Mr Masters (Mr. Book 1)
Mr Masters: Chapter 22

I hear the car pull up and I grin to myself. Julian has just been to pick up the kids. I’ve really missed them. We flew in from Rome a few hours ago after the best weekend ever. He dropped me at home first, and then he went on to get them. I hate that I couldn’t go, but his parents think he went away with Sebastian for the weekend. I don’t know how long we’re going to keep this secret of ours. I need to talk to him about it. I hate lying to the children. I hate sleeping downstairs when the rest of the family is upstairs.

I want to be up there with them.

Dinner is in the oven, and it’s then I realize how good it feels to be home.

The front door bangs open.

“Brelly!” Sammy squeals as he sprints into the kitchen and throws himself at me.

“Hello, baby.” I kiss his forehead. “Oh, I missed you.” I smile as I squeeze him in my arms.

Tillie comes sprinting into the kitchen and jumps up on my legs. Then Will appears, and I wrap my free arm around her.

“Hello, my pumpkin.” I kiss her forehead.

Julian soon follows behind them and he finds me with a child under each arm and a dog jumping up my legs. “I didn’t get this reception,” he mutters dryly, throwing his keys onto the bench.

I giggle as I stare into his eyes.

“I’ve got so much to tell you, Brell,” Willow says, her voice filled with excitement.

“You do?” I smile.

She holds her hands out. “You won’t believe it.”


“Lola invited me to her birthday party.”

“She did?”

“Yes, and everyone is going.”

My eyes widen. “You mean the boys from golf?”

She smiles and nods. “And all her friends from university.”

“This is great news.” I point at her. “You should wear the blue dress, and I’ll do your hair. We should practice some styles tomorrow.”

“Yes, can we?”

Julian rolls his eyes as he takes a seat at the counter. “May I remind you that the blue dress is for wearing at home only?”

I smirk as my eyes rise to him. He hates that his little girl is growing up.

“So, when did you speak to her?” I ask, focusing back on Willow.

“She’s been texting me all weekend.”

“She has?” I smile broadly. “Look at you, being all friendly and social.”

She smiles filled with pride.

“Dinner is about half an hour away. Why don’t you kids go shower and get ready for school tomorrow?” I ask.

“Okay.” Sammy scoots back into the living room. “Oh no! Maverick, no,” we hear him cry.

Willow walks into the living room. “Oh… shit.” She gasps.

“What’s going on out there?” Julian calls.

“Nothing,” Willow tells him calmly.

Something is definitely going on out there. I put my hand on Julian’s shoulder as I walk past him.

“Pour us a wine, babe. I’ll get the kids sorted.” That’s code for ‘please stay here while I sort out the wild animals we call pets’.

I walk into the living room to find Willow standing on the couch trying to reattach the drapes which Maverick has ripped from the window. I walk over to inspect them to see that they have actually torn at the top.

Julian comes in and frowns when he sees the destruction. “This bloody cat has been home for five minutes,” he cries. “How can he ruin the drapes in five minutes flat?”

“He’s just a baby,” I say.

“Oh… and he doesn’t know the rules yet,” Julian mimics with an eye roll before storming away and calling over his shoulder. “That cat is going back to the shelter if it doesn’t learn the damn rules soon.”

I giggle as I watch him disappear. My Mr. Cranky Pants is back.

Julian Masters

Requests the company of

Bree Johnston

Occasion: Situation inspection

Date: Thursday night

Time: 6pm

Place: Room 612: Rosewood London

Dress code: Bondage

I smile as I read the invitation that’s sitting in my email. He really is set on this damn bondage thing, isn’t he? Maybe I should just go all out and buy some whips. He already slaps my behind when he’s getting into it anyway. Not that I really feel it.

He was mortified in Rome when he saw his red handprint on my behind while we were showering, post-sex. He must have apologized at least ten times.

My phone rings and I smile. Speak of the devil. The name Mr. Masters lights up my screen.

“Hello, Mr. Masters.”

“How is my naughty nanny today?” he purrs.

“She’s feeling especially naughty.”

“And why is that?”

“I’m wishing my man was here with me.”

“I’m missing you, too,” he whispers.

Who is this man, and what has he done with the emotionally disabled Mr. Masters I met six weeks ago?

“I’m just about to leave work. Are you on your way yet?” he asks.

“Not yet. I’m about an hour away.”

“Okay. Drive safely.”

I hang up and stare at my phone for a moment. He’s started saying that to me since we got back from Rome: drive safely.

