly moves in and out of mine.

“You’re fucking perfect,” he says, like it’s the most important thing he’s ever said.

I smile shyly, overwhelmed with emotion.

He kisses me again and again, until finally, ten minutes later, he pulls out and falls on his side next to me. We lie facing each other, and he runs his fingers through my hair, obviously deep in thought.

“What?’ I ask with a smile.

“Just you.”

I smile and we lie in comfortable silence. I feel so relaxed, and my eyes begin to close.

“Don’t go to sleep on me, baby. I want to spend more time with you.”

I smile against his chest. “You can have me every night, Jules. I’m yours,” I whisper sleepily, letting my eyes close properly.

‘Until you leave,’ he mumbles quietly as if distracted.

I smile against his skin. “Yes.” My eyelids are so heavy that I can’t keep them open. “Until I leave.”

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