Does it ever cross his mind… the phone call he got when Alina died? Is he scared he’s going to get that call again?

We have so many bridges to cross, so many inner demons to fight—both of us do. I keep thinking this horrible thought—and I hate that I do—but what about his addiction to prostitutes? Would he ever go back to that?

I mean, if I was pregnant and unable to have sex for an extended period of time, would he still be satisfied?

Stop it. Stop thinking this shit. It isn’t healthy.

His past is his past. It can only hurt me if I let it.

Knock, knock.

I stand outside room 612 at the Rosewood, smiling to myself. I’m wearing one of his black trench coats. Beneath it, I’m wearing leather bondage lingerie, as well as thigh-high, black lace-up boots.

I can be as dirty as he wants me to be.

He’s bringing out a side of my personality I didn’t know existed. I’m craving this submissive sexuality.

When we are at home and he sneaks into my bed, we make gentle, silent love. We whisper the words I love you to each other all night long. But when we stay in hotels we fuck like animals, and I am completely addicted. I’m addicted to the hit. I love the contrast of hard and soft.

Of loving and fucking.

Of Mr. Masters and Julian.

Julian loves me.

Mr. Masters loves to fuck me…. hard.

He opens the door to me, already undressed, wearing nothing but a robe. He has a glass of scotch in his hand and I know he will already have an erection beneath his robe. A thrill runs through me, a sick thrill, because I know what we are re-enacting here: his time in the brothels. And the only sick thing about it is that I fucking love it.

I love being his whore.

“Hello, Mr. Masters,” I whisper.

His eyes flame with arousal. “Hello, Miss Brielle.” His voice becomes deeper when he’s aroused. I can tell the difference between his personalities now.

Mr. Masters has a deep, commanding tone. Julian has either a playful or sad tone, depending on his mood.

He takes my hand and lifts it to his mouth, kissing it softly. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

He leads me into the room and I glance over and see a bottle of baby oil on the bedside table. I swallow the lump in my throat and try to ignore the nerves dancing in my stomach.

He pours me a scotch. “Drink this.” He leans in and kisses me on the cheek. “You’ll need it.”

My heart races and I sip the rocket fuel. It brings memories of our nightcaps together. They seem like a lifetime ago now.

I down the glass in three gulps, and he smiles darkly. “Atta girl,” he whispers.

I hold the glass out. “I’d like another.”

He smirks and refills my glass slowly. Once full, I sip it, ignoring the way my hand shakes.

I’m so nervous, I have no idea what he has in store for me, but the baby oil tells me it’s something we’ve never done before.

“Undress,” he orders coldly, slipping smoothly into his role play.

I down the rest of my second scotch, and I take my jacket off, throwing it on the chair.

He smiles darkly and his hungry eyes drop down my body. I’m wearing a lace-up black leather corset that pushes my breasts to the moon, along with tiny leather panties. He walks around me like the hunter circling his prey. He slides his robe over his shoulders, and my breath catches.

He’s naked and hard. Muscles ripple in his abdomen, and he has a ‘V’ of perfect definition that drops to his groin. His large cock hangs heavily between his legs. I can see every vein on its engorged head. Pre-ejaculate drips from the end and he hasn’t even touched me yet.

My body begins to tingle, from my arousal and from the scotch, but mainly because of him.

He walks over to his suitcase and takes out a black leather whip. My eyes immediately widen.


“I’m going to hit you three times.” His dark eyes hold mine. “And then I’m going to fuck your ass.”

I swallow the lump in my throat. “Yes, sir.” I look around the room. “Can I have another scotch, please?”

He smirks at the sound of my consent, and he nods before pouring me another drink. When he comes back to me he kisses me softly, as if he’s already apologizing in advance for what I’m about to endure. His lips linger over mine and our foreheads touch.

“You know that I love you,” he whispers.


“I won’t hurt you.”

“I know,” I mumble, my heart racing wildly. I really don’t know if I can do this.

But I want to… for him.

I want to be everything for him.

I tip my head back and drain the glass of scotch, and all at once he grabs me by the hair to kiss me. He’s all suction and domination as his tongue sweeps through my mouth and he holds my head the way he wants it.

“On your back, baby.”

His finger slides underneath my leather panties and through my sex where he grabs me aggressively. “I want to suck on your beautiful, creamy cunt.” My sex tightens, wanting him… needing him.

Jesus Christ, he’s so fucking hot.

I lie down on the bed and he slowly rolls my leather panties down my legs. He slides his fingers through my sex and pulls me open for him to study.

I hold my breath.

He bends and tenderly kisses the inside of my thigh, enticing a quiver from my body. His eyes hold mine as he blows on me. What for, I’m not sure, but there could be a fire down there. I wouldn’t be surprised.

He strokes himself a few times, and I watch the pre-ejaculate drip. God, this is one hell of a show. Imagine getting paid to do this. There’s a lot to be said for prostitution when you’re dealing with clients like him.

Julian bends and presses his tongue through my open flesh, and I have to clench to stop myself bucking. He grabs my thighs, pulls them open, and begins sucking on my sex. His dark eyes never leave mine.

Oh God, Heaven have mercy.

My hands go to the back of his head, holding him close as his eyes close. The sounds of his moans vibrate against me. He builds me up to an almost-orgasm, and then he stops right at the edge of it. I have to close my eyes to block him out. The mere sight of him is arousing enough to send any red-blooded woman insane.

“J-Julian,” I pant.

“You can’t come,” he growls.

“Why not?”

“You’ll come on my cock and not a moment before.”

Again and again, he sucks me, teases me, bringing me to the edge of ecstasy before he takes it away, leaving me writhing on the bed and begging. ‘Please,’ I moan. ‘Julian, now.’

He lifts his head momentarily to kiss my inner thigh. “On your knees.”

I roll over, doing as I’m told, and I get on my hands and knees.

“Drop to your elbows,” he commands.

I do as he says, and that’s when he grabs the baby oil and pours it all over my ass and thighs.


He begins to rub it in, letting his fingers slide into my open sex. “You feel so fucking good, baby.” He pumps me for a while, and I close my eyes, allowing the pleasure I’m feeling to take over.

He kisses the small of my back as he slides a finger into my back opening.

“Oh…” I scrunch my eyes shut.

“Let me in.”

I try to control my breathing and relax as he slides another finger in deep. His lips stay on my back. I can see his cock through my legs, and I swear, he looks like he’s about to come. It makes my mouth fall open.

This is off the fucking charts hot.

He slowly works me, pulling me by the hip bone until I’m backed onto his fingers. I close my eyes as the pleasure shoots through me.

“You like that, my dirty girl?”

“Y-yes,” I whimper.

He spreads his two fingers, and then he adds another. I have to close my eyes tighter to deal with it. This is unlike anything I have ever experienced. It’s so wrong, but so, so fucking good.

I feel a sharp sting as the whip connects on my ass, but he immediately follows it with a deep thrust of his fingers.

I moan from deep inside.

Julian repeats that action twice more, each one more pleasurable than the last, and then he removes his fingers. That’s when I feel his cock at my back entrance.

He pours more oil over my behind, rubbing it in with his thumb before he lines himself up and pushes forward. My face plants into the mattress as a searing pain burns through me.

Oh!” I cry out.

He bends and places a kiss on my back. ‘You’re doing great, baby. I’m nearly in.’

His hand comes around to my clitoris and he circles his fingers at just the right pressure to make me feel pleasure instead of pain. My eyes roll back in my head and he lurches forward again.

Ah!” I cry into the mattress.

“That’s it.” He pulls out and pushes back in as slowly as he can. I scrunch my eyes shut. He pulls out and slides deeper, never stopping his fingers moving over my clitoris.

“Come on, baby,” he whispers. “Fuck me.”

The sound of his voice pulls me from my trance and I push back a little.

“Yeah, that’s it,” he rasps. “You’re doing great.”

I push back again and he hisses.

God, he loves this.

He slides in and out a few more times, and then I think I’ve actually got the hang of this. I begin to bounce back onto him, relieved that the pain has stopped and the pleasure is building. He grabs my hip bones and begins to ride me as I hold my breath. Holy fuck… this is an insane amount of pleasure.

The sound of the oil slipping between us is all I can hear, and I look up to the mirror to stare at our reflections. His eyes are fixed on the place our bodies meet. He’s wet with perspiration and he’s taking my body just how he wants it: for his pleasure only. I’ve never seen anything so hot in my entire life.

Every muscle in his stomach clenches as he pumps, and then, as if he needs more leverage, he lifts one of his legs and puts his foot on the bed beside me to really let me have it.

I scream into the mattress as a tornado of an orgasm tears me apart. Julian tips his head back, groaning his appreciation as he comes deep inside my body.

For a while, he moves slowly, in and out on repeat. Eventually, I feel his gentle kisses trail across my back as he comes to lie over me, his cock still inside me.

He turns my head and gifts me with a kiss. “I love you,” he whispers against my mouth.

I can’t answer him. I’m still dealing with myself. I think the term ‘hot mess’ was made for this moment. He’s all around me, all I can see. He’s deep inside my body, his tongue taking over my mouth.

He’s etched on my heart.

“I love you,” I confess.

He smiles and holds my head to his. “How the hell did I ever get you?”

“Smithson Employment agency,” I pant.

He chuckles and slowly pulls out of me. I feel the sharp sting of his withdrawal, and I’m surprised by how much I want him to stay there.

He kisses me and pulls me up by the hand. “I need to wash you.”

I smile sleepily. “I know. I’m a very dirty girl.”

It’s Saturday night, and Willow is finally going out with Lola. This isn’t to the party—that’s next weekend—but she’s really nervous, anyway. Even I’m nervous for her. This is the first time since I’ve been here that she’s gone out with anyone her own age.

“Where exactly are you going?” Julian frowns as he sits in his wingback chair with his book in his hands and his feet up on the ottoman.

“Just dinner and the movies.”

“What time will you be home?”

“The movie ends at eleven.”

“You’re only sixteen, you know, Will. I don’t want you out all night.”

She rolls her eyes at me. “I know, Dad.”

“Am I driving you?” he asks.

“No, Lola drives.”

He looks up from his book. “I don’t want you driving around in a learner’s car.” He looks to me. “Bree, did you know that this girl is old enough to drive?”

“Julian, she’s fine.” I sigh. “She has her license and I’ve met Lola at golf and she seems lovely.”

Well, not really, but we did say hello. Willow seems to like her anyway.

“I’m going to get dressed.” Will smiles before she bounds up the stairs.

I hunch my shoulders. “I’m so excited for her.”

Julian goes back to concentrating on his book. “I’ll be excited when my dick is in your mouth tonight,” he mutters to himself.

I bend over and lean down to whisper into his ear, “You are a very filthy man.”

He smirks and slaps my ass. “With an even filthier, totally fuckable nanny.”

Twenty minutes later there’s a knock on the door.

“You get it,” I whisper.

“You get it,” he counters.

“This is your house. You get it.”

He begrudgingly stands and opens the door.

“Hello, Mr. Masters. I’m Lola.” She smiles and shakes his hand.

“Hello, Lola,” he replies “Lovely to meet you.” He turns to me. “This is Brielle.”

I smile and she shakes my hand. “Hello, Brielle.”

Oh, she’s gorgeous, naturally pretty, and she’s wearing navy pants with a white shirt.

“Hi, Lola. It’s lovely to meet you.”

She runs her hand over her thighs, obviously nervous, and Will comes down the stairs. Lola looks up at Will and smiles softly when their eyes meet.

Willow is wearing her blue date dress, as well as her heels. She looks absolutely beautiful. Her hair is down and curled, and she has soft makeup on which highlight all her best features.

She walks down the stairs, and Lola watches on. I glance between the two of them and start to feel like I’m having an out of body experience.

My heart beats wildly in my chest as I watch the two of them silently interact with one another.

Oh, my God.

Why didn’t I see this before?

You stupid fool, Brielle.

This isn’t a friendly movie night.

This is a date.

I think Willow might be gay.

I sit in the car outside Will’s school on Monday afternoon. She finishes at 2:00 p.m. today. I’ve been wracking my brain all weekend about how to talk to her about her sexuality. I didn’t say anything to Julian. How could I when I don’t even know if my suspicions are true?

I spoke to Emerson at lunch yesterday about it in great length, and we both came to the conclusion that Willow has to tell me herself. I can’t approach her about it. It may just be a stage and I don’t want to make it a bigger thing than it needs to be. All I can do is support her and be here for her when she needs me.

The school bell rings, and I sit and wait as the children all start streaming out of the school. Eventually, the cars all start leaving. Most of the children are gone, so where is she?

I glance at my watch. It’s now 2:17 p.m.

I wait and I wait.

The parking lot is completely empty now. I call her cell, but there’s no answer.

Where is she?

2:35 p.m.

What the fuck?

I begin to bounce my leg. I have to leave now or I’m going to be late picking Sammy up. I try to call her again.

No answer.

I call Frances. “Hello, darling,” she answers.

“Are you at home? Can you do me a favor?” I ask.

“Of course, what’s wrong?”

“I can’t find Will and I’m going to be late picking Samuel up if I wait.”

“That’s fine, I can get him.”

“Oh, could you? Thank you.”

“Of course, but where’s Willow?”

“I don’t know. She hasn’t come out of the school yet. I’m going to go in and look for her now.”

“Okay, dear. We’ll see you back at your place.”

I call Julian. “Hey, babe,” he answers.

“Have you heard from Will?”

“No, why?”

“She hasn’t come out of school. I’ve been here for nearly an hour now.”

“She’s probably in detention or the library or something. I’ll call her now. I’m just about to leave for home anyway,” he says. “Court has finished for the day.”

I frown. “Okay, see you at home.”

I get out of the car, make my way into the main block of the school, and I head down the corridor. The school is completely deserted.

What the hell? Where are all the teachers? Does the school just completely clear out in half an hour?

I walk down to the Math block and back over to the Library, but there’s nobody in sight.

Is she even at school today?

I begin to panic.

Has something happened? This isn’t like her at all.

I begin to jog down the corridor, dialing her number again as I run with my heart racing in my chest.

I hear her phone ring, and I quickly look around. I find her school bag outside a science lab. I bend down and open up the bag, taking out her phone as it rings. The name Brelly lights up the screen.

It’s definitely her bag.

Where the fuck is she?

“Will?” I call. “Willow, are you here?” I open the classroom door. “Willow?”

I hear a bang on a storeroom door, and I run to find it locked on the outside. I turn the lock and pull the heavy door open to find Willow wet with tears and perspiration. She falls into my arms. “Baby, what happened?” I whisper, horrified.

She sobs against my chest, shaking with fear.

“Did they lock you in there?”

She nods as she cries in complete distress.

“Oh, pumpkin.”

I hold her tight. She’s so distraught that she slides down my body and I can’t hold her upright. We end up sitting on the floor together in an embrace.

I take out my phone and call Julian. He answers on the first ring. “Where was she?”

“I found her. She was locked in the storeroom. Call the police and get to the school right now. I think she needs to go to the hospital.”

“Jesus Christ, is she okay?”

“No, Julian.” I cry. “She’s not.”

Her body begins to convulse as I hang up the phone. She’s going into shock and I hold her tight, calling an ambulance myself.

“It’s okay, baby,” I whisper as I rock her. “You don’t have to come back here. Not ever.” I continue to rock her. “I promise you, you won’t come back here ever again.”

Guilty tears run down my face. I should have done more to protect her.

I should have done more.

Willow stares out of the window, devoid of emotion.

The hospital room is dimly lit now. She’s been given medication to calm her down. It’s 10:00 p.m. and they won’t discharge her tonight.

Julian sits in a chair on one side of the bed with Sammy on his lap, while I sit on the other side in a big chair. Willow hasn’t let go of my hand for over two hours.

Julian’s furious—like, thermonuclear furious. The police have been to take a statement, but Will burst into tears as soon as they arrived. I asked them to leave and come back another time. She just can’t deal with it right now.

Julian hasn’t spoken to me since we got here. I can tell he’s annoyed that I stepped in and overruled him. He stares at the floor in front of him. I know he’s blaming himself as much as I am.

This is just one big fucking mess.

“I’m tired,” Sammy whispers, rubbing his eyes.

“I know, buddy,” Julian murmurs as he kisses his head. “We’ll get going soon.”

“You’re going?” Willow whispers in a panic, her eyes flickering between us.

“No, baby, I’m staying,” I reassure her.

Julian’s angry eyes rise to meet mine and I look away. Jesus, don’t start your angry shit now. I am not in the fucking mood.

“Do you want to stay with her, Julian, and I can take Sammy home?” I offer.

“No, Brell, I want you,” Willow whispers.

Julian clenches his jaw and stands, openly annoyed that she wants me to stay with her over him. “I’ll go then,” he says. Firmly.

“Julian,” I sigh.

“It’s fine,” he snaps before he kisses Willow on the forehead. “I’ll be back in the morning.”

With one last look at the both of us, he takes Samuel’s hand and leads him out into the corridor.

Willow squeezes my hand, and I push the hair back from her forehead, smiling softly. “You should try and get some sleep, pumpkin,” I whisper.

“You’re not leaving me, are you?” She frowns with worry.

“No, I’ll be right here all night.”

She relaxes and closes her eyes, snuggling into my hand.

I take out my phone and text Julian.

Goodnight, Jules

I love you


I wait for my reply but it never arrives.

I exhale heavily and slink back into my chair. It’s going to be a long, long night.

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